Tag Archive: Extortion 17

Father Of Slain SEAL Team 6 Sailor Speaks Out, Gets Spied On By NSA




” For two and a half years, the families of the members of SEAL Team Six – The SEAL Team that killed Osama Bin Laden – have been searching for answers. They want to know why their sons were put aboard a decrepit CH-47 helicopter and flown into a hot LZ with no support whatsoever, they want to know why the government lied about the circumstances of the deaths of the SEALS, and they want to know who is responsible for the deaths of their sons.”






” In three weeks, they may get a few answers when Congress opens an investigation into the facts surrounding the downing of Extortion 17 in Afghanistan’s Tangi Valley on August 6th 2011.

  In this exclusive TTiV interview, Charles Strange, father of Michael Strange (one of the 22 Navy SEALS aboard the ill-fated flight), tells viewers of the evidence he has obtained from government sources that lay open the lies surrounding his son’s death that have been told by the military, and how a Muslim Imam was brought in by the military to say a prayer over the bodies of the SEALS, even though none of them were Muslim (a “prayer” that was intended to damn the SEALS to Hell.)”




” If none of the SEALS were Muslim, why was a Muslim prayer spoken over their bodies, a prayer designed to insult the memory of these heroes if not to intentionally rub salt into a fresh wound?

  Charles’ wife Mary also recounts how the government has bugged their home, their computers, and telephones. She says that they have been receiving strange text messages, and that cameras have been installed in their home–real-time photographs being sent to her computer screen as she worked.

  That is absolutely terrifying. It was also the basis of a lawsuit that the Stranges, through their attorney Larry Klayman, recently won against the NSA. Mary Strange talks about that as well.”



   The crimes that have been committed by the present administration and that continue to go un-investigated by the MSM stagger the imagination . Anyone who retains any thought of the existence of an unbiased media really hasn’t been paying attention .










Interview with Osama Bin Laden’s Neighbor: Dead SEALs Never Left the Compound





” In a moment I am going to show you an interview that happened in the wake of the the alleged killing of Osama Bin Laden on May 2, 2011. It is not new information but these things are not reported heavily by the mainstream media, or any media for that matter, so it should be news to some of our readers.

The witness has a much different narrative of Operation Neptune Spear than we have heard in the media. You need to take this interview with a grain of salt because it could have been total propaganda. Nevertheless, we still await answers for a lot of inconsistencies and this man’s story could explain a few things if it turns out to be true.

Let’s explore one very big question, in particular, behind the operation to kill Bin Laden . Why was no body produced?”


There are certainly more questions than answers .


” Muhammad Bashir in an interview with Sama TV claims to have witnessed the operation. He claims that the American helicopter exploded, before it could take off, leaving dead bodies everywhere with no survivors. He brings about an interesting question. What if Bin Laden’s body, dead or alive, was aboard that helicopter? Is it possible that the operation was really carried out but the narrative we have been given is inaccurate?”


   While we are not prone to indulge in conspiracy theories the documented record of lying and secrecy within the present administration does nothing to alleviate a thinking person’s suspicions of cover-up and deception in all things .


” Let’s say that Muhammad Bashir is telling the truth just for the sake of exploration. Could this also have something to do with the SEAL Team 6 Chinook crash that happened just 3 months later? Could the Extortion 17 accident have been an attempt to cover up what really happened with the Bin Laden raid?”


One of the closing lines says it best :


” The biggest question on my mind is why we have so many inaccuracies in the story line. Though I don’t know that I would bet on the word of Muhammad Bashir, I certainly would not bank on anything that comes from the Obama Administration either.”


    Read and watch the whole piece and decide for yourself . The theory that the destruction Extortion 17 and a glaring amount of inconsistencies about it and the aftermath should give everyone pause .








The Parents Of Navy SEAL Aaron Vaughn Announce The Release Of Their Book “Betrayed”







” BETRAYED – Karen and Billy Vaughn Parents of Aaron Vaughn of Seal Team 6 (DEVGRU) investigate the “Mysterious” Crash

Karen and Billy Vaughn, parents of SEAL Team VI member Aaron Vaughn one of those killed that fateful day, have been investigating along with other family members of the other fallen heroes. They announced the official launch of their book on the Sean Hannity radio show today.”


  This is sure to be a hot seller so get your copy today . The book is available here at ForOurSon.us  and on Amazon








What Really Happened To Navy SEAL Team 6?



” Yet, their own government betrayed them. Several days after the bin Laden operation, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. — in a pathetic attempt to spike the football and gloat — publicly revealed their central role in the raid. His revelations put a giant target on the backs of every Navy SEAL Team 6 member. A covert unit, whose mission is to operate in the murky shadows, was exposed as the group that eliminatedal Qaeda’s chief mastermind. Mr. Biden’s reckless actions — followed by President Obama’s own words acknowledging the secret unit’s operation — jeopardized the Navy SEALs’ safety. Jihadists bent on revenge began an intense manhunt. The hunters now became the hunted.

