You Probably Live In One Of The 20 Worst Countries For Internet Censorship


Image Credit: Reporters Without Borders

” While press freedom seems to be in a troubling downward trajectory in the U.S., Internet freedom is not looking much better either.

  Reporters Without Borders recently announced its annual “Enemies of the Internet” list, and it is a real doozy this year. There are some of the usual suspects — China, Sudan, Iran, North Korea and Cuba — but there are also a few surprising additions to the list — especially the U.S. and the U.K.

Take a look at the map … “



We in the west should be so proud . Look at the details of the map and hang your heads in shame .



” “How will so-called democratic countries be able to press for the protection of journalists if they adopt the very practices they are criticizing authoritarian regimes for?” asked the report.

  Check out this interactive version of the map for a more detailed look at Internet censorship around the world.”




     The leaders of the US and UK should be absolutely ashamed of themselves to find the homes of the Magna Carta and Declaration of Independence / Constitution / Bill Of Rights in company with the above mentioned dictatorships , oligarchies and theocracies . One can practically feel the earth tremble as the Founding Fathers turn over in their graves .


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