Tag Archive: Facebook Page

Employee Fired After Posting Pictures Of DHS Vehicles Parked In Hotel Parking Lot







” What happens in public isn’t afforded an expectation of privacy — unless you’re the Department of Homeland Security. The DHS is all about shutting down people taking photos in, around or of public structures. According to the many piles of useless paperwork compiled by the many useless Fusion Centers, the most effective terrorist weapon is any device that captures still images or video.

  The nation is loaded with phone-wielding terrorists. But thanks to the swift corrective action applied by a former Secret Service agent and the multi-billion dollar agency, guests at the Drury Park Plaza Hotel in Chesterfield, Missouri, are safe from the terrorist activity of 28-year-old US Navy veteran (and now, former hotel Houseman) Mark Paffrath.

  Mark says that on Thursday after work he snapped 2 photographs and a short video of several dozen Homeland Security vehicles in the parking garage. He then uploaded them to his Facebook page. In his post he writes “why are all the cop cars here…I wonder if it has anything to do with Ferguson”, he also included the hashtags #Ferguson #NoJusticeNoPeace.

Hooray for the First Amendment! … oh, wait.

  On Friday, shortly after arriving to work at the Drury Plaza Hotel, Mark stated that he was called to the office of Jeff Baker, the General Manager. Upon arriving Mr. Baker advised Mark that he needed to remove the photos and video from Facebook. Mark immediately complied and removed the post. Mark then continued and finished his shift.

  A private company decides to insert itself into a situation where no one — not even the DHS — needed to step in. Having achieved its goal of suppression, one would think the story ends here. But it doesn’t.”


TechDirt has the scoop










Indiana Gun Shop Owner Starts Facebook Page Listing Gun Free Businesses



No Guns = No Money




” As some gun control advocates are pushing for businesses to ban guns in their establishments, one Indiana gun shop owner is pushing back by compiling a list of businesses who have banned guns, essentially helping like-minded consumers to tell these establishments, “No Guns = No Money.”

  Steve Ellis, owner of Top Guns in Terre Haute, started No Guns = No Money last week, a Facebook page dedicated to listing businesses that ban guns. The page quickly gained popularity and more than 1,200 “likes” in just over a week. “


Read more











A Brazilian Street Artist Has Created The World Cup’s First Viral Image




Eat A Football

Courtesy of Paulo Ito. https://www.flickr.com/photos/pauloito/13998946669



” On May 10, Brazilian artist Paulo Ito posted this mural on the doors of a schoolhouse in São Paulo’s Pompeia district. Less than a week later, it has become an international sensation, drawing huge attention on Facebook. It has also taken off in Brazil—a post on the popular Facebook page TV Revolta has been shared and liked more than 40,000 times.*

  I first saw the image when The Nation’s Dave Zirin posted it on Twitter. The portrait of a weeping, starving Brazilian child with nothing to eat but a soccer ball is so simple and evocative that you don’t need to know much about Brazil to wrap your head around it. All you have to understand is that despite massive gains made over the past decade, poverty levels are still appallingly high, and the World Cup is costing the nation billions of dollars that could be spent elsewhere.”


A picture really is worth a thousand words , or more .









The Tense Standoff And Final Cattle Release Video From The Support The Cliven Bundy Ranch Facebook Page






Your Stick Figure Family May Be Putting Your Family In Danger








” We’ve all seen the stick figure family stickers on car windows that usually show dad, mom, at least one child, and maybe even a pet.

  But one group says those stickers could be dangerous to your family.

  R.A.C.E. Search and Rescue of Ohio posted the image to the left on their Facebook page detailing how the stickers may be giving away more info about your family than you thought. “



    Read the article here and be sure to check out the R.A.C.E. S&R page on Facebook as it has loads of information on keeping your family safe , constantly updated missing persons posts and much more in the way of safety oriented tips and instruction .

   Check them out and give them a like . They are an all volunteer organization and are always looking for new members , especially those with prior military , medical , fire/rescue and EMT experience . Help them out as they are doing God’s work .








You Can Show Your Support By Going To Facebook And Liking …



I Stand With CT Gun Owners




I Stand With CT Gun Owners



Show them you care …









… This Is How He Responded


Photo: Turns out Glenn Beck loves the Work Smart and Hard poster. He invited me to Dallas to talk about it. In fact, our conversation is airing now on TheBlaze. I think the guy just helped me raise a boat load of money for the Foundation by plugging the posters. He also wrote a check that left me speechless. Almost. Check out the show to see for yourself.Mike http://profoundlydisconnected.com/



” Shannon K. Walsh wrote, “Mike – How could you associate with such a horrible and psychotic person that is Glen[n] Beck? I wouldn’t accept a dime off that hateful, nasty racist. Very disappointed to see this post.”

Well, hi there, Shannon – and a pleasant good morning to you too!

As for your personal characterization of Glenn Beck, I can only assume you have information not available to me. In my time with him, I saw nothing “horrible, psychotic, hateful, or nasty.” I smelled no burning sulphur, no smoldering brimstone, and saw no sign of cloven hooves.

