Tag Archive: Executive Amnesty

Sen. Sessions Releases Lengthy Timeline Of Obama Administration’s Dismantling Of Immigration Law







” As Republicans work to overcome a Democratic filibuster of a House-passed Department of Homeland Security bill that blocks President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is highlighting the Obama administration’s long history of dismantling immigration laws.

  In a lengthy timeline released Monday, Sessions — the chairman of the Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest — lists every instance of the Obama administration ignoring, rewriting, delaying and breaking the nation’s immigration laws.

  The timeline begins in January 2009 with the administration ending worksite enforcement actions and, 50 pages later, ends on February 13, 2015 with the House Judiciary Committee’s revelation that the administration included a “sneaky” avenue for illegal immigrants granted deferred status to be placed on a pathway to citizenship.”


Read more













Constitution’s Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Year


Art by Jon McNaughton



” As 2014 comes to a close, it’s worth considering the Obama administration legacy as we head into 2015.

  Certainly, there were scandals. The IRS played hide and seek with documents regarding improper targeting of conservative and Tea Party groups.

  The response to the Ebola outbreak was clumsy, and helped induce panic. Our foreign policy is in tatters.

  Yet the most long-lasting damage may be the Obama administration’s cavalier attitude towards constitutional separation of powers.

  Three areas of the Obama administration going it alone stand out: Immigration, Obamacare and the environment. Immigration is perhaps the most dramatic example.

  Legalizing and eventually providing a path to citizenship for the estimated 10-12 million illegal immigrants is a top administration priority. But that priority hit a roadblock in the form of the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, and soon, Senate. Out of frustration, Obama has taken unilateral action to evade the immigration laws.

This immigration end-run creates a class of people who effectively are exempt from the immigration laws, without Congress ever having recognized such an exemption. It is not prosecutorial discretion but a usurpation of legislative power.

  There also have been dozens of unilateral actions as to Obamacare legislative requirements, including individual and employer mandate delays, and waivers of certain fees for unions. Of particular note, the IRS passed rules allowing purchasers on the federal exchanges to obtain subsidies the legislation reserves for state exchanges.”



Read the entire piece from Professor Jacobson at USA Today











Students Sign Petition To Deport Americans In Exchange For Illegal Immigrants




” Students at George Washington University (GWU) willingly signed a petition supporting the deportation of one American citizen in exchange for one illegal immigrant.

“ Please sign our petition for President Obama to deport one American citizen, in exchange for one undocumented immigrant,” read the petition. “Everyone must be allowed a shot at the ‘American Dream.’ Americans should not be greedy. Let us right the wrongs of our past and make another’s dreams come true.”

“ It makes sense,” one student told Campus Reform. “Like, I’ve noticed that there is a lot of like hatred against undocumented immigrants and it’s not necessarily their fault.” “



    As one of the commenters on the Youtube page says , these students should be told immediately after signing that they are the ones that have “volunteered” to be deported … LOL … we’ve gone from the “greatest generation” to the most idiotic generation in just 50 years . We have State education to thank for it , that and political correctness . Feh …

With our institutions of higher learning turning out students like this is it any wonder that we have the leadership that we do ?

HT/Right Wing News











Obama Opens Fraud-Ridden Benefits Programs To Illegal Immigrants





” President Obama’s unilateral executive action on immigration will make hundreds of thousands, perhaps more than a million, illegal immigrants eligible for federal transfer payments. That will be done primarily through two widely used programs — the Earned Income Tax Credit, or EITC, and the Additional Child Tax Credit, or ACTC.

  As it turns out, those two programs are already among the most corrupt and fraud-ridden in the entire federal government. A newly-released report from the inspector general of the Internal Revenue Service confirms that the EITC is plagued by fraud (which was already well known) and also reveals for the first time that the ACTC is even worse.