Upon hearing of Mr. Biden’s disclosure, SEAL members were stunned. Many of them immediately contacted family members, warning them to eradicate all personal information from social-media sites. Aaron Vaughn, one of the SEALs eventually killed in the ambush, told his mother, Karen Vaughn, to delete every reference to SEAL Team 6 from her Facebook and Twitter accounts.

“I never heard Aaron this concerned and worried in his entire life,” Mrs. Vaughn said in an interview. “He called me and said, ‘Mom, you and Dad have to take everything down. Biden has just put a huge target on everybody.’”

Tragically, Aaron Vaughn was right. Mr. Biden is often portrayed in the liberal media as an amiable buffoon. His gaffes are written off as Joe simply being Joe — a loveable uncle figure who has a tendency to shoot his mouth off. That is pernicious nonsense. Mr. Biden is a cynical opportunist, who will say and do anything to advance Mr. Obama’s agenda. He hung the SEALs out to dry in order to score cheap political points. He compromised a highly sensitive, covert operation that ended up costing dozens of U.S. lives.

SEAL-gate is potentially a bigger scandal than Benghazi, Libya. The administration — along with the top military brass — are desperately trying to cover up what took place on that fateful raid.”



Extortion 17 – Remember Our Brothers











20 Controversial Questions The Mainstream Media Won’t Touch

” Why are so many incredibly important news stories completely ignored by the mainstream media in the United States?

Sadly, the truth is that the mainstream media in America does not do much real journalism anymore.  At this point, approximately 90 percent of what you see on television is controlled by just 6 giant media corporations.  That is why “the news” seems to be so similar no matter what channel you watch.  Well, it turns out that a lot of Americans are getting tired of the safe, censored, pre-packaged news that they get from the corporate-controlled media.

One recent poll found that 77 percent of all Americans do not trust television news at this point.  This distrust has helped fuel the rise of the alternative media, which has absolutely exploded in recent years.

#1 Was foul play involved in the helicopter crash that killed 22 members of the Navy’s elite SEAL Team 6 unit?  Why were all the bodies cremated?  Why was the helicopter’s black box never recovered?  And during a memorial service for the fallen soldiers, why was an imam allowed to pray an Islamic prayer that “included language on U.S. soldiers burning in hell“?

#13 How did an illegal immigrant rack up 37 criminal convictions in this country without being deported?

#15Why did Barack Obama encourage the EU to institute a boycott on financial dealings with Jewish individuals and Jewish businesses in the West Bank, Golan Heights and eastern Jerusalem? “



Read it all here

SEALs In Bin Laden Raid Revealed



” U.S. special operations forces who participated in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden were in uniform and wearing nametags during a CIA award ceremony attended by the writer of the film “Zero Dark Thirty,” a Pentagon inspector general’s report said Friday.

The report, however, omits a number of revelations disclosed in an early draft that was made public more than a week ago, including that then-CIA Director Leon Panetta revealed the name of the raid commander during his speech at the agency’s June 2011 event.

It also no longer includes revelations that the Pentagon’s top intelligence official, Michael Vickers, divulged the name of an individual involved in the bin Laden raid to the filmmakers.”





   If this administration can’t even be trusted to protect the privacy of our Spec-ops troops what chance does the private citizen stand ? With this gangster government it’s all about the politics and looking good . The welfare of others , no matter who they might be is of no concern whatsoever . 


” The IG report concludes that it did not identify any instances when sensitive special operations tactics or techniques were provided to filmmakers. But it also found that commandos involved in the raid were readily identifiable during the CIA ceremony.

“We were unable to identify any precautionary measures that were taken to protect the identity of operators that attended this event,” the report said. It added that, according to a commander at the event, the commandos “were in the front row, front, left side, prominently on display for everybody.”


This is shameful political behavior from a shameful Chicago thug administration .









 Disturbing Video On Obama’s Most Horrific Scandal Yet




” On August 6, 2011, a military helicopter— Extortion 17— carrying thirty-eight men (including twenty-five of the elite SEAL Team 6, five National Guard and Army Reserve, and eight Afghan commandos) was shot down over Taliban-controlled territory in eastern Afghanistan.  This was a top-secret mission for a high value target.

Western Journalism reports: It was the worst loss of life in a single day since the war in Afghanistan began. Per a 1250-page military report, it was simply the result of a “lucky shot” by Taliban soldiers perched on top of a building. Per families of those killed and military experts at a press conference held on May 9, 2013, this is a lie among a host of other lies.

After the families attended a several hour military briefing about this “lucky shot,” describing what happened and why their sons died, they smelled a rat and started digging around.

Billy and Karen Vaughn, parents of Navy SEAL Aaron C. Vaughn, started poking around at the “official” story and found not a rat, but a stinking swamp, a coverup that went all the way to the top.

When the Vaughns began trying to drain the swamp, they received what the Obama administration is famous for: the shakedown. None other than one of the highest ranking officers in the nation—Admiral William McRaven, commander at U.S. Special Operations Command—paid the Vaughns a little visit, in essence telling them to keep their mouths shut.

What exactly happened on August 6, 2011? What went wrong—or in this case went right that has the Obama administration dispatching high-ranking officers as thugs?

