Tag Archive: Emily Miller

Man Found Guilty After Carrying Replica Bullets







   You can read more about Mark Witaschek and his ordeal with the DC statists from our previous efforts to highlight Emily Miller’s great work on his behalf . Perhaps a brief synopsis of the case is in order for the new readers : Based on a phone tip from a disgruntled ex-wife Mr Witaschek , a successful businessman with no criminal record , and his family were subject to a full scale SWAT raid in the wee hours of the morning looking for “illegal firearms” . 

   After an exhaustive search there were no illegal firearms found  , but a fired shotgun shell , a souvenir from an past upland hunt , and some muzzle loading supplies were uncovered . For that Mr Witaschek’s life has been turned upside down by the State .

   This incident serves to vividly illustrate the two-tiered legal system that absolves a celebrity , one of the Elite , like David Gregory for knowingly possessing one of those “evil” 30 round magazines while persecuting the “unconnected” citizen on a much less serious offense .


    Kudos to Emily Miller and the Washington Times , who alone have made it their mission to see that this case gets the attention it deserves . The links in the previous sentence will take the reader to the body of work from Ms Miller and the Times regarding their reporting of Mr Witaschek .








CPAC 2014 – More Guns, Less Crime: Law Enforcement is Embracing a Well-Armed Civilian Population




Published on Mar 8, 2014

” The police have discovered that guns in the hands of law abiding Americans may be the best defense against guns in the hands of criminals.

  Chris Cox (Executive Director, National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action) moderates the discussion with Emily Miller (Senior Opinion Editor, The Washington Times); David Clark (Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin); and The Honorable Sandy Adams, former United States Representative for Florida at CPAC 2014 on March 8, 2014.

  Recorded at the American Conservative Union (ACU) Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) 2014, March 6-8, 2014, Washington, D.C.

Follow the ACU and CPAC on Twitter: @CPACnews #CPAC2014.”









Kamala Harris Uses Dirty Tactics To Get Peruta v. San Diego County Reversed



” Just when residents of San Diego thought they finally had won back the right to bear arms in the county, state politicians used dirty tactics to try to block it.

  Late Thursday, California State Attorney General Kamala Harris filed a petition on behalf of the state to ask the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to review and reverse its decision in Peruta v. County of San Diego. That ruling two weeks ago said the county’s restrictive concealed carry permit laws that required “good cause” were unconstitutional.

  This comes just one week after San Diego Sheriff Bill Gore said he would not seek en banc review and would start issuing permits based on self-defense once the appeals court decision was finalized.

  Ms. Harris wrote in the filing that the state should be allowed to intervene in the case because “this case draws into question the constitutionality of the State’s statutory scheme regulating the public carrying of firearms.” She added that the “existing parties will not adequately represent the State’s interests.”

  Chuck Michel is the west coast counsel for the National Rifle Association, which funded the lawsuit. He said Ms. Harris‘ motion to intervene was far out of line because her office wasn’t part of the lawsuit, despite repeated requests from both plaintiffs and Sheriff Gore to get involved. ” 


Emily Miller has more on Barack’s “best looking AG” trying to make her own laws instead of upholding the court’s decisions as is her purview .








Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/feb/27/california-attorney-general-tries-overturn-gun-car/#ixzz2uiNoK2i0
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Smith & Wesson To Stop Selling Guns In California Due To Microstamping Law





” Smith & Wesson announced it will stop selling its handguns in California rather than manufacture them to comply with the new micro-stamping law. The other publicly traded firearms manufacturer in the U.S., Sturm, Ruger, also said this month that it will stop new sales to California.

  The announcement late Wednesday came a week after the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the trade association for firearms manufacturers, filed suit against California for requiring that all new semi-automatic pistols that are not already on the state’s approved gun roster have the micro-stamping technology. 

