Tag Archive: Europe

Human Traffickers Advertise Their Trade On Facebook


A Facebook page which offers to transport migrants from Libya to Italy, and lists prices for the voyage




” Smugglers have taken to Facebook to offer desperate migrants passage across the Mediterranean to Europe in a sign of how brazen human traffickers have become in their lucrative trade.

  A cursory search by the Financial Times revealed several Facebook pages in Arabic offering passage to Europe, many via Libya to Italy, but others from Turkey to Greece. No mention is made of the hundreds who have died in the Mediterranean in recent days; instead they promise a reliable and comfortable journey in a matter of hours.

  On a closed Facebook group offering tips to would-be migrants, a Turkey-based Syrian who goes under the pseudonym of Abu Moaz advertises crossings by inflatable boat to Greece. The voyage lasts about an hour-and-a-half and costs $950 per person, he says. Anyone interested can speak to him via the WhatsApp or Viber numbers on the site.

  Contacted by the FT, Abu Moaz said he was a sailor, but that work was scarce these days. The boat he uses, a Zodiac with fibreglass flooring, is owned by a group of Turks and Syrians, and leaves from the Turkish coastline somewhere between Bodrum and Izmir. “It is people smuggling, no more and no less,” he said, but insisted that — unlike other smugglers — he travels with the migrants on the boat to ensure they reach their destination.”


Financial Times









There Is A Storm Coming







” Along with Tax Day, this year April 15th marked Holocaust Remembrance Day, to remind us of the horrors perpetrated by Nazi Germany and its European allies against the stateless and hapless Jews a mere 70 years ago. The largest Jewish cemetery in the world is called Europe.

  Before the Second World War, there were some 18 million Jews. After the war there were only 12 million remaining. The six million who perished soaked the benighted soil of Europe with their blood and filled the skies with their ashes.

  But these were the Jewish victims of the 20th century. For nearly two millennia, millions more had died and suffered cruel martyrdom.

  Yet the continued existence of the Jews throughout terrible and persistent persecutions remains one of the greatest of all miracles, surpassed only by the rebirth of Israel.   

  We often call the horrors inflicted upon the Jewish people and faith by its nineteenth-century term: anti-Semitism. But it is a poison within humanity, a persistent virus that remains impervious to eradication. Simply put, it is Jew hatred. It has erupted again throughout Europe and mirrors in its perversions and mindless violence the stark memories of the Third Reich.

  France has given us great literature and wondrous music. But that nation also gave us the notorious Dreyfus Affair and the Vichy regime that happily rounded up its Jewish citizens and sent them to the German death camps. That same nation is now submerged under a vast influx of Muslim immigrants who spew Jew hatred learned by rote from the Koran and the Hadith.

  Many Frenchmen and women joined them in an orgy of utter hate against the embattled but reconstituted Jewish homeland: Israel. That ugly spectacle contained within it the old virus: Jew hatred.”


Read Victor Sharpe‘s entire piece at American Thinker 











Solar Eclipse ‘Will Be Memorable’ – But Beware



Toatal Eclipse 3:20:15




” A near-total solar eclipse will occur in the skies above Britain this week, prompting warnings about the dangers of watching the spectacle without taking precautions.

  The eclipse will begin around 8.30am on Friday and last for two hours as the moon moves in front of the Sun. The proportion of the Sun covered by the moon will increase the further north you are.

  In London, 84% of the Sun will be covered, while in Edinburgh the proportion is 93%. The last solar eclipse of such significance took place in August 1999, when a total eclipse occurred.”


Sky News


Links to much more on the impending solar eclipse:


March 20, 2015 — Total Solar Eclipse

Total Solar Eclipse 20 March 2015

Total Solar Eclipse of 2015 Mar 20 – NASA Eclipse Web Site

Solar Eclipse 20 March – The Science Geek












Steve Bucci On The Rise Of Antisemitism In Europe




“ They’ve had major riots, that have not just been anti-Israeli policy, but are blatantly anti-Jewish. … They’re predominantly the immigrant Muslim populations in Germany and France, for instance, but there are significant numbers of German citizens, native German citizens and native French citizens, either from the far right or the far left, who blame Israel and who are turning it into anti-Jewish campaign.”

