Tag Archive: Eye Witness

Woman Arrested After Allegedly Jaywalking



Jogger Arrested




” A woman was arrested this morning crossing 24th Street near the UT campus.

While that wouldn’t normally be news worthy, the circumstances behind her arrest are.

  According to the man who took pictures of the incident, Chris Quintero, the woman was arrested when she didn’t initially stop for officers who tried to talk to her.”


    The young lady was jogging with earbuds in and music on and didn’t stop for the police quickly enough to suit them . In the typically arrogant and shamefully all to common practice of the day , the police manhandled the “criminal” to the ground and arrested her , thus protecting the nearby endangered public . We’re all criminals now .

Boston Bombing Suspect Shootout Pictures



” On Thursday night [Friday morning] at 12:45am EST.  I was in my living room working on my computer when I heard multiple “pops” coming from outside.  At that point, I had no idea that I was about to become an eye witness to the biggest news story in the country.


When I looked outside my window, I could clearly see two people (the Tsarnaev brothers) taking cover behind an SUV and engaging in gunfire. After witnessing shots being fired I promptly ran up the stairs to my 3rd floor bedroom to distance myself a little further away from the gunfire. As I ran into my room, overwhelmed by shock, adrenaline, and curiosity, I jumped onto my bed to stay below the windows but also have a clear view at the shooters and photograph the event. As soon as I was laying safely on my bed I started taking pictures with my iPhone 5 and captured the following images that documented the terrifying shootout with the Tsarnaev brothers, which then led to an overnight citywide manhunt.”



“Here it’s clear to see the brothers taking aim and firing on the officers. (Taken at 12:47:57AM)”

See Them All At The Link









HT/ Sport Fishing Magazine