Tag Archive: Disney

Daily Comedy 6.2.15

Robin Hood Archery Tournament





Published on Feb 23, 2015

” Robin Hood Disney
2:29 Elephant Trunk Sqeezed “









18 Coloring Books Twistedly Turned Funny By Naughty Adults





” Leave it to adults to take the innocence out of coloring books.”




Here’s one more …





See the rest here












Daily Comedy 5.21.14

Disney’s Robin Hood – Archery Tournament





Part 1 From I Like To Waste My Time



First Wal-Mart

The first Wal-Mart store was opened in 1962 by [a salesman] Sam Walton. It was called Walton’s Five and Dime.

Part 2


Opening King Tut's Sarcophagus

Howard Carter, an English archaeologist, examining the opened sarcophagus of King Tut.

Part 3


Disney Cafeteria

Disneyland employee cafeteria of 1961.


As the expression goes , Read it and weep.

“Brendan Haas earned a prize any young kid would appreciate — an all-expenses paid trip to Disney World. Instead of going, though, the Massachusetts boy gave the vacation to the family of a soldier killed in Afghanistan.”