Tag Archive: Entitlement Reform

Stanley Druckenmiller: How Washington Really Redistributes Income



” Stan Druckenmiller makes an unlikely class warrior. He’s a member of the 1%—make that the 0.001%—one of the most successful money managers of all time, and 60 years old to boot. But lately he has been touring college campuses promoting a message of income redistribution you don’t hear out of Washington. It’s how federal entitlements like Medicare and Social Security are letting Mr. Druckenmiller’s generation rip off all those dotingBarack Obama voters in Generation X, Y and Z.

“I have been shocked at the reception. I had planned to only visit Bowdoin, ” his alma mater in Maine, he says. But he has since been invited to multiple campuses, and even the kids at Stanford and Berkeley have welcomed his theme of generational theft. Harlem Children’s Zone President Geoffrey Canada and former Federal Reserve Governor Kevin Warsh have joined him at stops along the tour.

But he adds that “I did not think it would be nutty to tie entitlements to the debt ceiling because there’s a massive long-term problem. And this president, despite what he says, has shown time and time again that he needs a gun at his head to negotiate in good faith. All this talk about, ‘I won’t negotiate with a gun at my head.’ OK, you’ve been president for five years.”

His voice rising now, Mr. Druckenmiller pounds his fist on the conference table. “Show me, President Obama, when the period was when you initiated budget discussions without a gun at your head.”

Which brings him back to his thieving generation. For three decades until 2010, Mr. Druckenmiller ran the hedge fund he founded, Duquesne Capital. Now retired from managing other people’s money, he looks after his own assets, which Forbes magazine recently estimated at $2.9 billion. And he wonders why in five years the massively indebted U.S. government will begin sending him a Social Security check for $3,500 each month. Because he earned it? “








5 Big Problems Obama Will Ignore In His State Of The Union Address





” He has already told House Democrats that the focus of the speech will be on jobs and the economy, but according to USA Today, he is also expected to discuss gun control, climate change, and immigration.

In other words, the State of the Union address will probably sound a lot like every other speech the president has given. If your State of the Union drinking game doesn’t include the phrase “commonsense solutions,” you’re probably some sort of teetotaler.

If you’re among the 88 percent of Americans who won’t bother to tune in (according to Nielsen ratings of last year’s audience), don’t worry: It’s not like the president will actually discuss the real state of the country. Rather it’s yet another chance for Obama to promote his own policies and ignore their many flaws. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), on behalf of the GOP, and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), on behalf of the Tea Party, will provide responses that will hopefully point out the president’s attempts to dodge reality. But if not, we’ve got a handy list of issues the president is likely to avoid in the State of the Union address.”


  Can you guess what topics will be left untouched ? Make your list and then go here to see how you fare against Reason’s estimates of what’s missing . We don’t think it’s too difficult to get a grip on what Lord Obama will ignore … just think what’s truly important … yet politically inconvenient .

“Wisconsin Budget Surplus Projected To Grow To $484 Million.”



scott walker




Red States lead the way to fiscal sanity .









Say what you will of the Dems , and we’ve said plenty , but they have backbone , something sorely lacking on the right side of the aisle .






 ” It’s becoming quite clear that liberals are stonewalling on entitlement cuts while conservatives are caving on higher taxes for the wealthy. Barack Obama said  yesterday that the Republicans would cave, asserting that he was “confident”:

I’m pretty confident that Republicans would not hold middle-class taxes hostage to trying to protect tax cuts for high-income individuals. I don’t think they’ll do that.

There have been rumors that Obama would consider changing the minimum age for Medicare to 67, but Obama’s statements belie that. He intoned:

When you look at the evidence, it’s not clear that it actually saves a lot of money. But what I’ve said is ‘Let’s look at every avenue because what is true is we need to strengthen Social Security, we need to strengthen Medicare for future generations.’ The current path is not sustainable because we’ve got an aging population and healthcare costs are shooting up so quickly.

Obama is sticking with his meme, that he is concerned about the middle class:

I’d like to see a big package. But the most important thing we can do is make sure that middle-class taxes do not go up on Jan. 1st.

Shh. Don’t mention ObamaCare hitting after January 1.

Meanwhile liberals are absolutely intransigent about entitlement cuts.”




Illustration By Michael Ramirez