


     Allison Martinez Of has assembled a collection of nearly a dozen first-person videos of the tornado that struck Washington Illinois on November 17 . Here we present two of them for your edification .

   The first one is of a father and daughter(s) that witness the tornado bearing down on their home . You will see the tornado approaching and the family taking cover . Then you can hear the house being ripped apart all around them as the camera view goes black and there is only audio until the twister passes . The family emerges to massive destruction of their immediate neighborhood . Here is Allison’s description of the event …


” The video below was taken right as the tornado hits  the family’s home.  Josie Wells, the oldest daughter of Marc and Kerry Wells, is clearly in a state of panic, but Marc Wells keeps it together. Apparently, his wife was gone with other family members, so it was  just him and his oldest daughter.   He sees the tornado coming at the house, he gets his daughter and himself inside and while the video goes dark, you can hear the house ripped apart by the storm. You can still hear the tornado sirens going off when they leave what is left of their home and see their neighborhood gone.”



” The family lost their home, two cars, and practically everything they own. Understandably, they are experiencing a bit of a shock as most families do when something like this happens.

Another stunning video is  one is security footage at the Dairy Queen. It takes about 40 seconds to see something, but watch the blue structure that is across the street.”


   What a horrendous experience . These videos reveal the awesome suddenness and violence that is the nature of the tornado and the massive level of destruction reigned down on th town of Washington . Ms Martinez has many other videos on her post which you can find here .

   If you would like to help in the recovery and cleanup or make a monetary donation you can find ways to do so here , here , here and here . Lord knows the people of Washington can use all the help they can get .