Tale Of Two Rallies As 11K Parents & Kids Fight For Charters



The parent’s and student’s pro-charter schools rally in Albany 



” It was a tale of two rallies — with Mayor de Blasio getting schooled by Gov. Cuomo.

  An overflow crowd of 11,000 charter-school supporters braved Albany’s subfreezing weather Tuesday to cheer Cuomo as he blasted the state’s 200-plus failing public schools and declared that “parents deserve a choice” in charter schools.

“ We are here today to tell you that we stand with you,” the governor told the huge crowd. “You are not alone. We will save charter schools.”






” Cuomo pledged to ensure that “charter schools have the financial capacity, the physical space and the government support to thrive and to grow.”

  His public promise followed an exclusive report in Tuesday’s Post that he privately told a meeting of business leaders last month he would support legislation to provide funds for charters to lease facilities if de Blasio boots them from public-school buildings.”



   Compare the two rallies , the sparsely attended one indoors right in the city where around a thousand , mostly union , professional protestors sat in the comfort of a heated auditorium versus 11,000 parents , students and teachers that travelled a hundred miles on short notice to attend their rally outdoors in the frigid temperatures of upstate Albany .



The Di Blasio/Union anti-charter schools rally.


” The massive demonstration outside the state Capitol was the largest there in years, despite being scheduled just last week in response to de Blasio’s eviction of three “co-located” charter schools.

  Meanwhile, de Blasio drew fewer than 1,500 people — mainly unionized service workers — to a long-planned, nearby rally in support of his tax-the-rich plan to finance pre-kindergarten for all city kids.”



    We seldom find anything to agree with as far as Andy Cuomo is concerned but the fact that he felt the need to speak on behalf of charter schools should give the reader a good indication of where the public stands on this issue , after all there is no greater panderer in the state than Gov Cuomo .