There are two possibilities, according to information revealed at the press conference:

1. The Obama administration sent American soldiers on a suicide mission, or

2. Someone set up our American heroes—that is, had them murdered—that may include the Afghan government—or shockingly may include Barack Hussein Obama himself.

We learned seven major facts at the press conference:

1.  Thirty SEAL Team 6, National Guard, and Army Reserve were packed into a decrepit 1960s era CH-47 helicopter (something, according to military experts, that was unheard of.) Per military experts, special operations were always conducted with the state-of-the-art MH-47 helicopter—the helicopter SEAL Team 6 exclusively trained in. Further, never—ever—were that many special operations personnel packed into a single helicopterThey were always split up into small groups with multiple MH-47s. “







See Also This Damning Video/Post





” Another coverup by the Obama administration and the media. You probably don’t have two hours to watch this in its entirety in one sitting but once you start watching this you may make the time. If not, come back to it. It is critical to share with as many as possible. The media has ignored it. “













Afghan Benghazi: Extortion 17, Betraying Seal Team 6



Extortion 17 - Remember Our Brothers



” As in Benghazi, we still don’t know the full story of the greatest single loss in Afghanistan and the largest SEAL loss ever — members of a renowned group outed by a loose-lipped vice president.

It’s not officially on the growing list of Obama administration scandals, but earlier this month families of Navy SEAL Team 6 members killed in a disastrous August 2011 shoot-down of a Chinook helicopter in Afghanistan gathered at the National Press Club asking for answers, calling for a congressional investigation and blaming their government for the tragedy, the indifference and the secrecy that followed.

Extortion 17 was the call sign of a special operations mission in Afghanistan on Aug. 6, 2011, that responded to an Army Ranger unit engaged in a firefight with the Taliban and in need of backup.

The Chinook helicopter carrying the rescue team was shot down by a Taliban-owned rocket-propelled grenade over the Wardak Province on Aug. 6, 2011, killing 38, including 30 Americans and 15 members of Navy SEAL Team 6, the unit that killed Osama bin Laden just three months prior.

The shoot-down was described at the time as a “lucky shot,” but the families of the dead SEALs believe that, like Benghazi, it was a pre-planned operation of revenge facilitated by a government that put them in harm’s way without adequate support and with a bull’s-eye painted on their backs.” 



       Be sure to visit the Extortion 17 website for information on the helicopter crew that perished along with the SEALs . They must not be forgotten .




CW2 Bryan Nichols – Pilot in Command.

CW4 David R. Carter – Pilot
(promoted posthumously to CW5) 

SGT. Patrick “Hamby” Hamburger – Flight Engineer 
(promoted posthumously to Staff Sergeant)

SPC Alexander “Mayhem” Bennett – Flight Engineer
(promoted posthumously to Sergeant)

SPC Spencer “Dunk” Duncan – Crew Chief.

May They Rest in Eternal Peace.


     Also check out 31 Heroes a site dedicated to the memory of those lost that fateful night of August 6, 2011 and to raising money to support the widows and children of fallen soldiers via Travis Manion Foundation & Snowball Express 

The Heroes


” On August 6th, 2011, 31 of America’s bravest warriors gave their lives in defense of our freedom. These men were sons, brothers, husbands, fathers, and friends. Not only do we thank them for their service and sacrifice, but we thank those that love them for the sacrifice they have made as well.”


Alexander J Bennett, Sgt.

Darrik C Benson, PO1 SEAL

Brian R Bill, CPO SEAL

John W Brown, Tech Sgt., USAF PJ

Christopher G. Campbell, PO1 SEAL

David R Carter, CWO4

Jared W Day, Information Systems Technician PO1

John “Jet Li” Douangdara, Master at Arms 1st Class

Spencer C Duncan, Spc.

John W Faas, CPO SEAL

Patrick D Hamburger, Staff Sgt.

Andrew W Harvell, Staff Sgt., USAF CCT

Kevin A Houston, CPO SEAL

Jonas B Kelsall, Lt CMDR SEAL

Louis “Lou” J Langlais, Master Chief SEAL

Matthew D Mason, CPO SEAL

Steven “Matt” M Mills, CPO SEAL

Bryan J Nichols, CWO2

Nicholas H Null, CPO EOD

Jesse D Pittman, PO1 SEAL

Thomas A Ratzlaff, Senior Chief SEAL

Robert J Reeves, CPO SEAL

Heath M Robinson, CPO SEAL

Nicholas P Spehar, PO2 SEAL

Michael J Strange, Cryptologist Technician PO1

Jon “JT” T Tumilson, PO1 SEAL

Aaron C Vaughn, PO1 SEAL

Kraig M Vickers, Senior Chief EOD

Jason R Workman, CPO SEAL

Daniel L Zerbe, Tech Sgt., USAF PJ

Bart, K-9


” The 31 Americans were not the only ones that died as heroes that day. We cannot forget the sacrifice of our Afghan comrades. Seven Afghan commandos and one Afghan interpreter were also killed in action and we cannot look past their sacrifice. They too are heroes and we thank them and honor them and their families.”