Tag Archive: “Epidemic”

Idaho Mumps Outbreak Expands To Washington State







” An outbreak of mumps that began in September 2014 among students at the Moscow campus of the University of Idaho continues to spread outside the Moscow area. Idaho has 21 reported confirmed and probable cases, including six in the Boise area, as of Friday, Feb. 6. Two cases in Washington also are associated with this outbreak.

  Mumps is a contagious virus that spreads from person-to-person via droplets of saliva or mucus from the mouth, nose, or throat of an infected person, usually when the person coughs, sneezes, or talks. An infected person can spread the virus before being sick. The virus is also spread when someone with mumps touches items or surfaces without washing their hands, and then someone else touches the same item or surface and rubs their mouth or nose.”


   First the measles , now mumps … how is it that all of these virtually eradicated diseases from our childhood are reappearing in the age of Obama ?

   This , from the comments says it all:


” John Gardner

  Geeze. Measles. Now mumps. Its almost like we’ve recently had an influx of unvaccinated people from overseas and deliberately spread them all over the country … Oh! Wait ….. never mind.”



Outbreak News Today












Ebola Threat In U.S., And We’re Not Prepared To Contain It, Experts Warn







” Mistakes and missteps in the handling of the first Ebola case in the United States trouble lawmakers, international organizations and some public health experts who say the government needs to step up its strategy to contain the virus.

“ Where is the 1-800-Ebola hotline?” asked Gavin MacGregor-Skinner, an assistant professor of public health at Penn State University who helped set up an Ebola treatment clinic in Nigeria a few weeks ago. “This is a Category 5 hurricane. It just happens to be viral.”

  Doctors have diagnosed only one person with Ebola in the United States, but as many as 50 people might have been exposed to the virus in Dallas, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  Doctors at Howard University Hospital in Washington are monitoring a patient with Ebola-like symptoms who frequently traveled to Nigeria.

  The raging epidemic has overwhelmed weak health systems in the West African nations of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Although hospitals in the United States are better prepared to handle Ebola, travel restrictions or stricter screening of people coming to the United States from Ebola-affected countries might be necessary to curb the crisis, some health monitors said.

“ Unless the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention take extreme measures to prevent the universal spread of the disease, we could possibly end up with a pandemic,” said Phenelle Segal, president of Montgomery County-based Infection Control Consulting Services and a former infection prevention analyst for the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority.”

Story continues

Further reading on the state of US preparedness …

Nurses union survey finds US hospitals widely unprepared for Ebola

Ebola in the U.S.: Are hospitals and health care workers prepared?

US hospitals ‘unprepared’ to safely handle infectious

INSIGHT-US hospitals unprepared to handle Ebola waste

Obama To Announce Ebola Force Of 3,000 US Military Personnel








” The Obama administration is ramping up its response to west Africa’s Ebola crisis, preparing to assign 3,000 US military personnel to the afflicted region to supply medical and logistical support to overwhelmed local healthcare systems and to boost the number of beds needed to isolate and treat victims of the epidemic.

  Barack Obama is to announce the stepped-up effort on Tuesday during a visit to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta amid alarm that the outbreak could spread and the deadly virus could mutate into a more easily transmitted disease.

  There have been appeals from the region and from aid organisations for a heightened US role in dealing with the outbreak, blamed for more than 2,200 deaths.

  Administration officials said on Monday that the new initiatives aimed to train as many as 500 healthcare workers a week; erect 17 healthcare facilities in the region of 100 beds each; set up a joint command headquartered in Monrovia, Liberia, to co-ordinate between US and international relief efforts; provide home healthcare kits to hundreds of thousands of households, including 50,000 that the US Agency for International Development will deliver to Liberia this week; and carry out a home and community-based campaign to train local populations on how to handle exposed patients.

  The US effort will include medics and other personnel for treatment and training, engineers to help erect the treatment facilities and specialists in logistics to assist in patient transportation.

  Officials said the cost of the effort would come from $500m in overseas contingency operations, such as the war in Afghanistan, that the Pentagon already had asked Congress to redirect to carry out humanitarian efforts in Iraq and west Africa.”














CDC Issues Ebola Checklist: ‘Now Is The Time To Prepare’



Ebola Warning




” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, warning hospitals and doctors that “now is the time to prepare,” has issued a six-page Ebola “checklist” to help healthcare workers quickly determine if patients are infected.

  While the CDC does not believe that there are new cases of Ebola in the United States, the assumption in the checklist is that it is only a matter of time before the virus hits home.

  For example, one part reads: “Encourage healthcare personnel to use a ‘buddy system’ when caring for patients.” Another recommends a process to report cases to top officials: “


Read more














Enterovirus D68 Sickens More Than A Dozen In New York





” More than a dozen cases of Enterovirus D68 have been confirmed in New York state, according to officials.

” EV-D68 is causing cases of severe respiratory illness … sometimes resulting in hospitalization, especially among children with asthma,” the NYS Department of Health said in a statement Friday.

