Tag Archive: Election Fraud

Voter Outrage In Suffolk County




This morning I was denied the right to vote .

   Let me explain . When I showed up at my polling place at 6am this morning and walked over to my election district table to pick up my ballot imagine my surprise when the election official informed me that not only was my name not in the rolls but the book with the voter registration names in it that we have to sign into , without any ID mind you , was missing pages 1 through 10 and 12 through 60 . 

    I live in a smallish town in Suffolk county but even so those nearly sixty missing pages account for approximately 600 voters who have been disenfranchised . To be fair I was offered two alternatives: casting an “affidavit ballot” , which I initially chose , or returning to the polls some hours from now when a “new book” could be delivered from the county seat an hour and a half’s drive away .

    Unbeknownst to me when I accepted the “affidavit ballot” , I was given a special envelope that required me to fill out all manner of personal information including “party affiliation” . My conditional ballot would then be sealed into this envelope and allegedly transported to the county seat and be counted at the end of the day with all of those who were allowed to vote in the usual way . 

   After starting to cast my ballot and being given the envelope  , I refused to fill out said envelope which would have denied me my anonymity as the election officials opening my envelope would have been able to associate my votes with a name thus denying me the confidentiality afforded to all of the voters who’s names were in the registration book . 

   I for one am lucky enough that I can return later in the day to try again .  After driving away it came to me that since they have already recorded my name in the book as having cast an “affidavit ballot” are they going to be competent enough to record the fact that I refused to turn in my ballot and erase the botched transaction ? 

   This is an outrage that only lends credence to the notion that our government is too incompetent to be trusted with anything of importance and one has to wonder how many of these +/- 600 voters will even be able to make a second trip to the polls . This is Andrew Cuomo’s New York folks .



   Good luck . To be continued … We’ll see if I am allowed to cast a real ballot when I return this afternoon after refusing to complete my “affidavit ballot”













Lois Lerner Tries Barging Into Neighbor’s Home To Evade Questions




” Lois Lerner attempted to bust into a neighbor’s home uninvited, in a desperate attempt to avoid answering questions about her involvement in the targeting of conservative groups.

  Jason Mattera, author of the explosive new book CRAPITALISM: Liberals Who Make Millions Swiping Your Tax Dollars, recently caught up with the disgraced former IRS official in her ritzy neighborhood outside Washington, D.C.

  Mattera, who publishes the Daily Surge, asked Lerner if she had any regrets for her role in the ongoing IRS corruption case, and if she wanted to take the opportunity to give a genuine apology to conservatives for using the force of government to harass and single them out.”

The Daily Surge

N.C. State Board Finds More Than 35K Incidents Of ‘Double Voting’ In 2012



Dead Voters



” North Carolina’s Board of Elections found that tens of thousands of registered voters from the state have personal information matching that of registered voters in other states, and appear to have voted in states other than North Carolina in 2012. In some cases, votes were cast under names of individuals who had passed away before Election Day.

  The review searched databases in 27 other states and 101 million voter records for information such as matching names, dates of birth, and Social Security numbers.

  The review found that 35,570 North Carolina voters from 2012 shared the same first names, last names, and dates of birth with individuals who voted in other states. Another 765 Tar Heel State residents who voted in 2012 had the the same names, birthdays, and final four digits of a Social Security number as voters elsewhere.”


NRO has more







78% Favor Proof Of Citizenship Before Being Allowed To Vote







” A federal judge last week upheld the right of states to require proof of citizenship before allowing someone to register to vote. Voters continue to overwhelmingly support such a requirement.

  A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 78% of Likely U.S. Voters believe everyone should be required to prove his or her citizenship before being allowed to register to vote. That’s up from 71% a year ago. Just 19% oppose that requirement. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

  Twenty-nine percent (29%) believe laws that require proof of citizenship before allowing voter registration discriminate against such voters. But more than twice as many (61%) say such laws do not discriminate, up three points from 58% who felt that way in March of last year. Ten percent (10%) are undecided.

