Tag Archive: Energy

This Eye-Opening Map Shows The Reason Gas Is More Expensive In Some States Than Others


   This map shows why the cost of gasoline is so high and why there is so much variation from state to state . The simple answer is , of course , taxes , both state and federal . Click on the map below to go to the interactive page that will give the reader specific details for each individual state and bear in mind that , even as the Statists demonize the oil industry as some sort of price-gouging profiteers , that the various government entities make more from the sale of a gallon of gas than do the evil energy producers .



Gas Taxes By State

Click Map For Interactive Link



” The federal excise tax is 18.4 cents per gallon, and the rest of the taxes are particular to each state and vary greatly around the country.

  The two states with the biggest taxes: New York at $0.505 and California at $0.4978. The two states with the lowest taxes: Alaska at $0.124 and New Jersey at $0.145.

  Expressed as a percentage, based upon current prices which are $3.678 as averaged across the nation, the price for a gallon of gas breaks down like this:

  • 10% for refining costs and profits
  • 10% for transportation and retailing costs and profits
  • 13% for taxes and fees
  • 67% for crude oil

  One thing to notice: The total costs and profits for everything except the oil is just slightly larger than the amount that goes to state and federal taxes.”



Here is a bit more perspective on those “massive profits” raked in by “Big Oil” …







” ExxonMobil’s earnings are from operations in more than 100 countries around the world. The part of the business that refines and sells gasoline and diesel in the United States represents less than 3 percent – or 3 cents on the dollar – of our total earnings. For every gallon of gasoline, diesel or finished products we manufactured and sold in the United States in the last three months of 2010, we earned a little more than 2 cents per gallon. That’s not a typo. Two cents.”




As the astute reader can easily ascertain , the only “price gouger” in the energy business is the State .











Attackers Use Microsoft Security Hole Against Energy, Defense, Finance Targets


Internet Explorer zero-day vulnerability actively being exploited in the wild



” By the time Microsoft warned customers of a nasty security hole in its web browser Saturday, a sophisticated group of attackers were already using the vulnerability against defense and energy companies, according to FireEye, the security company.

  Things went from bad to worse over the weekend. FireEye’s researchers watched as the attackers shared their exploit with a separate attack group, which began using the vulnerability to target companies in the financial services industry, according to Darien Kindlund, the director of threat intelligence at FireEye.

  Even after Microsoft issued its advisory on Saturday, Mr. Kindlund said, “There was a notable increase in proliferation.”

  Soon, the attackers were using the vulnerability for so-called watering hole attacks, in which hackers infect a popular website with malware, then wait for victims to click to the site and infect their computers.”


Read more











Daily Video 11.17.13

The Frackers: How Hydraulic Fracturing Created A Revolution In Energy



Published on Nov 15, 2013

” Just a few years ago, gas prices were skyrocketing, but now they’re comparatively cheap and oil is plentiful. What happened? It was an American success story – hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking. Listen to Glenn Reynolds interview Gregory Zuckerman, author of The Frackers, about the benefits of hydraulic fracturing.”









Mercatus Center Policy Guide


” The Mercatus Policy Guide is intended to summarize and condense the best research available on the most pressing topics. It serves as a starting point for discussion, not a comprehensive overview of economic policy. Anyone who wants to go deeper into these studies should consult the references listed at the back. Mercatus scholars are available to further explain the results of their studies. We hope the guide will prove to be a valuable tool in your evaluation of economic policy.”

Paul’s Budget Kills Departments of Commerce, Education, Housing, and Energy




” Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) today introduced a budget he says will balance the budget in five years with $2.3 trillion in tax cuts.

Paul’s “Platform to Revitalize America” brings spending below the historical average of 19.1 percent of GDP in the first year and spends $9.6 trillion less over the next 10 years based on the current Congressional Budget Office baseline. It achieves a $17 billion surplus in FY2018 and reforms entitlement programs — Medicare recipients, for example, would receive the same healthcare plan as members of Congress.

It replenishes $126 billion to the Defense Department stripped in sequestration and puts an annual cap on foreign aid at $5 billion. The plan also repeals ObamaCare and Dodd Frank.

Paul’s budget kills four government agencies: the departments of Commerce, Education, Housing and Urban Development, and Energy. It also privatizes the Transportation Security Administration.”




Obama Names Three to Second Term Cabinet for EPA, Energy, Budget





” President Barack Obama announced three cabinet-level nominations, choosing Sylvia Mathews Burwell of the Wal-Mart Foundation as director of the Office of Management and Budget, scientist Ernest Moniz as head of the Energy Department, and Gina McCarthy to lead the Environmental Protection Agency, where she’s been an assistant administrator.

“I can promise you that as soon as the Senate gives them the go-ahead, they’re going to hit the ground running and they’re going to help make America a stronger and more prosperous country,” Obama said at the White House today.”


    How will any of these appointments make America “a stronger and more prosperous country” ? We haven’t had a budget in over four years so what’s the point of Burwell and as to Departments of Energy and EPA we live with the results of those departments every day … $5 gas , an over-arching regulatory environment , bogus e-mails , corruption , green energy scandals … ah , transparency … 

32 Days Of Higher Gas Prices Comes At Tough Time




” That means that the average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline has increased more than 13% over that period to $3.73.

It’s hitting wallets right in the middle of winter, when people are already looking at large home heating bills. And it comes just after many Americans have been hit with smaller paychecks, and are worried about looming budget cuts that could deliver an even deeper blow.