To be clear, I’m not here to tell you what to think or whom to hate. Like everyone else, you’re free to pick your devils, choose your angels, and attach the horns and halos accordingly.

But the guts of your question – even without all the name-calling and acrimony – reveal the essence of what’s broken in our country. You want to know “how I can associate” with someone you don’t like? The short answer is, how can I not? How are we ever going to accomplish anything in this incredibly divisive time if we associate only with people that we don’t disagree with? “

Read the whole brutal takedown. Mike Rowe talks sense .








Here Is A Facebook Page In Support Of The Orange County Man Accused Of Killing A Fugitive Child Rapist


” David Carlson, a Orange County NY family man is behind bars on a murder charge after he allegedly shot a fugitive rape suspect.”




     We posted about this the other day and a loyal reader pointed us to this new Facebook page in support of the man . Give it a visit and give it a like .



David Carlson

Click pic for video




Here is a podcast from the Berman show about the Carlson case


David Carlson Case Podcast




   Mr Carlson faces the grand jury today to determine whether he will be prosecuted for second degree murder .











    Contrary to MSM reports , the trucker’s protest is going on and you can keep up with developments on the trucker’s Facebook page and you can find a wealth of links to traffic cameras and DC webcams here .

DIY Law Enforcement in Cash-Strapped Oregon County

” “They will not send an officer out, so we are on our own totally,” says Sam Nichols, co-founder of Citizens Against Crime. CAC is a group of around 20 armed volunteers who have been conducting routine patrols in and around O’Brien, Oregon since last summer. CAC patrols “are always a minimum of two people,” says Nichols, precisely because they want to avoid the kind of thing “that happened in Florida, the case where Zimmerman shot the boy.”

Why are the citizens of O’Brien patrolling their own streets? Josephine County is a rural area in south western Oregon with serious budget problems. Back in 1916, the federal government bought up millions of acres of land that had been owned by the railroads. The move left 18 Oregon counties without a significant source of property tax revenue. To make up for the lost taxes, the feds began giving the Oregon counties a share of the timber revenues in 1937. The program worked until environmental regulations severely curtailed logging in Oregon. By 1998, timber revenues had dropped to just a third of what they were in 1989. Temporary federal timber subsidies filled the gap, but those subsidies were phased out last year.

This year, Josephine County slashed its public safety budget from $20 million to less than $9 million. As a result, the county was forced to release 39 prisoners, including people charged with assault, burglary and rape. Only three sheriffs patrol Josephine County, an area larger than Rhode Island, and those sheriffs only respond to life-threatening calls.

The self-reliant folks who live in Josephine County aren’t likely to raise their own taxes any time soon, but lots of citizens are willing to do their part to deter criminal activity. Sam Nichols and the other members of Citizens Against Crime strap on guns, turn on flashing lights mounted on their vehicles and keep an eye out for suspicious activity. Former deputy sheriff Carol Dickson maintains a Facebook page called To Catch a Thief as a kind of virtual neighborhood watch program. The page currently has more than 1600 followers.

“Some people are taking the law into their own hands, which obviously scares the heck out of me,” says Josephine County Sheriff Gil Gilbertson. But because of the severity of Josephine County’s budget problems, Gilbertson isn’t complaining too loudly. As he puts it, “law enforcement in this community is weak at best.” “

Approximately 6.5 minutes.

Produced by Paul Feine and Alex Manning.

“We Are All Chris Dorner”? Left-Wing Sickos Support Accused Cop Killer


We Are All Chris Dorner


   While we have no sympathy for the looming police state , of which LAPD is a prime purveyor , if Dorner was truly wronged we do not believe that killing innocents to prove your point is any different than the methods employed by terrorists the world over . It should come as no surprise however , given the left’s penchant for supporting the likes of Hezbollah and Hamas that they regard Christopher Dorner as a hero .


” Since former cop, Christopher Dorner allegedly shot and killed one police officer and injured two others,last Thursday,  police have been on a manhunt. He left behind a long manifesto spelling out his far left leanings, which include support for gun control, and admiration for the president, vice president, Hillary Clinton, and media personalities at CNN and MSNBC. Part one and two of the manifesto here and here.

Via Weasel Zippers, we find that left wingers on Facebook are rallying behind their cop-killing hero.

It’s hard to believe but there are those out there who sympathize with the man targeting police officers.

One Facebook page is proclaiming Dorner for president. “We propose electing a man who could no longer sit idly by and watch as malicious tyrants abuse the innocent.”

The description on “We Are All Chris Dorner” chillingly says, “Yes, this is war.”

Keep reading…

From The Truth About Guns



  Announcing a new Facebook Page … I Am A Gun Owner




” ***In response to Armed Intelligentsia requests, we’ve created an ‘I Am A Gun Owner’ album on the TTAG Facebook page here. *** Please send your “I Am a Gun Owner” statement photo to guntruth@me.com with the word PHOTO (all caps) in the subject bar. Let us know if you want us to use your name, a screen nic or remain anonymous. ”