Tag Archive: El Paso

Border Residents Fear Message On Mysterious Billboards


Plata o Plomo



” El Paso police are investigating two mysterious billboards that appeared just off I-10, each with a mannequin hanging from a noose. It’s not an advertisement,” said Mike Mons, regional manager for Lamar Outdoor advertising.

  The first vandalized billboard off I-10 had Plata o Plomo in large black letters which translates into silver or lead. It is usually a warning targeting police or government officials in Mexico. The warning: work with a cartel and take a bribe or get a bullet.”






” The hanging mannequin was dressed in a suit and tie.

“ This symbol has historically been used by Mexican drug cartels to threaten or intimidate Mexican citizens, business owners and government officials; however, we have never experienced this in El Paso,” said police in a statement released to media.”



    Secure the border NOW !!! The government is failing to do it’s primary job of providing it’s citizens security . Read more at KHOU










Breaking Exclusive: Radio Host Tony Stiles Arrested And Detained In Texas



Tony Stiles




Tony Stiles, a radio personality and popular figure in the liberty movement, has spoken exclusively with Benswann.com about his encounter with the Department Of Homeland Security in Texas. Stiles and two members of his tour team were arrested and detained for over seven hours on Thursday after he was stopped by DHS. Stiles was able to capture a portion of the incident on video. tony-stiles

  Stiles is currently on a national “Truth, Liberty, & Solutions” speaking tour. On Thursday, he was in California preparing for his next speaking arrangement in Tampa, Florida. Stiles and his accompanying team members, Eric Goodrich and Nathan Styles, had checked out of their hotel. Goodrich and Styles headed to Tampa in Stile’s vehicle, a GMC Yukon, while Stiles stayed behind.

  Stiles soon learned that Goodrich and Styles had been pulled over by police in El Paso, Texas. According to Goodrich and Styles, the police told them that Stiles’ vehicle had been reported stolen. Stiles had not reported his car stolen, but the vehicle was impounded anyway and Goodrich and Styles were detained. Stiles immediately left California and drove a rental car to meet Goodrich and Styles in El Paso to straighten out the situation. Stiles’ vehicle was eventually released and the three resumed their trip to Florida.

  Outside of El Paso, Stiles, Goodrich and Styles were pulled over again, this time by DHS. The men were told by the agents that it was a “routine stop” but their K-9 unit smelled something, even though Stiles stated the dog was nowhere near his car. Between 6 and 10 agents surrounded the vehicle with their hands on their sidearms and ordered Stiles, Goodrich and Styles to get out. They all refused. Stiles told Benswann.com that the agents informed him that if they did not get out of the vehicle they would be removed. Stiles, Goodrich and Styles got out of the car after the agents opened the doors.

  One of the agents attempted to take Stiles’ phone from him. The agent claimed that he was unsure if it was a weapon, but Stiles refused to surrender it. Stiles was able to take video of their forced exit from the vehicle and the following search.

  After exiting the vehicle, the three men watched as the DHS agents began searching the vehicle without consent. Stiles said the video shows one of the agents taking his hand out of his pocket suspiciously while a red bag was being searched. After the search, the agents told the men that marijuana had been found in the vehicle. Stiles affirmed to Benswann.com that neither he, Goodrich or Styles had any marijuana in their possession. The three were arrested and brought to the Sierra Blanca holding facility, where they were held in separate cells for over seven hours.”



Ben Swann











Rugged Terrain Ultimate Test For Student Vehicles In Baja SAE Race







” A hundred teams are ready to start their engines as the Baja SAE Competition returns to the rough desert terrain at the University of Texas at El Paso.

“ We want to set the bar high and let them build something rugged,” said Adrian Lopez, a UTEP mechanical engineering student.

  Lopez helped SAE design the track and expects 70 percent of the off road vehicles won’t finish the race. This year rather than man-made, the 1.3 mile course is all natural terrain. “I expect a lot of flat tires,” said Lopez.”





” The Society of Automotive Engineers holds the annual competition to simulate real world engineering projects that put student ideas to the test.

“ This program offers hands-on opportunities for universities and engineering colleges all over the world to develop and design and build a small off-road Baja vehicle that will take the punishment we’re going to give them over the next two days,” said Sam Barill, Baja program manager.

  Students have traveled from near and far for the competition, which culminates with a four-hour endurance race in which vehicles have to maneuver a variety of obstacles.”