  The two programs, intended for low-income workers, are what is known as refundable tax credits. That means they give workers a tax refund that is larger than their tax liability. So a family with a tax bill of $1,000 might receive an EITC “refund” of $5,000, meaning the family doesn’t write a check to the government but rather receives a check from the government. The ACTC works similarly for low-income workers with children.”


Thanks to Byron York at the Washington Examiner










House Leaders Move To Avoid Immigration Showdown





” Trying to avoid a showdown over immigration, House Republican leaders are moving to make a deal with Democrats to pass a spending bill that would keep the government running past next week.

  The emerging strategy follows legislation passed Thursday by the House declaring President Barack Obama’s executive actions to curb deportations of immigrants in the U.S. illegally to be “null and void.” That legislation wasn’t enough for some conservatives, who complained that the only way to stop Obama’s actions on immigration would be to forbid them in legislation that must pass if the government is to stay open.

  Republican leaders are opposed to that course of action, fearing a government shutdown that they don’t want, and they plan to rely on Democratic votes to pass a bill to keep the government going.”





” House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said Friday that Democrats were committed to keeping the government open, but she warned that Republicans could lose their support if they include too many contentious so-called policy riders in the spending bill, on issues like school lunch nutrition standards and water quality.

” We haven’t seen the bill. But there are some very destructive riders in it that would be unacceptable to us and, I think, unacceptable to the American people,” Pelosi said.

” The responsibility to keep government open is theirs. If the bill is anything that we can support, we will,” added Pelosi, who has more leverage in the negotiations because of Boehner’s likely need to rely on her to deliver Democratic votes.

  The spending bill would pay for the operations of most government agencies for a year while extending the Homeland Security Department operations only for a few months. Homeland Security includes the immigration agencies that would carry out Obama’s executive actions, so the approach would allow Republicans to revisit them early next year, once they have control of the Senate and a bigger majority in the House.

” We think this is the most practical way to fight the president’s action,” House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said.”


What a cowardly bunch of ***holes the House GOP leadership is , read the whole sickening thing .










Immigration Activist Suggests Race May Be Why GOP Opposes Obama Executive Action — Then It Was Trey Gowdy’s Turn




” Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) interrogated Marielena Hincapie, the executive director of the National Immigration Law Center, during a Tuesday House hearing on President Barack Obama’s executive action on immigration reform after she seemingly suggested race may be the basis behind the GOP’s opposition to the unilateral action.

“ I could’ve sworn in response to a question you received… you suggested race is the basis for why we may have this constitutional perspective,” Gowdy said to Hincapie. “Did I understand you correctly?”

“ I believe I was responding to the question about, is there an explanation about why…” Hincapie began before being cut off.

“ Well let me offer another explanation to you, OK? Not a single Republican who is here right now has ever served under a Republican president — not one. So I hope I do live long enough to hold a Republican president to the exact same standard that I am holding this one. But for you to run to race as the explanation for why we hold the position that we do.”


The Blaze










Obama: The Only People With The Right To Object To Immigration Are Native Americans





” Returning to his hometown to speak, the president tried to place his recent executive action, which saved five million immigrants from deportation, within a great American tradition of welcoming foreigners.

” If you look at the history of immigration in this country, each successive wave there have been periods where the folks who were already here have said, ‘Well I don’t want those folks,'” he said. “Even though the only people who have the right to say that are some Native Americans.” “



The Independent










Obamacare Offers Firms $3,000 Incentive To Hire Illegals Over

Native-Born Workers







” Under the president’s new amnesty, businesses will have a $3,000-per-employee incentive to hire illegal immigrants over native-born workers because of a quirk of Obamacare.

  President Obama’s temporary amnesty, which lasts three years, declares up to 5 million illegal immigrants to be lawfully in the country and eligible for work permits, but it still deems them ineligible for public benefits such as buying insurance on Obamacare’s health exchanges.

  Under the Affordable Care Act, that means businesses who hire them won’t have to pay a penalty for not providing them health coverage — making them $3,000 more attractive than a similar native-born worker, whom the business by law would have to cover.