  Smith & Wesson President and CEO James Debney said, “As our products fall off the roster due to California’s interpretation of the Unsafe Handgun Act, we will continue to work with the NRA and the NSSF to oppose this poorly conceived law which mandates the unproven and unreliable concept of micro-stamping and makes it impossible for Californians to have access to the best products with the latest innovations.” “

NBC’s David Gregory Remains Free while Iraq Vet was Jailed for Breaking the same Gun Law (VIDEO)


Protects our rights and gets jailed


” Intrepid reporter Emily Miller of the Washington Times wrote an interesting article on Tuesday concerning the two systems of justice that exist in our Nation’s Capital.  That is, the justice system that applies to political elites and the justice system that applies to ordinary citizens.

To highlight the inequity in the DC legal system, Miller pointed to two different cases, one involving an Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran Adam Meckler and another involving NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’ host David Gregory.

Both men violated a subsection of this onerous gun law, DC Criminal Code 7-2506.01:

Unlawful Possession of Ammunition (UA): It is illegal to possess ammunition in the District of Columbia unless the person is:  (1) a licensed dealer, (2) a federal or city law enforcement officer acting within scope of duties, or (3) holder of a valid registration certificate of same gauge and caliber as ammunition in possession.  It is also illegal to possess, sell or transfer any ‘large-capacity ammunition feeding device.’

A person guilty of this charge can be sentenced to a maximum fine of $1000 and/or up to a year imprisonment.


In 2011, Army Specialist Adam Meckler, who spent 15 months in Iraq and 15-month in Afghanistan during his 9 year military career, was thrown in jail for being in possession of ‘unregistered ammunition.’ ”



Collaborates with the State to steal our rights and remains free


“MILLER: Hide your guns”

“Democrats vow to pursue more gun-control laws”

  “You didn’t hear the word “guns” voluntarily pass the lips of any Democratic speaker at this week’s convention in Charlotte, N.C. Liberals may be smart enough to avoid alienating the almost half of all Americans who have guns in their homes, but the same can’t be said for their party platform.

The Democratic policy statement approved this week calls for enacting “common-sense improvements — like reinstating the assault-weapons ban and closing the gun-show loophole.” The so-called “assault-weapons ban” in the 1990s banned scary-looking guns and magazines that held over 10 rounds. The platform does toss in a line that claims to recognize the right to bear arms, but it is “subject to reasonable regulation.” The left wants “an honest, open national conversation about firearms.”

I asked many Democratic leaders about the party’s position on firearms at the convention, but almost all claimed not to have read that section of the platform. Jesse Jackson was one of the few willing to come out and say he wants to ban all guns except bolt-action rifles, shotguns and revolvers.”


   But we already knew that … at least those of us not burdened with partisan blunders .

   Now we have the FBI statistics to prove the point as Emily Miller
does in this article from the Washington Times .

    Be sure to read the last couple paragraphs to see further evidence of Obama’s job creation skills .

  “Gun-control advocates are noticeably silent when crime rates decline. Their multimillion-dollar lobbying efforts are designed to manufacture mass anxiety that every gun owner is a potential killer.
The statistics show otherwise.

   Last week, the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) announced that violent crime decreased 4 percent in 2011. The number of murders, rapes, robberies and aggravated assaults all went down, continuing a pattern. “

Another common sense attempt at shoring up our basic Liberties . Spread the word and make the call . 

  “Americans choose to take to the roads for vacations and to visit friends and family on Memorial Day. Often, they’ll bring their firearms with them for sport or personal protection, and it’s perfectly legal under federal law. This gets under the skin of a handful of anti-gun jurisdictions that have grown so out of control that they’ll jail an active-duty Afghanistanveteran who’s following the letter of the law. A growing, bipartisan movement in Congress is looking to stop the harassment.

Rep. H. Morgan Griffith, Virginia Republican, has sponsored legislation that would amend current law to make it clear that individuals who transport their guns from state to state may stop for food, gas and vehicle maintenance. They also may seek medical treatment, tend to an emergency, stay overnight and conduct other activities incidental to the transport. ”  


This is not even about a new law . It is just about stopping anti-gun jurisdictions from taking advantage of certain ambiguities . This bill aims to spell it out loud and clear . 


  “These things are legal already, but because the law does not spell it out in explicit detail, gun-grabbing areas take advantage of the ambiguity.Mr. Griffith’s language would force states and localities to pay the attorney bills for anyone who is arrested for illegal transport if they are exonerated based on this proposed law.”