Tag Archive: Excuses

Nobody’s Fault





” All of a sudden, people have noticed that we are in trouble, and many are saying it isn’t the president’s fault. All the bad news, from Iraq to Ukraine, from Libya and Syria to the Mexican border, just seems to have happened: Obama was standing there, golfing or shaking hands with donors, and, like a burst of bad weather, the winds blew, the skies opened, and things went to hell. Mysterious forces conspired against him, terrible setbacks occurred for no reason, and we were left with effects without a cause. His supporters commiserate with him and note his bad fortune at being in office at a time when events make his life difficult.”



    Now that the fact that the world is heading to hell in a hand basket can no longer be denied and the “blame Bush” card has expired the Obama sycophants must resort to the old standby , bad luck in finding excuses for their failed “leader” .



” The reasons offered for why bad things aren’t his doing fall into three different categories: (1) The system is broken, the country is polarized, and the Republicans have become too insane to deal with; (2) stuff happens, and no one at all can do much about it; and (3) people think that the president ought to be Superman and solve all their problems, which is really expecting too much.”



Read the whole thing from Noemie Emery and see the newest ploy to shield their boy from any hint of responsibility .










Hillary’s Lack Of Leadership Skills Is Exposed For All To See … By , Of All People , Diane Sawyer






Published on Jun 9, 2014

” Hillary Clinton Monday night, Diane Sawyer turned focus to Benghazi and grilled Clinton over the “systemic failure” of security on that fateful night. She asked Clinton whether she should have been more involved instead of delegating on security issues at the Benghazi compound.

  Clinton said there were serious security threats, but that’s true of compounds all around the world, and when Sawyer grilled her on how high a priority Benghazi would be, Clinton said it would place in the top 10, but not the top 5, security concerns to the State Department.

  Sawyer repeatedly pressed Clinton on whether there was anything she could have personally done that would have prevented the attack. Clinton said that the reality is while you can be thoughtful and place people where you need them, “we cannot eliminate every threat, every danger.”

  Clinton also took a shot at Republicans for “politicizing this at the expense of four dead Americans,” and said she would have to wait and see whether she would testify in front of the House Benghazi select committee. http://www.mediaite.com/tv/diane-sawy… “




    Nothing but excuse making and blame shifting from a desperate potential presidential candidate . The only thing missing is the “It’s Bush’s fault” meme . To the very end Hillary insists … “What difference does it make?”




Believe it or not Hillary , it makes a great deal of difference to a great deal of us . We will remember .







Why Police Recover More Guns In Chicago Than Any Other City


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” It’s not news that Chicago has a gun problem. But that doesn’t make it any more palatable for Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy, a firm believer in systems management and improved gun laws as he works to reduce crime in the city.

“ We recover more guns than any city in the country every single year,” McCarthy said.

  McCarthy, who took over as head of the Chicago Police Department in 2011, by way of the New York and Newark, N.J., Police Departments, is confident that state laws and enforcement efforts directly correlated to lowered crime in those cities.

  Specifically New York, he says, has five laws, which Illinois doesn’t, that reduced gun seizures, gun arrests, murders and incarceration.”

  McCarthy is a Tool who does nothing but blame guns for his and the city government’s failure to bring any kind of order to Chicago. Read more here

Stalin Apologia






” Salon.com published a truly disgusting article on the supposed myths of communism. There are a lot of problems with it, but I’ll focus on this particularly revolting passage, which might seem literally true if you drop the context of what it suggests:

  For one thing, a large number of the people killed under Soviet communism weren’t the kulaks everyone pretends to care about but themselves communists. Stalin, in his paranoid cruelty, not only had Russian revolutionary leaders assassinated and executed, but indeed exterminated entire communist parties. These people weren’t resisting having their property collectivized; they were committed to collectivizing property.

  This is misdirection. It’s true that Stalin murdered so many people that in absolute terms “a large number” were communists, but in relative terms, they were a minority of his victims. Of course, Stalin’s murder of communists isn’t any more defensible than any other regime’s murder of communists, and it says something that so many regimes, from Maoist China to Ho Chi Minh’s Vietnam, slaughtered communists in sectarian crackdowns on political opponents.”







” Stalin did in fact focus on class enemies—”kulaks,” which basically means relatively wealthy peasants—and later in the 1930s had ethnic Poles and other minorities summarily shot by the hundreds of thousands. The first ethnic-based genocide in mid-20th century Europe was thus inaugurated by the Bolsheviks, not the Nazis.”







Obama’s Defense Of Obamacare And Its Failed Website





” What the President actually said doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. He claimed that “the product [i.e., Obamacare] is good,” and that the law was “a good deal.” But the law is NOT a good deal for the millions of Americans in the process of losing their current health insurance—who don’t have a website to go to where they can browse alternative options. And even if they did, it still wouldn’t be a good deal for them; many will have to pay more in premiums due to the law’s new benefit requirements.”