Ebola Outbreak May Have Spread Out Of Africa And Into Europe






” The Ebola outbreak in Africa may have spread to Europe despite pandemic containment efforts. World Health Organization officials have been working diligently to contain the Ebola outbreak to West Africa, but their efforts may have failed.

  A Reuters report on the Ebola outbreak claims that death toll statistics will no longer be released to the public to “avoid causing unnecessary panic.”

  The virus has reportedly spread into seven countries in Africa. A report by Christian Relief groups working in both Liberia and Guinea maintain that the number of confirmed Ebola infection increased by 15 percent in just the past 24 hours.

  Approximately four dozen migrant workers from the outbreak area came ashore, allegedly illegally, in Pisa, Italy. The workers are reportedly being isolated with symptom commonly associated with the Ebola virus. The migrant workers have reportedly presented with conjunctivitis, blood around the eye, and fever.”


Read more here 












Daily Video 2.23.14

Karl Denninger: Market Meltdown – Triggering Event From Europe, But Think It Will Be Asia



Published on Feb 18, 2014

” http://usawatchdog.com/karl-denninger… – On continued Fed tapering of $65 billion a month to prop up the economy, Karl Denninger of Market-Ticker.org says, “They have to stop . . . people in the Senate know this and if they stand up and say it, the government has to stop borrowing all this money that we don’t have. The Federal Reserve must stop financing the government deficit because it is destroying capital formation and it is destroying savings. . . If anyone stands up and nails Janet Yellen with that, the market goes down 700 points in 5 minutes. . . . A piano is going to fall on the head of the economy. The problem with bubbles is they always find pins.” Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with financial writer and stock trader Karl Denninger.”









Early Humans With Tiny Brains Lived In Norfolk Caravan Park [VIDEO]





” Scientists believe that early humans may have created one of their first settlements around Manor Caravan Park in Happisburgh, Norfolk.

  Stone tools and fossilised remains uncovered so far are believed to be the oldest found in the UK, dating back one million years.

  Ancestors of modern-day humans existed then, a primitive predecessor of Homo antecessor, one of the earliest known human species in Europe, and also Homo erectus.”









It’s Thanksgiving So We Asked Brits To Label The United States

We’re So Sorry, America


   The folks at Buzzfeed put forth a challenge to our British brethren across the pond to identify the fifty state of the US on a blank map . Since Americans are constantly being disparaged regarding their knowledge of geography this was an ideal chance for the Brits to demonstrate their superiority on the subject . The resulting answers are truly comical . below you can view a couple examples . The rest are here .


What's the state capital of Squaresies?

This one is priceless … Lobsters ? Potatoes ? Guns ? Not Canada ? … LOL

Little known fact: No one actually knows what that state in the middle is.

This person gets them nearly all correct and includes some illustrations worthy of Frommer’s travel guide … 

When all else fails, draw pretty pictures.

    The reader is invited to view the rest here and while you are at it you can explore a link that provides some proof of the stereotype that American’s are less than experts of Europe . Below is but one example of our contribution to the geographical conversation … Hilarious …

OK, in our defense, Europe is really complicated.

Be sure to check them both out . The resulting answers are certain to start your day with a smile .

Lunar Eclipse Friday: Where To See It





” A partial lunar eclipse will be visible Friday into Saturday night for those living from eastern Canada and the upper Northeast to Africa and most of Europe.

At 23:51 UTC, the fullest coverage of the moon by Earth’s shadow will occur, lasting for 239 minutes.

The eclipse will be most visible for the United States and Canada at 7:50 p.m. EDT. Due to the timing of the eclipse, the moonrise will not be high enough for western parts of North America to view; its peak will not reach so far west and will only be visible for Africa and Europe.”







Russia, China Hold Large-Scale War Games




” Pentagon intelligence agencies are closely watching Russian and Chinese war games now taking place in Europe and Asia involving tens of thousands of troops.

“The Russians are moving forces closer to Europe, and that is troubling,” said a military official.

Russia’s Zapad-13 military exercises in Belarus are scheduled to end Thursday. They included practice attacks on a western state, said one official familiar with reports of the maneuvers.

Some 13,000 Russian and Belarusian troops took part with over 60 aircraft and helicopters and up to 250 vehicles.

Russian officials recently denied Polish press reports that the Zapad-13 would include a notional nuclear attack on Warsaw. However, Russian officials have said the war games will involve practicing precision air and missile strikes.

