Tag Archive: Exemptions

What You Should Know Before Flying A Drone In The UK






” Drones used to be scary, specialist equipment reserved for the military and dystopian sci-fi novels. But now they’re everywhere. Companies have worked out how to make these unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) cheap and reasonably easy to fly, enticing a whole new wave of amateur pilots. Whether you want to use one for photography or filming purposes, or simply to master the art of flight, it’s never been easier to have a go.

  The rapid rise in drone ownership has left many governments scrambling to work out how, if at all, these lightweight aircraft should be regulated. The rules and restrictions vary around the world, so it’s always a good idea to familiarize yourself before launching a drone somewhere new. Keen to start flying in the UK? Here’s everything you should know first.”


    Before any of you Brits plunk down your hard earned money on a drone be sure to read the rules on the current state of drone use in the UK .













Administration Faces Backlash Over New ObamaCare Exemptions




” The Obama administration, in an 11th-hour change, announced significant exemptions for people who recently lost their insurance coverage and are struggling to get a new plan — drawing immediate criticism from the insurance industry and Republican lawmakers. 

  Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius confirmed the changes, which include letting those individuals skirt the law’s individual mandate, in a letter to senators. She said she would allow people who got cancellations and could not find affordable new coverage to qualify for a “hardship exemption” in order to avoid a penalty next year for not having insurance. 

  Further, she announced that those individuals will be able to purchase bare-bones plans that until now were available only for people under 30. 

  The move, though, to allow potentially hundreds of thousands of people to sign up for “catastrophic” coverage plans was criticized by the insurance industry as a shift that would cause “tremendous instability.” “


Illustration by Gary Varvel








 ‘Incompetence Is Larger Than What It Should Be’


Published on Oct 7, 2013

” Kathleen Sebelius Jon Stewart Interview – Jon Stewart was really adamant in pressing Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius about issues he has with the health care bill, from the website bugs to the one-year business delay that individuals didn’t get. He repeatedly pressed that last point and got noticeably frustrated at the lack of a clear response.

Stewart did not receive an answer after asking how many people signed up for the website, before bringing up the “legitimate criticism” about individuals not receiving the one-year delay. Stewart said it looks like “you were favoring small business,” and despite Sebelius attempting to explain that this is only a small percentage of businesses and small businesses have no mandates, Stewart still couldn’t figure the logic out.

When he went to commercial break, Stewart asked, “Can we come back and ask some more questions? Can I ask the same one?”

In the second part of the interview, Stewart kept going, calling the issues with Obamacare “frustrating” due to the “level of incompetence that’s larger than what it should be.” He pointed out that businesses are cutting worker hours to exploit a loophole in the law, but Sebelius said that’s not true. Stewart also wondered if they could actually run it well, pointing out the issues the government has had managing the VA.

And then, very briefly at the end of the show, Stewart expressed his exasperation with the non-answers, and even wondered aloud if Sebelius was lying to him.”










IRS Scandal Brings Out More Charges Of Political Audits



”  If reports of political targeting of conservatives by the Internal Revenue Service shocked the nation, they didn’t seem that surprising to many other groups who experienced problems with the tax agency in the past.

Liberal groups such as Greenpeace and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals say they were targeted, too, by past administrations. The conservative group Judicial Watch says it was singled out for tax scrutiny during the Clinton administration because it supported impeachment.

Charges of politically motivated targeting by the IRS are notoriously difficult to prove or disprove. The older cases differ from the current scandal and the evidence of political attacks is circumstantial. But in interviews with McClatchy, leaders of these well-known activist groups assert they were targeted during Bush and Clinton administrations.

“We have been targeted,” said Jeff Kerr, chief counsel for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. “

” Many audits are triggered by anonymous or direct information about a group or citizen, a so-called “information item.” The IRS also offers rewards to tipsters equal to about 10 percent of taxes owed.”


     The entire concept of anonymous tips that is utilized throughout the law enforcement community is merely an open invitation to corruption , retaliation , spite and greed . It needs to be ended . It harkens back to the old Soviet Union control method of pitting neighbor against neighbor and , just as in the USSR is destroying civil society .


“The process of obtaining an exemption is a privilege. Not everyone in the United States is exempt from taxation . . . you have to meet highly specific criteria, that Congress decided, not the IRS . . . and jump through hoops and answer questions,” he said, adding that he never witnessed political motivation but worked in Washington during the Nixon revelations and was shocked. “I knew a lot of people and nobody I know has ever had that experience.”


    The concept of exemptions is another idea that does nothing but foster the culture of abuse of power . Who is to decide who gets “special” treatment ? What ever happened to the founding notion of “equal protection before the law” ? 



Further reading on the history of IRS abuse .


RealClearPolitics – History of IRS Abuse

Cato Institute Highlights History of IRS Abuse

Factbox: IRS’s rich history of scandals, political abuse

IRS Has a Long History of Political Abuse – Hit & Run : Reason.com

History of IRS Abuse:A real eyeopener

IRS Scandal Echoes a Long History of Political Harassment





Rain (tax), Rain (tax), Go Away



” Up to this point Maryland’s rain tax, although onerous, was at least uniform (i.e., everyone paying the same tax rate on the amount of impervious surfaces they own).

Then things got screwy. First, state lawmakers limited the rain tax to only 10 of Maryland’s 24 local jurisdictions (Baltimore city and Anne Arundel, Howard, Carroll, Harford, Charles, Montgomery, P.G., Frederick and Baltimore counties).

So, a shopping mall in Charles County must pay a huge yearly rain tax while a similar mall next door in Calvert County does not. Shouldn’t we all be saving the Bay together?

State lawmakers further decided that, within the 10 rain tax counties, certain properties should be exempt, namely those owned by the state and local governments (and volunteer fire departments). That’s right, they included churches and nonprofits but excluded themselves. “








New Immigration Bill Has More Waivers And Exceptions Per Page Than Obamacare





” The Senate’s “Gang of Eight” has released a new version of the immigration bill that contains 999 references to waivers, exemptions and political discretion.

The revised 867-page bill contains multiple changes from the first 844-page version, released April 18, but Democrats have not announced any delay to the committee review of the complex bill that begins next week.

The bill includes roughly 1.14 waivers or exemptions per page. By comparison, the 2,409-page Obamacare law includes 0.78 waivers and exemptions per page.”