Oklahoma Deputy Tells Dying Man Shot By Accident, “Fuck Your Breath,” As He Gasps His Final Breaths




” A 73-year-old volunteer Oklahoma deputy who has donated thousands of dollars of items to the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office over the years was allowed to participate in a high-profile sting operation where he ended up killing a man by accident.

  Reserve deputy  Robert Bates said he only meant to tase Eric Harris instead of shooting him to death.

  Bates can be heard apologizing for shooting the suspect before dropping the gun in a body cam video that is going viral.

  The shooting took place April 2, even though the date on the body cam footage reads 2008.

  Harris, who had led deputies on a pursuit after he attempted to sell a gun and ammo to an undercover cop, is seen on the ground with a deputy’s knee on his head.”


Photography Is Not A Crime has more on yet another senseless police killing 