  Enteroviruses are quite common in September; the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates 10 to 15 million people are infected by these viruses each year. But doctors believe this particular type of enterovirus, Enterovirus D68, is causing more serious problems than others have in years past.

  As of September 11, more than 80 cases in six other states — Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky and Missouri — have been confirmed to be EV-D68, according to the CDC

New York is the first state in the Northeast with confirmed cases.

  On Thursday, media reports of kids flooding ERs in Alabama and Washington state spoke to the spread of the virus. Other states, including Michigan, Georgia, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Utah, are also investigating clusters of respiratory illnesses. Several have sent samples to the CDC for testing. “




    The above report from CNN offers a glimpse into our future as the Federal government of our illustrious “illegal immigrant president” refuses to do the primary job that they are charged with … providing for the security of our CITIZENS . Does anyone else find it suspicious that the arrival of this new “sickness” just happens to coincide with the beginning of the school year ?

  The article referenced below from the Inquisitr provides the reader with an overview of where a large number of the illegal alien children were transported by our sage rulers . You don’t suppose there is any relation here do you ?




” Illegal immigrant children have now been flown and bussed to all 50 states and the Virgin Islands. A new U.S. Health and Human Services report reveal unaccompanied children placement on a state-by-state basis. Many taxpayers did not even realize an Office of Refugee Settlement existed in our federal government until the illegal immigrants report was made public this week.

Illegal Immigrant Children State-by-Stage Placement
The statistics reflect placements from January 1 to July 7, 2014

State Number Released
Alabama 407
Alaska 5

Arizona 186
Arkansas 166
California 3,150
Colorado 221
Connecticut 325
Delaware 117
DC 187
Florida 3,181
Georgia 1,154
Hawaii 8
Idaho 8
Illinois 305
Indiana 245
Iowa 122
Kansas 179
Kentucky 237
Louisiana 1,071
Maine 8
Maryland 2,205
Massachusetts 773
Michigan 92
Minnesota 173
Mississippi 179
Missouri 121
Montana 1
Nebraska 192
Nevada 122
New Hampshire 13
New Jersey 1,504
New Mexico 18
New York 3,347
North Carolina 1,191
North Dakota 4
Ohio 360
Oklahoma 212
Oregon 50
Pennsylvania 386
Rhode Island 119
South Carolina 350
South Dakota 21
Tennessee 760
Texas 4,280
Utah 67
Vermont 3
Virgin Islands 4
Virginia 2,234
Washington 211
West Virginia 10
Wisconsin 50
Wyoming 6

Total: 30,340″








    For those readers who might be skeptical of the connection between the introduction of Enterovirus D68 with the massive influx of unexamined illegals from south of the border we offer further reading: 



The Invasion of Enterovirus EV-D68

Hundreds of children are being hospitalized

Enterovirus Likely to Spread Through Schools

Enterovirus EV-D68: All About The Respiratory Illness

Virus hospitalizes hundreds of kids in Midwest and South




     As a parting thought  consider this: If an illness can be accidentally introduced into our population as easily as this what is to prevent the Islamists from infecting a large number of “refugees” with something more deadly and with a longer incubation period into our society ? Home schooling anyone ?

    We’ve all witnessed some of the horrific methods that the Jihadis are willing to stoop to in order to strike at the “infidel” but what happens if our children become the first casualties ?















The Latest WHO Update Shows The Ebola Epidemic Is Growing Deadlier






” The World Health Organization (WHO) has released a new update on the development of the worst Ebola epidemic in history.

  Since the epidemic was first declared in July, cases of Ebola have been detected in five African countries, with widespread contagion in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone and isolated cases in Nigeria and Senegal. Thus far, Liberia is the country that’s been hit hardest: 0.05% of the population has contracted the virus, and 0.03% Liberians have died from it. “

 Read more

CDC Director: Ebola Outbreak ‘Is Spiraling Out Of Control’






” The director for the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention says that the Ebola outbreak is going to get worse.

  Speaking to CBS This Morning following his trip to the West African countries dealing with the outbreak, Dr. Tom Frieden explained that they have to act now to try to get Ebola under control.

“ It is the world’s first Ebola epidemic and it is spiraling out of control. It’s bad now and it’s going to get worse in the very near future,” Frieden told CBS News. “There is still a window of opportunity to tamp it down, but that window is closing. We really have to act now.”

  Frieden, who visited Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, will tell Washington tomorrow that the Ebola outbreak is “spiraling upward.” The CDC director explained that these countries still need help to deal with the deadly outbreak.”



CBS Atlanta









Rotherham: In The Face Of Such Evil, Who Is The Racist Now?

” The Yorkshire town where 1,400 girls have been sexually abused by Asian men is a byword for depravity – all because people wouldn’t rock the multicultural boat

  Let’s start with a riddle. If South Yorkshire Police can mount a raid on Sir Cliff Richard’s home in pursuit of evidence linked to a single allegation of child sex abuse 30 years ago, why were South Yorkshire Police incapable of pursuing multiple allegations against multiple men who raped 1,400 children over 16 years?

