Teenage Witness In Trayvon Martin Case ‘Lied’ About Hospital Visit, Lawyer Says



” “She, in fact, did not go to the hospital as she stated under oath,” defense attorney Don West said, according to MyFoxOrlando.com. “And that [prosecutor] Mr. [John] Guy represented there would not be hospital records confirming her sworn statement, because, in fact, she lied.”

Guy confirmed there were no hospital records for Witness 8.

O’Mara said he wanted to wait and take the girl’s deposition later this month before commenting on whether her credibility could be an issue at trial.

“The state did what it was supposed to do and let us know there was a problem with their witness. We now know it and have an opportunity to talk to her,” he said. “Credibility is always an issue with any witness. And if it rises to the level where it is evidentiary, then we’ll go from there. And if it doesn’t rise to that level, we deal with it.” “



