Tag Archive: Divide & Conquer

Poll: African Americans Think Race Relations Have Gotten Worse Since 2009


Obama Race Relations



” Fewer African Americans say blacks and whites get along well today than felt that way in 2009, according to a new Pew Research Center/USA Today poll. From 2007 to 2009, the number of black respondents who said blacks and whites get along “very well” or “pretty well” increased seven percentage points, to 76 percent. But since 2009, the share of black respondents who had a positive view of race relations has dropped twelve points, to 64 percent. Similarly, white respondents who thought blacks and whites got along well increased three percentage points from 2007 to 2009, but decreased five percentage points from 2009 to 2014. “



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The William Deburgh Page


     Society is kept divided by artificial labels through the machinations of the Leviathan , that they may keep us in conflict with each other and thus too preoccupied to fight back against our true enemy … The State



National Shooting Sports Foundation Warns of Media Plan to Divide, Conquer Gun Rights Groups






” (Ammoland.com)- National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) president Steve Sanetti is warning gun owners to be beware the mainstream media’s efforts to pit one gun rights group against another in an attempt to divide and conquer.

For example, Sanetti points out that a March 5 Washington Post article is constructed around the theory that the NSSF does not stand with the NRA in opposition to universal background checks.”