  One thousand four hundred. Consider the weight of that number, feel its tragic heft. Picture 50 junior-school classes of little girls in Rotherham, once a respectable northern town, now a byword for depravity. We have seen child-grooming cases before, but the disgusting stories revealed in the report by Professor Alexis Jay amount to evidence of abuse on an industrial scale. ”

The Telegraph

Chicken Pox Outbreak Puts Illegal Immigrant Facility On Lockdown




” The federal government’s new facility ,  to house illegal immigrant families surging across the border has been put on lockdown because of chicken pox, with no immigrants allowed to be transferred in or out, a congressman said this week.

  Hundreds of illegal immigrants being kept at the campus of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Artesia, New Mexico, are being treated for and vaccinated against chicken pox after an outbreak, said Rep. Steve Pearce, the Republican congressman whose district includes Artesia.

“ As the FLETC facility reaches maximum capacity, I am increasingly concerned for the health and safety of the women and children at FLETC and for the local community. The virus, that has caused two residents to be put in isolation, has halted all departures,” Mr. Pearce said.

  He said he’s asked the Homeland Security Department, which runs the facility, to be available to handle calls from the community.

  The chicken pox outbreak is the latest hiccup for federal officials struggling to gain a handle on the surge of illegal immigrants from Central America this year.” 


Washington Times










Pakistani Muslims Living In U.S And U.K Rape Underage Non-Muslim Girls


” Pakistani Muslims living in U.S and U.K Rape Underage Non-Muslim girls as part of Love Jihad.”

UK Muslim Gang Rape 100 Teenage Girls – Wheres The Outrage In PC UK Media?

Jihad, Muslim Rape Gangs and Persecution in the UK

Paul Weston – Islamic rape epidemic of white women

” Muslims are responsible for about 95% of rapes of European women.
Transcript: http://britishfreedom.org/video-musli…

Israeli infiltrates European Muslim community:
part 1 of 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbPmSD…
part 2 of 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llFe81…
part 3 of 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6rYFq…
part 4 of 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Dwc40… “


Muslim Gang-Rapes Across Europe Under-Reported In Press




” High profile-gang rapes in India have been in the headlines since December. The phenomenon is growing across Europe too, but tends to be under reported due to the high incidence of Muslim perpetrators which makes it politically incorrect to mention.

In December 2011 a Swedish mother-of-two was subjected to a brutal gang-rape by 12 Afghan immigrants in a refugee camp in Mariannelund. Reports stated “The rape was oral, anal and vaginal sometimes with three rapists inside her at the same time while everybody was cheering and clapping. The gruesome rape marathon lasted for 7 hours. 11 suspect may have been involved taking turns while drinking and getting high on drugs. The asylum seekers were cheering and clapping their hands during the rape marathon while calling the victim “whore” and “slut”.”

The main perpetrator Rafi Bahaduri, 25, had already committed four other rapes in Sweden. The case is not unique. There is a growing trend of gang-rapes perpetrated against white women by Muslim rapists.

In the U.K. there has been a steady stream of cases where primarily under- privileged young English girls have been targeted, groomed and raped by gangs of what the British press euphemistically refers to as Asian men. However, the published names of the perpetrators are primarily of Pakistan and Afghanistan origin when the gang rapists appear in court. The Asian gangs do not contain rapists from China, Japan, and the Philippines.

Cases have been reported in Rochdale, Rotherham, Derby, Bradford, Blackpool – the list goes on. An article regarding the phenomenon in Standpoint notes: “According to some of the mothers, a fear of being branded racist makes many of the police and social services reluctant to investigate the crimes as organised and connected. One mother from Rotherham, whose 14-year-old daughter was groomed into prostitution and multiply raped during a 12-month period, told me that almost every man convicted of these crimes in the north of England is from Pakistan but that the authorities insist that it is not relevant.”

More and more cases are reported across Europe. The following is just a very small sample (some figures indicate 5,000 gang-rapes occur in France alone each year.)











Well Said … Facts Not Fiction


While having dinner a few minutes ago a Fox News analyst, Kirsten Powers, pontificated that mass killings with guns is becoming epidemic in this country. Unbelievably not one person challenged her outrageous allegation. But, it’s the liberal track to immediately blame guns and to s t r e t c h the truth. It happens with each such event. Evil, violent, mentally unstable people kill masses of other people. One such event would be one too many, but has mass murder become epidemic in the U.S.?

Since the shootings at Columbine in Colorado there have been a bit less than 30 instances of what could be classified as mass killings in the U.S.. Lets suppose that all of those horrific murders happened in schools and colleges. (They didn’t. They happened in shopping malls, outside churches, in cafeterias, etc.)

In the United States, according to the U.S. Department of Education, there are about…

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