  The loophole was confirmed by congressional aides and drew condemnation from those who said it put illegal immigrants ahead of Americans in the job market.

“ If it is true that the president’s actions give employers a $3,000 incentive to hire those who came here illegally, he has added insult to injury,” said Rep. Lamar Smith, Texas Republican. “The president’s actions would have just moved those who came here illegally to the front of the line, ahead of unemployed and underemployed Americans.”

  A Department of Homeland Security official confirmed that the newly legalized immigrants won’t have access to Obamacare, which opens up the loophole for employers looking to avoid the penalty. “


Washington Times










Obama Leads Democrats Back To The Wilderness




” For all of the hysteria leading to President Obama’s immigration executive order, it turned out to be much ado about little. Except that Obama just dispersed the remaining asset so desperately needed by the Democrats in 2016, perhaps beyond.

  Of course the hysteria was justified when reckoning Obama’s constitutional by-pass. Yet at the same time overwrought, when his action is seen as mere feather-puffing exhibitionism in his habitual pattern of statutory abuse throughout his entire presidency.

  Obama’s willful refusal to enforce boarder security, five years pre-dating this EO, deliberately nullifying our nation’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, is ground enough for Republicans to formally charge the president with failing to uphold the Constitution. What’s new this time around?

  Nothing in this EO affects the reality on the ground.  More fouette than grand jete, and the timing for its narrow spin gives Republicans ample time for a proper grand pas….

  Obama’s EO is tepid impotent dishwater, hardly worth interrupting the Republicans’ early trek over the river and through the woods to Grandma’s house for Thanksgiving.  Jumping up and down in protest might burn off a few stuffing and apple tart calories; but don’t tear an ACL doing it.

Border security couldn’t get much worse, absent constructing multiple EZpass fast lanes. Genuine deportations (as opposed to turning back people at the border) are already laughably low as interior enforcement actions are fewer than arrests from border patrol interdictions — as rare as even they seem to be — barely exceeding the number of tailgaters at a couple of SEC college football games this past Saturday.

  And as we see from the DOJ prioritization of targeting illegals for deportation, Obama’s decree merely restates his status quo de facto amnesty style pardon of drug dealers, sex abusers, gun offenders, and drunk drivers.

  They weren’t getting deported before now anyhow…as the Center for Immigration Studies reported a year ago:

  • ICE is carrying a case load of 1.8 million aliens who are either in removal proceedings or have already been ordered removed. Less than two percent are in detention, which is the only proven way to ensure departure.
  • As of the end of July 2013 there were 872,000 aliens – nearly half of ICE’s total docket – who had been ordered removed but who had not left the country.
  • The State Department continues to issue tens of thousands of visas annually to citizens of countries that refuse to take back their countrymen who are ordered removed from the United States. Many of these are violent criminals. “


Read more at American Thinker

Illustration by Glenn Foden









Capitol Hill Cold Open – Saturday Night Live




Published on Nov 23, 2014

” A bill (Kenan Thompson) and an executive order (Bobby Moynihan) explain how government really works with a little help from President Obama (Jay Pharaoh). “













Judge Jeanine Ravages Obama’s Lawless Immigration Orders





Published on Nov 22, 2014

” Comparing him at one point to Tony Soprano, Judge Jeanine Pirro rips Obama from stem to stern for his outlandish and lawless immigration “orders.” “










Elections Matter?








” “Elections matter,” declared President Obama in his 2012 victory speech. “Elections matter,” he reiterated shortly before the 2014 midterms.

  But it turns out they don’t. Not to him. You gotta hand it to the guy: It would be hard to devise a more open expression of contempt for the will of the people than what he’s just done. An election was held. His party lost, badly. And, without waiting for the new guys even to take their seats, in the so-called “lame-duck session” (an unnecessary carbuncular proceduralism most developed nations manage to do without), the President tells the – oh, what’s the word? – “citizenry”, “Hey, thanks for taking the trouble to drive to the polling station the other day. Leave your name at the desk and if we need you for cheering extras at my photo-op we’ll get back to you.” You can change legislators. Meanwhile, he’ll change the legislation.

