Tag Archive: Entitlement

Remembrance Of Clintons Past




” An abscess of anger seems to gnaw at Hillary Clinton, but the reasons for her resentments remain unclear. The world’s oldest party, which governed the nation during two world wars and is the primary architect of America’s regulatory and redistributive state, is eager to give her its presidential nomination, in recognition of . . . what?

  The party, adrift in identity politics, clings, as shipwrecked sailors do to floating debris, to this odd feminist heroine. Wafted into the upper reaches of American politics by stolid participation in her eventful marriage to a serial philanderer, her performance in governance has been defined by three failures.

  Her husband, having assured the 1992 electorate that voting for him meant getting “two for the price of one,” entrusted to her the project that he, in a harbinger of the next Democratic president’s mistake, made his immediate priority — health-care reform. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan urged him to begin with welfare reform, just as wise Democrats wanted President Obama to devote 2009 to economic recovery rather than health care, perhaps sparing the nation six years and counting of economic sluggishness.”

Read the rest of George Will‘s piece at NRO



    As companion pieces to Mr Will’s article we recommend these more complete lists of the shady dealings of Hillary and Bill :


The Hillary Clinton Scandals: Volume 1

List Of Clinton(s) Scandals and Trials








Judge Judy Lays A Smackdown On Leeching Woman With 5 Kids





An all powerful government breeds an all dependent society .

Once-great Detroit collapses, files for biggest city bankruptcy in U.S. history


” Detroit, once one of the great power centres of North America, has collapsed, filing for what would be the biggest bankruptcy in U.S. history.

  The city’s emergency manager, Kevyn Orr, today asked a court to put the municipality into bankruptcy protection, what is known as a Chapter 9 filing.

  The move followed negotiations with creditors, including those asked to take a substantial haircut on their debts.”


100 Percent FED Up









We’re Now One Step Closer To America’s Coming Civil War





” Some have said my warnings about a coming civil war between makers and takers are exaggerated. It’s true that Argentina’s politicians have been waging class warfare since Juan and Eva Peron–and they aren’t fazed when it turns bloody. Obama and the Democrats are relative newcomers to the game. But Argentina reveals who really suffers when those who create a nation’s wealth get mugged by those who spend it–as just happened this week in Washington.

It’s the poor and the middle class, the very ones big government says it’s trying to protect. ”




Why The Left Got Taken To The Cleaners




” For liberals, this was not a moment of danger to be minimized but by far their best opportunity in a generation for increasing tax rates (which is the only fiscal reform they seem to want) and for robbing Republicans of future leverage for spending and entitlement reforms. And it is likely the best one they will encounter for another generation. Many on the left have seemed convinced lately that the politics of taxes had changed dramatically in their favor, and that the opportunity presented by the cliff could result in the kind of surge in revenue that could put off the coming fiscal crunch for years (until, they seem to think, it will just magically go away at some point) and so could save our entitlement programs from the need for reform. . . . ”




A Nation of Dependents


  “Forget for a moment the flap over Mitt Romney‘s 47 percenters and answer this question: Should we be concerned that 49 percent of households get government money?”