Tag Archive: Divide And Conquer

Politicians Benefit From American Tribal Warfare





” Tribalism is the default state of humanity: The tendency to defend our own tribe even when we think it’s wrong, and to attack other tribes even when they’re right, just because they’re other. Societies that give in to the temptations of tribalism — which are always present — wind up spending a lot of their energy on internal strife, and are prone to disintegrate into spectacular factionalism and infighting, often to the point of self-destruction.

  Societies that temper those tribal tendencies, replacing them with the mechanisms of civil society, do much better. But there is much opportunity for political empire-building in tribalism, and if the benefits of stoking tribal fires exceed the costs for political actors, then expect political actors to pour gasoline on even the smallest spark.

  That’s pretty much what’s happened in the last few months, and the results haven’t been good. In America, we have both a police culture that is too quick to escalate force, and an aggressive victim culture, embodied by the loathsome Al Sharpton, that seeks to portray every police use of force, at least against members of the wrong racial and ethnic groups, as excessive.”


USA Today










Obama’s Masterful War Against GOP Strawmen

Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals

RULE 13: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” 



” I guess I already knew this, but something struck me about Obama’s inaugural address yesterday, especially as I read the transcript this morning. The reason Obama succeeds politically is that he has done a masterful job of setting up Republican strawmen – and straw policies – to use as his foils. And real Republicans do little but flail away helplessly in response.

Here is the Republican Party that Obama has created, and has convinced a majority of independent voters is the real thing:

  • The party that hates women.
  • The party that hates gay people.
  • The party that doesn’t want to help anyone in need.
  • The party that wants endless war.
  • The party that will do anything to stop the poor and the middle class from improving their lives.
  • The party that opposes building infrastructure.
  • The party that hates public employees, especially teachers, police and firefighters.
  • The party that doesn’t want you to have sex.

Does that sound like anyone you know? Does that sound like any Republican you’ve ever voted for? Does that sound like any commentator you read? Does that sound like any thoughts you’ve ever had? ”



 Now you may say that the notion that people would take this sort of propaganda seriously is absurd but you must remember that we are in the age of the ” low information voter ” and the fact that Obama won re-election after that first miserable term should be enough to inform you that the momentum is on the side of the Statists . 


Benjamin Franklin said we were given a Republic , ” if we can keep it ” . Can we , given the fact that the majority of Americans would tell you that we live in a democracy ?


Tribalism Writ Large


” To an immigrant such as myself (not the undocumented kind, but documented up to the hilt, alas), one of the most striking features of election-night analysis was the lightly worn racial obsession. On Fox News, Democrat Kirsten Powers argued that Republicans needed to deal with the reality that America is becoming what she called a “brown country.” Her fellow Democrat Bob Beckel observed on several occasions that if the share of the “white vote” was held down below 73 percent Romney would lose. In the end, it was 72 percent and he did. Beckel’s assertion — that if you knew the ethnic composition of the electorate you also knew the result — turned out to be correct. ”



” Everyone talks about this demographic transformation as if it’s a natural phenomenon, like Hurricane Sandy. Indeed, I notice that many of those exulting in the inevitable eclipse of “white America” are the same people who assure me that demographic arguments about the Islamization of Europe are completely preposterous. But in neither the United States nor Europe is it a natural phenomenon. Rather, it’s the fruit of conscious government policy.”