  I’m getting weary of the monarchical comparisons, which are a bit of an insult to real monarchs. The Obama model seems to owe more to Judge Dredd, the popular comic-book figure with the power to arrest, convict, sentence and execute as he does what’s necessary to bring hope and change to a dystopian megalopolis. Likewise, President Dredd: “He is the Law, and you’d better believe it!” A contempt for the people and for constitutional and legal restraints is what ties the President’s actions on Thursday night to Eric Holder’s corrupt justice department to Lois Lerner’s corrupt revenue agency to Jonathan Gruber’s corrupt health commissariat (merely to skim the surface of the most recent additions to the unending Obama-scandals document dump).

  To express common-or-garden contempt for the will of the people, Obama could have simply repealed another handful of inconvenient paragraphs from Obamacare or made Lois Lerner Attorney-General, but the form of contempt he chose is especially exquisite: “legalizing” millions of foreign law-breakers and setting them on the path to US citizenship. The chief of state has heard the voice of the people and his message to them is: “Yeah, whatever, I can always get another people. Hey, here comes five million or so right now, plus another ten million in chain-migration relatives down the road…” “


Saturday’s must read










Obama’s Amnesty Threatens To Shut Constitution







” Pundits warn that a funding fight over the president’s move to grant de facto amnesty to illegal aliens threatens a politically risky government shutdown. But there’s something much more important at stake here.

  The Founders had good reason to give Congress the power of the purse: Short of impeachment, it’s the most effective way to stop a lawless president from disobeying the will of Congress and usurping powers not granted by the Constitution.

  The question is: Will Congress use this power to thwart President Obama’s shredding of the Constitution with his executive amnesty plan? “



Even some renowned liberals are recognizing the threat to our Constitution posed by “King Obama’s” unilateral action …



” There’s more at stake here than mere political fortunes. We are at the constitutional tipping point that Georgetown University law professor Jonathan Turley warned us about as Obama continues to wield executive authority that he himself once said he did not have.

  We live in a constitutional republic, and the president who says he cannot wait for the Congress to act ignores a Constitution that says he has to. Article I, Section 8 gives Congress exclusive authority to “establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization” and Article II, Section 3 says that it’s the president’s duty “to take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”

  Professor Turley told the House Judiciary Committee at a Dec. 3 hearing that Obama’s abuse of executive power has grown to the point that “he’s becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid.” “


Read more at IBD










Obama Puts The Cat Among The Pigeons



Executive Amnesty



” Barack Obama put the cat among the pigeons Thursday night, but he may be surprised by how big that cat could get, and with it a big cat’s appetite for more than pigeons.

  His “executive orders” demanding a stop to deportations is no doubt good news for millions of illegal immigrants — 5 million at last count — he wants to preserve and protect for Democrats looking to replenish a depleted constituency. But it’s not such good news for anyone who appreciates law and order on the border. Amnesties can be good, but they must be written carefully lest they invite more of the same misery that led to amnesty. The president’s invitation to the millions south of the border — “Come on in, I’ll find a way to make you legal later” — guarantees that hell on the border will continue, and probably get worse. The hell on the Potomac will get a lot worse.

  The president and his lawyers are clever. By not actually issuing an executive order called an executive order — he can call it a “memo” to his prosecutors but it’s still an order from the executive — he will make it more difficult for the Republicans to find a way to overturn it. 

  Just the anticipation of the president’s big speech set off cries and celebrations. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, having abandoned her dream of ascending once more to speaker of the House, and who knows no more of the nation’s history than the president apparently does, got lost Thursday afternoon in a history book. She mistook Barack Obama for Abraham Lincoln, and his immigration amnesty for the Emancipation Proclamation. “Does the public know that the Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order? she asked. (Does the public know that the Emancipation Proclamation preserved slavery in the four slave states still in the Union, and freed no slaves in the departed Confederate states? The public could look it up.) The only similarities in Mr. Lincoln’s proclamation and Mr. Obama’s order is that neither was intended to resolve anything, but to set loose that cat among the pigeons. The Civil War circa 1861-1865 ground bloodily on, and the immigration system circa 2014 is still broken and bleeding, and probably farther from resolution than ever.