What’s behind the higher prices at the pump? It’s a confluence of factors, from rising crude oil prices, to production cuts and refinery closings.”

Estimates Raised For Nuclear-Sized Asteroid Blast That Hit Russia





” Scientists have raised their estimates of the size and power of what turns out to be the most widely witnessed asteroid strike in modern history. The size estimate puts the object that caused Friday’s meteor blast over Russia in a troublesome category of asteroids: big enough to cause damage, but small enough to evade detection.

The new estimates, based on additional readings from a sensor network built to detect nuclear blasts, suggest the meteor released the energy equivalent of nearly 500 kilotons of TNT. That’s about 30 times the power of the Hiroshima atomic bomb.

“These new estimates were generated using new data that had been collected by five additional infrasound stations located around the world — the first recording of the event being in Alaska, over 6,500 kilometers away from Chelyabinsk,” NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory said in a statement.”

Adios Richard … er … Lisa

‘Richard Windsor’ departure from EPA is
a victory for transparency


” Lisa Jackson’s forthcoming departure from
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is
a major victory for transparency and
accountability in Washington.
After years of whispers that EPA officials
frequently used private email addresses,
fake names and coded messages to
circumvent the Freedom of Information Act,
or FOIA, Jackson admitted recently to using
“Richard Windsor” as her chosen nom de
plume on a government email account. ”

” The EPA IG could hardly do otherwise. The
use of private or secret emails enables high
government muckety-mucks like Jackson to
hide things about which they don’t want the
rest of us to know. But we don’t need an
investigation to know officials have been
hiding bad things within the EPA for a very
long time.”

Types of Skills Everyone Should Know – Video – Top 100 Important Skills Popular Mechanics





” 6. Find Potable Water

“Don’t exert yourself in the heat of the day,” Sanders says. “You may lose more water by sweating than you’ll gain by digging.” Ravines and valleys are carved by running water, so head for the bottom. In deserts, with only occasional flow, look for cottonwoods, willows and other light-green vegetation that grows in wet areas. When the sun or moon is low in the sky, scan the horizon for reflections that may reveal the location of small pools. (Don’t worry if the water looks scummy. Waterborne illnesses won’t kick in for at least three days; dehydration can kill in a single day.) Collect morning dew by wiping grass with a cloth, then wringing out the water. If you have plastic bags, wrapping them around the boughs of deciduous trees yields 1 or 2 ounces a day. “

“The author fired 100 handgun loads into ballistic gelatin, measuring velocity, penetration and expansion for each.”

 “The term handgun “stopping power” generally relates various opinions about the ability of handguns to create ballistic wounds sufficient to incapacitate a target. Using muzzle velocity, caliber, bullet weight and energy, there have been multiple attempts to create formulas to rate handgun stopping power. The problem is that these theories are tied to mortality; the notions are based on the handgun’s ability to kill. From a hunting standpoint, that makes sense, but when looking at the role of a defensive handgun, it’s at least partially of no consequence.

The goal of the hunter is to kill as humanely as possible. The goal of an armed citizen using a defensive handgun is to stop an attacker as fast as possible. As similar as killing and stopping may sound, they are two very different things. It’s true that if you kill something you have stopped it, but unlike a hunter who can shoot an animal and let it run off a short distance to expire, a defensive handgun user needs to stop an attack immediately.”


Reason’s For Optimism

From Victor Davis Hansen , some reasons to be more upbeat .

  “But there is more good news. Surveys of federal oil and gas reserves keep soaring. At some point, some president is going to realize that by tapping such bounty all at once he can create new jobs, earn budget-deficit-reducing cash, stimulate the economy, cut down on the trade deficit, and marginalize the Middle East as a security issue. If Obama wishes to pass on that godsend, so be it: he can bequeath to his successor even greater riches that will only increase in value.

Rather than Obama destroying the economy, there is a sense emerging that he is merely restraining it. Should Obama lose in November, there will be the greatest collective sigh of relief since 1980 and a yell that all hell will break lose, in the good sense of business activity, commerce, investment, hiring, and resource utilization being unleashed.”

Forbes reports :

“An estimated 50% of East Coast refinery capacity is predicted to shut down in June thanks to EPA regulatory restrictions on new refinery plant construction and upgrades, along with others that discourage Gulf Coast suppliers from piping gas into to this fuel-starved region. Unsurprisingly, theEnergy Department warns that the resulting shortage will cause pump prices to spike, and “While the short-term effects of the idled Philadelphia-area refineries will be concentrated in the Central Atlantic, their long-term impacts will be more evenly spread throughout the entire East Coast.”

Like I said , whatever it takes . Better stock up on candles and horses as we will be back in the Dark Ages if these Luddites get another 4 years .

Nail Him Up , I Say ..

The Best Thing The Romans Ever Did For Us

It’s such a sad example of governing that I had to inject a bit of levity to keep from crying .

  “A video surfaced on Wednesday showing a regional administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency comparing his agency’s philosophy with respect to regulation of oil and gas companies to brutal tactics employed by the ancient Roman army to intimidate its foes into submission.

EPA’s “philosophy of enforcement,” said EPA’s Region VI Administrator Al Armendariz, is “kind of like how the Romans used to conquer little villages in the Mediterranean: they’d go into little Turkish towns somewhere, they’d find the first five guys they’d run into, and they’d crucify them.” “