On the Russian air base, Russian air force chief Lt. Gen. Vladimir Bondarev announced in June that the air base for Su-27 jets in Belarus would be opened near the city of Lida, near the border with Poland and Lithuania.

Meanwhile in China, Chinese military forces are engaged in large-scale exercises involving some 40,000 troops.

The exercise also will seek to boost Chinese combined arms warfare capabilities that integrate air, naval, and ground forces for long-distance fighting, joint air defense, and joint warfighting on unfamiliar terrain.”









Austerity Myth





” Europe’s struggles prove that “austerity” fails!

With a condescending sigh, they explain that Europe made deep cuts in government spending, and the result was today’s high unemployment. “With erstwhile middle-class workers reduced to picking through garbage in search of food, austerity has already gone too far,” writes Paul Krugman in The New York Times.

One problem with this conclusion: European governments didn’t cut! If workers pick through garbage, cuts can’t be a reason, since they didn’t happen.

Some European countries tried to reduce deficits by raising taxes. England slapped a 25 percent tax increase on the wealthy, but it didn’t bring in the revenues hoped for. Rich people move their assets elsewhere, or just stop working as much.

Iceland was hit by bank collapses — but government ignored street protests and cut real spending. Iceland’s budget deficit fell from 13 percent of gross domestic product to 3. Iceland’s economy’s is now growing.

Canada slashed spending 20 years ago and now outranks the U.S. on many economic indicators.

Around the same time, Japan went the other way, investing heavily in the public sector in an attempt to jump-start its economy, much as the U.S. did with “stimulus” under President Obama. The result? Japan’s economy stagnated.”










Your Tax Dollars At Work: Subsidizing The Security Of Wealthy Allies


” It’s Tax Day, and for millions of Americans that means ponying up to the IRS. The federal government does many things these days—most of which would be more efficiently carried out at the local level, or in the private sector. But Uncle Sam also engages in a particular form of charity that many Americans overlook: spending many tens of billions of dollars to defend wealthy, developed nations.

A new Cato infographic puts it all in perspective. It shows how much American taxpayers spend to subsidize the security, and to defend the interests, of other nations that are more than capable of defending themselves.”




” Looked at another way, U.S. alliances constitute a massive wealth transfer from U.S. taxpayers (and their Chinese creditors) to bloated European welfare states and technologically-advanced Asian nations.”











Muslim Gang-Rapes Across Europe Under-Reported In Press




” High profile-gang rapes in India have been in the headlines since December. The phenomenon is growing across Europe too, but tends to be under reported due to the high incidence of Muslim perpetrators which makes it politically incorrect to mention.

In December 2011 a Swedish mother-of-two was subjected to a brutal gang-rape by 12 Afghan immigrants in a refugee camp in Mariannelund. Reports stated “The rape was oral, anal and vaginal sometimes with three rapists inside her at the same time while everybody was cheering and clapping. The gruesome rape marathon lasted for 7 hours. 11 suspect may have been involved taking turns while drinking and getting high on drugs. The asylum seekers were cheering and clapping their hands during the rape marathon while calling the victim “whore” and “slut”.”

The main perpetrator Rafi Bahaduri, 25, had already committed four other rapes in Sweden. The case is not unique. There is a growing trend of gang-rapes perpetrated against white women by Muslim rapists.

In the U.K. there has been a steady stream of cases where primarily under- privileged young English girls have been targeted, groomed and raped by gangs of what the British press euphemistically refers to as Asian men. However, the published names of the perpetrators are primarily of Pakistan and Afghanistan origin when the gang rapists appear in court. The Asian gangs do not contain rapists from China, Japan, and the Philippines.

Cases have been reported in Rochdale, Rotherham, Derby, Bradford, Blackpool – the list goes on. An article regarding the phenomenon in Standpoint notes: “According to some of the mothers, a fear of being branded racist makes many of the police and social services reluctant to investigate the crimes as organised and connected. One mother from Rotherham, whose 14-year-old daughter was groomed into prostitution and multiply raped during a 12-month period, told me that almost every man convicted of these crimes in the north of England is from Pakistan but that the authorities insist that it is not relevant.”

More and more cases are reported across Europe. The following is just a very small sample (some figures indicate 5,000 gang-rapes occur in France alone each year.)