  Opponents of proof-of-citizenship laws claim they are intended to keep eligible voters from voting, while supporters say instead that they are intended to keep ineligible voters from casting votes. Thirty-four percent (34%) think it is more common that people are prevented from voting who should be allowed to vote. Half (50%) of voters disagree and think that more often people are allowed to vote who are not eligible to vote. Seventeen percent (17%) are not sure.

  This marks a six-point increase from last year in the number of voters who think it is more common for people to be allowed to vote who are not eligible. It’s also the highest level of doubt about the voting process in surveys since January 2008. “


Read the whole poll at Rasmussen








Some Topical Humor From The Looking Spoon





     Heh … Grandma was a loyal Republican until the day she died . Ever since , she’s voted Democrat . Vote fraud is real folks , make no mistake about it .







Obama: If you can’t trust us, we’re going to have some problems







” Leaving aside the seriousness of lawlessness, and the corruption of our civic culture by the professionally pious, this past week has been amusing. There was the spectacle of advocates of an ever-larger regulatory government expressing shock about such government’s large capacity for misbehavior. And, entertainingly, the answer to the question “Will Barack Obama’s scandals derail his second-term agenda?” was a question: What agenda?

The scandals are interlocking and overlapping in ways that drain his authority. Everything he advocates requires Americans to lavish on government something his administration, and big government generally, undermines — trust.

Obama’s supposed “trifecta” of scandals — Benghazi, the IRS, and the seizure of Associated Press phone records — neglects some. A fourth scandal is power being wielded by executive branch officials (at the National Labor Relations Board and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) illegally installed in office by presidential recess appointments made when the Senate was not in recess.

A fifth might be Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius soliciting, from corporations in industries HHS regulates, funds to replace some that Congress refused to appropriate. The money is to be spent by nonprofit — which does not mean nonpolitical — entities. The funds are to educate Americans about, which might mean (consider the administration’s Benghazi and IRS behaviors) propagandize in favor of, Obamacare and to enroll people in its provisions. The experienced (former governor, former secretary of education, 10 years in the Senate) and temperate Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., compares this to the Iran-contra scandal, wherein the Reagan administration raised private funds to do what Congress had refused to do — finance the insurgency against Nicaragua’s government.

Obama’s incredibly shrinking presidency is a reminder that politics is a transactional business, trust is the currency of the transactions, and the currency has been debased. For example:”



Read The Whole Sordid Thing




















” Known for his fiery tirades on the House floor, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) on Tuesday blasted the Justice Department’s assertion that voter ID laws are discriminatory to minorities. Using South Carolina’s voter ID law as an example, Gowdy dismantled the race-based argument against such legislation in about 5 minutes.

“South Carolina passed a voter ID law in 2011…and in 2011 one-third of South Carolina’s congressional delegation was African-American,” Gowdy said. “I may be mistaken, I suspect that South Carolina’s percentage of African-American members of Congress may have been the highest in the country in 2011.” “

Chavez Heir Barely Wins; Opposition Rejects Count



” Hugo Chavez’s hand-picked successor, Nicolas Maduro, won a razor-thin victory in Sunday’s special presidential election but the opposition candidate refused to accept the result and demanded a full recount.

Maduro’s stunningly close victory followed an often ugly, mudslinging campaign in which the winner promised to carry on Chavez’s self-styled socialist revolution, while challenger Henrique Capriles’ main message was that Chavez put this country with the world’s largest oil reserves on the road to ruin.

Despite the ill feelings, both men sent their supporters home and urged them to refrain from violence.

Maduro, acting president since Chavez’s March 5 death, held a double-digit advantage in opinion polls just two weeks ago, but electoral officials said he got just 50.7 percent of the votes to 49.1 percent for Capriles with nearly all ballots counted.

The margin was about 234,935 votes. Turnout was 78 percent, down from just over 80 percent in the October election that Chavez won by a nearly 11-point margin over Capriles.”