  Civil war is the metaphor of the day. Phyllis Schlafly, who almost single-handedly defeated the feminist crusade for an equal-rights amendment, now calls Mr. Obama’s executive order “a modern-day Fort Sumter.” “


Washington Times












Jon Stewart Calls Out Not-Emperor Obama’s Powerlust By Pointing Out Something He’s Overlooked




” Remember when President Obama, when asked about what he would do to “ensure more people aren’t being deported,” deferred by saying:

My job is to execute laws that are passed.


I’m the President of the United States. I’m not the emperor of the United States.

Jon Stewart remembers. And he’s noticed how the President’s latest words on the extent of his presidential powers don’t exactly square with his previous declaration that he is not “the emperor.”

I’m going to do what I can do through executive action.

It’s good to be the king. “


Thanks to IJR










Schlafly: Obama Could Launch Another Civil War



” President Obama’s looming executive action on immigration reform represents a Fort Sumter-type moment, according to conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly.

  Fort Sumter, of course, is the sea fort in Charleston, South Carolina. It was there that the opening shots of the U.S. Civil War were fired on April 12, 1861.

  Schlafly at first considered comparing the Obama amnesty to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, but decided that Obama’s plan is much more subtle.

“ With Pearl Harbor, the American people knew what was happening,” she said.

  But Fort Sumter represented the beginning of a ruinous war, and Schlafly, like fellow conservative luminary Richard Viguerie, speculates that an executive amnesty might touch off a sort of modern-day conflagration.

  Obama plans to announce his unilateral immigration reform proposal in a televised address Thursday night. While no details are being released by the White House until then, analysts widely expect it to include work permits for up to five million people currently in the U.S. illegally.

  However, the administration may be expecting to authorize many more than those five million. Last month, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services began searching for a contractor capable of producing up to 34 million blank green cards over the next five years. “

Read more at WND










Pro-Illegal Alien Activists On White House Facebook Page: “F**k All You White People,” We Win!






” Pro-Illegal alien activists are declaring victory on the White House’s Facebook page. More than that, they are specifically calling out white people.

  This is the White House’s actual page, which has on it the President’s official video announcing his executive amnesty plan. And the White House is allowing racist antagonism like the comments below.

  Racist comments by pro-illegal alien activists litter the page. Here are just a few:
Obama Comment

Obama Comment 5

Obama Comment 4

Obama Comment 3

Obama Comment 2

  Over on Twitter, people of about the same intelligence are saying similar things, again specifically saying racist things towards whites: ”


Read the rest at The Pundit Press










Republican Pressure Builds To Block Obama’s Unilateral Immigration Order



GOP Pressure Amnesty




” Dozens of House Republicans have signed onto a new letter that insists the party include language in the upcoming spending bill to prevent President Obama from taking unilateral action on immigration, escalating a simmering fight between Congress and the White House.

  Rep. Matt Salmon, an Arizona Republican who organized the letter, said Congress needs to use its power of the purse to defend its own powers to write immigration policy — and he said he believes there could be enough support even in the Democratic-controlled Senate to win.

“ I’m not going down without a fight,” he said in an interview with The Washington Times.

  The letter is to be issued Thursday, but the debate is already heated.

  Mr. Obama has vowed to claim executive powers to grant tentative legal status to potentially millions of illegal immigrants, and to act by the end of the year.

  Republican leaders have warned him against that move, saying it would “poison” chances for getting a real immigration deal done in the next Congress, and could tarnish prospects for bipartisanship on a whole host of other issues when the GOP has control of both chambers next year.”


Washington Times