From Mark Steyn:


Happy Christmas Bank Holiday Thursday!




” In America, the Christmas holiday is what it says: a holiday to observe Christmas. If it happens to fall on a Saturday or Sunday, tough. See you at work Monday morning. But across the Atlantic, if Christmas and New Year fall on the weekend, the ensuing weeks are eaten up by so many holidays they can’t even come up with names for them. I see from the well-named “Beautiful Ireland” calendar this newspaper sent me in lieu of a handsome bonus for calling the US elections correctly that January 3rd 2005 is a holiday in Ireland and Britain – the Morning After The Morning After Hogmanay – and the lucky Scots get January 4th off too – the First Hogtuesday After Hogmonday? Eventually, the entire Scottish economy will achieve the happy state of their enchanted village of Brigadoon and show up for one day every hundred years.

I’ve spent Christmas on both sides of the pond and, on the whole, I prefer the intensity of the American version – the big build-up, non-stop seasonal favourites on the radio between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day, and then at midnight on December 25th, it all stops. No more “Winter Wonderland” or “Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree”: the entire sleighlist (as it was called back in my disc-jockey days) turns into a pumpkin, and the party’s over, and December 26th is a perfectly normal working day. Whereas the last Christmas I spent in rural England is as near as I hope I ever get to experiencing my own hostage crisis. “Is it Christmas Bank Holiday Thursday yet?” “No, it’s still Boxing Day.” “

Did You Know ?


The 5 Most Mind-Blowing Military Operations Ever Kept Secret




#3. The 100 Nuclear Missiles Left in Cuba … AFTER the Cuban Missile Crisis


” What you didn’t know was that we didn’t actually intercept all those missiles. After the Cuban missile crisis was officially “over,” Russia still had 100 nuclear missiles in Cuba. Since the U.S. didn’t know about them, and therefore hadn’t technically included those hundred in the deal, the USSR decided that they could legally “give” them to Cuba. But when the Russian higher-ups visited Cuba to figure out the details, they quickly realized that Castro was balls-out-of-the-underwear crazy. During those first negotiations, Cuba had been left out completely. And, since they suffer from the nation equivalent of Short Man Syndrome, they were furious at the slight.

The Russians decided that if the missiles were left in Cuba, it would almost definitely lead to World War III. So they did what politicians do best: lie ridiculously. They told Castro that there was an unpublished Russian law that made it illegal to give missiles to Cuba permanently — our legal department says it’s a variant of the “never promise crazy a baby” statute — and the Cuban missile crisis was averted.”





Anti-Semitism is rampant in Europe and it goes hand in hand with the de facto establishment of Sha’aria law that is taking over as Old Europe succumbs to the immmigrant birth tidal wave that is fast making the French , Germans , Dutch and other continental peoples extinct .


 ” Spain’s foreign minister says Spain will vote in favor of recognition of a Palestinian state at the U.N. General Assembly this week.

Jose Manuel Garcia Margallo told parliament Wednesday that Spain would support the Palestinian bid at the U.N., because it feels it is the best way to advance toward peace.

As TheBlaze reported on Tuesday, France became the first major European country to come out in favor of U.N. recognition, a move seen as a setback for Israel. The timing of the French move seemed to be rooted in an attempt to sway other European nations in the same direction. In Spain’s case, such a notion took root. “

America’s Freedom Watcher


Posted by John Galt

‘Naked’ body scanners scrapped

“Controversial ”naked” airport body scanners are to be scrapped in Europe after failing to receive approval.

The machines, which have been tested at European terminals since 2009, scan passengers’ clothes for any concealed items, creating a detailed ghost-like image of the body.

Despite only being viewed by security staff, critics have said the scanners are invaders of privacy and pose a health risk, though independent health experts found that was untrue”

Read the whole thing

” Italian tanks may have five gears for reverse and only one for forward, but in a Fiat the size of
your cupholder it’s a different story. The French may plant trees on the Champs-élysées because the Germans like to march in the shade, but they’ll still pass you at 120 on the Grande Corniche. When you’ve done your last surrender-monkey crack, that cloud in your
windshield is a dinged deux chevaux leaving your fully loaded SUV for dust. Continentals
would never for a moment tolerate the restrictive driving conditions of the United States, and they don’t understand why Americans do. Mon dieu, is not America the
land of the car chase?”