Illegal Immigrant Tells Congress Not To Call Him Illegal


” Jose Antonio Vargas, an illegal immigrant and former reporter, scolded a congressional panel on Wednesday, saying that he should not be called illegal, and saying it is an insult to his family who brought him here.

When you inaccurately call me illegal, you not only dehumanize me, you’re offending them,” he said. “No human being is illegal.”

Mr. Vargas testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee alongside Chris Crane — a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent and president of the ICE agents’ union — who is unable to arrest him under the administration’s new non-deportation policies.

Mr. Vargas, who “came out” as an illegal immigrant several years ago, delivered an emotional plea for the country to legalize him.

“What do you want to do with us?” he asked the committee.

Last week, a top House Democrat also warned colleagues against using the term “illegal immigrants.”

Our citizens are not — the people in this country are not illegal. They are are out of status. They are new Americans that are immigrants,” Rep. John Conyers Jr., Michigan Democrat, told colleagues on the House Judiciary Committee.

Many immigrant-rights advocates object to the terms “illegal” and “alien,” saying that people cannot be deemed illegal, and that the word “alien” makes them sound inhuman. They argue the better terms are “undocumented migrants.”

Many newspapers, including The Washington Times, use the phrase “illegal immigrant,” deeming it the most accurate description. “

Obama to Seek Immigration Overhaul in Single, Giant Bill





” As President Obama begins his second term, it seems he intends to make good on campaign promises to reform American immigration policy. The New York Times reports today that the president and his fellow Democrats in the Senate are seeking to create a giant omnibus bill that would remake the entire system.

Mr. Obama and Senate Democrats will propose the changes in one comprehensive bill, the officials said, resisting efforts by some Republicans to break the overhaul into smaller pieces — separately addressing young illegal immigrants, migrant farmworkers or highly skilled foreigners — which might be easier for reluctant members of their party to accept. […]

Mr. Obama is expected to lay out his plan in the coming weeks, perhaps in his State of the Union address early next month, administration officials said. The White House will argue that its solution for illegal immigrants is not an amnesty, as many critics insist, because it would include fines, the payment of back taxes and other hurdles for illegal immigrants who would obtain legal status, the officials said.

The president’s plan would also impose nationwide verification of legal status for all newly hired workers; add visas to relieve backlogs and allow highly skilled immigrants to stay; and create some form of guest-worker program to bring in low-wage immigrants in the future. “

Breitbart – One Voice Silenced, Millions Awakened





CRIMIGRANTS MURDER 12 AMERICANS DAILY IN USA.http://www.wnd.com/2006/11/39031/

CRIMIGRANTS ON WELFARE IN USA. http://www.judicialwatch.org/blog/2011/04/most-illegal-immigrant-families-collect-welfare/

CRIMIGRANTS COST $1,000,000,000 IN PRISON COSTS, IN CA ALONE.http://www.bakersfieldnow.com/news/investigations/122630554.html

CRIMIGRANTS ALIENS ARE VOTING IN ELECTIONS.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILJDudUpct0

 What About The ” Anti-Romney ” Districts ?


So Lets Get This Straight , 139-5 Romney makes this county ” the most anti-Obama ” county , yet how many of you have heard of all the voting wards , districts  and precincts where Obama got every single vote ? Why isn’t that news ? If it  wasn’t for the new media reporting it we wouldn’t know , yet CNN goes out of their way to try and spin a story of how ,  Texas has the  ” the most anti-Obama ” county  , even though  Obama got 3.4 %  .

Anybody hear a” Dog Whistle” ?





  ” In a CNN video, it is revealed that the most anti-Obama area in the United States is King County, Texas. There, Mitt Romney won by a landslide as Barack Obama only got five votes. “

…  Came up Obama on Machine



 ” “I was so upset this could happen,” voter Sher Coromalis told MyFox8.com. Coromalis tried at least three times unsuccessfully to cast her vote for Mitt Romney at early polling, and each time her vote was counted as a vote for Obama.