Progressive Dems Explain Why They Didn’t #StandWithRand Against Drone Strikes




Portraits Of Courage , Every One …



” Here are some of the saddest responses from exactly the sort of bleeding-heart Dems who say they care about executive-branch overreach, sticking up for the little guy, you name it:

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio): “I don’t know, there’s a lot of debates I don’t join that I agree — I’ve got stuff to do and was doing a lot of other things.”…

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt., who caucuses with the Ds): “I’m working right now on many, many, other issues.”…

Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.): “Everyone’s got a lot of priorities and people are busy.”…

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon): “”I’m not supporting blocking the opportunity for [up or down votes on presidential appointees].”…

Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.): “We all were shocked Republicans were doing a real filibuster instead of a procedural filibuster.”





Clinton Testily Defends Depiction Of Benghazi Events



  In the above video Hillary opines that it doesn’t matter why we have four dead American citizens in Benghazi , we here at YouViewed beg to differ . It makes all the difference in the world that the lives of four US government employees were left dangling in the wind while their “bosses” back home in the comfort of their residences tried to figure the best way to keep this malfeasance from impacting the re-election hopes of one cowardly b***ard as he jetted off to the next fund raiser .

   Senator Johnson asked the perfect question ” Why didn’t someone pick up the phone and ask the survivors if there was an angry mob protesting ” ? That certainly could have spared Susan Rice the ignominious task of lying repeatedly on the Sunday morning talk shows , not to mention railroading an innocent movie maker into prison in order to hide  government incompetence .

  Of course the reason that Hillary wouldn’t answer is because she and her boss knew the truth all along and were making their decisions based on political expediency … whatever wouldn’t damage “the One’s” electability .



Bosch Fawstin Courtesy Of FrontPage



” Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton shot back Wednesday at senators in defending the Obama administration’s initial characterization of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, as having begun as a protest against an anti-Islam YouTube video.

“Was it because of a protest, or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they’d go kill some Americans? What difference, at this point, does it make?” Mrs. Clinton said, raising her voice in response to tough questioning by Sen. Ron Johnson, Wisconsin Republican.

Mr. Johnson, a newly added member to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, had asked why the Obama administration had not been able to ascertain what had happened by simply asking officials who had been in Benghazi on the night of the attack.

He asked why Susan E. Rice, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, appeared on news talk shows five days after the attack to assert that the assault emerged from spontaneous protests against the video that had swept across the region on Sept. 11. ”



   In closing we get to witness Hillary at her Oscar winning finest . The quake in the voice , the almost tears , the deep regret of having to comfort the families of Christopher Stevens , Sean Smith , Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods as their ” flag-draped coffins ” were rolled off the plane in Dover . She should tear up and she should have cried as those four deaths were directly attributable to her and that cretinous fraud in the oval office .




Stop With The Excuses Already … You Sound Like The Opposition




” Movement conservatives, Reagan conservatives, and tea partiers did not back Gov. Romney in the Republican primaries. Despite misgivings, when the GOP establishment chose Romney, these patriotic conservatives did not sulk or stay home. They walked through fire for Romney and formed the backbone of his base and ground game. They gave their all to their country, they volunteered their time, they donated what they could to a candidate they did not choose, and they voted for him. Why? Because they put the future of the country ahead of their own personal interests.

Which is something Ann Coulter may want to try. “

Al Gore Blames Denver for Obama debate loss


 ” “[I]t will not be enough to put more guards in front of an Embassy; or to put out statements of regret, and wait for the outrage to pass,” Obama told the assembled diplomats and heads of state. “If we are serious about those ideals, we must speak honestly about the deeper causes of this crisis….Today, we must affirm that our future will be determined by people like Chris Stevens, and not by his killers. Today, we must declare that this violence and intolerance has no place among our United Nations.”

While claiming that Al Qaeda had been weakened, Obama said that the attacks on U.S. embassies were in fact a natural outcome of misunderstandings on both sides–of “difficulties of reconciling tradition and faith with the diversity and interdependence of the modern world.” He proceeded to attack the infamous anti-Islam video:”

Facing Reality , Dem Style

   As the left continues to up the ante , and continues to get slapped down one has to wonder exactly what type of rose colored glasses they wear . 

Jennifer Rubin 

  “Rather than the donkey, the Democratic Party should adopt the ostrich as its mascot. There is so much reality to ignore and so many ridiculous excuses to keep straight, you sometimes wonder if there isn’t someone, somewhere on the left (other than Bill Clinton) who is looking at this stuff rationally.”

Ed Morrissey :

“Anyone want to try defining “overnight” for me, just so that we have a rule of thumb going forward? On Inauguration Day, I would have accepted “2009″ or even “his first two years in office” as plausible answers. Instead, five months out from election day, somehow dawn still has yet to break. His braintrust is now actually on the cusp of arguing, in all seriousness, that it’s unfair to judge him on what’s happened in the jobs market over the course of his entire first term.”

  “I am sure you noticed that President Obama complains a lot. ”

  “Let’s be frank: He’s a whiner. ”

  ” Whining, as defined by expert —
the therapists, spouses, co-
workers and others who have to
listen to it — is chronic
complaining, a pattern of negative
communication. It brings down
the mood of everyone within
earshot. It can hold whiners back
at work and keep them stuck in a
problem, rather than working to
identify a solution. It can be toxic
to relationships. ”

Sound like anyone you know ?