Coromalis also said she had to press the selection button several times before it was accepted, a problem another voter, Marie Haydock, confirmed having. “The frustration is every vote counts,” Haydock told Fox, convinced that numbers reported by recent Gallup and Rasmussen polls actually reflect the people’s choice.

The Guilford County board of elections tried to explain off the mishap, saying this type of problem is definitely “not a conspiracy” and is solved by recalibrating the machine. “It’s not a conspiracy, it’s just a machine that needs to be corrected,” Guilford County Board of Elections Director George Gilbert said trying to calm suspicions of foul play.

Infowars has always held a non-partisan stance on elections and presidential candidates. In the past, we’ve also reported on numerous instances of voter fraud, a practice that is almost as American as apple pie and baseball.

North Carolina was recently at the center of a controversy where nearly 30,000 names of registered voters were actually dead people. “Mainly, what we’re concerned about is the potential [for fraud],” Voter Integrity project director Jay DeLancy told the Charlotte Observer. “Since there is no voter ID law in North Carolina, anybody can walk in and claim to be anyone else.” “

Part One



Part Two


” Project Veritas has released a new investigation that exposes Obama campaign workers, including a Regional Field Director at Organizing for America (OFA), engaged in election fraud.

According to James O’Keefe, “These individuals showed no concern whatsoever when our investigators declared their intention to vote multiple times for President Obama. In fact, they were happy to help, even going so far as to provide the forms necessary to commit the fraud and offering advice on how to avoid getting caught.”

For much of 2012, Project Veritas has been conducting an ongoing series of investigations in more than a dozen states demonstrating the ease with which election fraud can be committed and legitimate voters can be disenfranchised. And they’ve shown that no one is immune. In April, a Project Veritas investigator was even offered the ballot of Attorney General Eric Holder himself.

“But no matter how many times we’ve proven the danger,” said O’Keefe, “our concerns have been dismissed by the media while efforts to correct the problem at the state level have been actively blocked by the Obama administration. Now we know why.” “

IRS staff were instructed to overlook fraud in applications for taxpayer IDs

  ” Internal Revenue Service supervisors “urged” their subordinates to ignore cases of fraud in applications for Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers, which allow foreign nationals to get tax refunds, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
reported today.”

  ” He may not want them to vote…

But they make a good photo-op.

The Obama Campaign is suingObama campaign is suing to keep military votes from counting.”

  We here at YouViewed have always taken a dim view of executive orders , although we can see some argument for the need for the procedure on very rare occasions . That being said , we must acknowledge that we see no pressing need for over three quarters of a million ILLEGAL ALIENS to be granted amnesty by this backdoor legislation scant months before a presidential election . 

Have the Dems run out of cemeteries from which to harvest votes ? 

    Certainly the timing is more than suspect . There was a time in the not too distant past where the average citizen would never have harbored such cynical notions of their commander-in-chief . No longer … 

   We wish Congressman King Godspeed and good luck in his bid to match/one-up the Obama administration in this despicable game of executive legislating . It is time to out Alinsky the Alinskyites .

Breitbart Lives .

 ” Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King said Friday that he plans to sue the Obama administration to halt implementation of its newly announced selective illegal immigration law enforcement policy. He told Mike Huckabee on the former Arkansas governor’s radio program Friday that he successfully sued his own state’s governor — and won — over a similar separation-of-powers issue.

“I will tell you that — I’m not without experience on this — I’m prepared to bring a suit and seek a court order to stop implementation of this policy,” King said “


Here we go with  Campaign Fraud 2.0 The 2012 version . Courtesy of the good people at Powerline .

Stay tuned . More links to come .

Nothing like the world funding your campaign is there ? And I’m sure we can count on the same media response as in 2008 …. A collective yawn and a ” move along peasants , nothing to see here ”

Posted by John Galt