Tag Archive: DHS

Court Upholds Willy-Nilly Gadget Searches Along U.S. Border





” A federal judge today upheld a President Barack Obama administration policy allowing authorities along the U.S. border to seize and search laptops, smartphones and other electronic devices for any reason.

  The decision (.pdf) by U.S. District Judge Edward Korman in New York comes as laptops, and now smartphones, have become virtual extensions of ourselves, housing everything from email to instant-message chats to our papers and effects.

  The American Civil Liberties Union brought the challenge nearly three years ago, claiming U.S. border officials should have reasonable suspicion to search gadgets along the border because of the data they store. But Judge Korman said the so-called “border exemption,” in which people can be searched for no reason at all along the border, continues to apply in the digital age.

  Alarmingly, the government contends the Fourth-Amendment-Free Zone stretches 100 miles inland from the nation’s actual border.”



   This is insanity . This ruling doesn’t just impact travelers . Millions of people live within a hundred miles of the border and now we are supposed to believe that in the name of “national security” their constitutional right to be secure in their papers and effects is forfeit ? The judge should disbarred immediately as he quite obviously is in violation of his oath to “uphold the Constitution” .


” The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. “


” The decision supports a conclusion 10 months ago from the Department of Homeland Security’s civil rights watchdog that said that travelers along the nation’s borders may have their electronics seized and the contents of those devices examined for any reason whatsoever — all in the name of national security.”




The Founders are hanging their heads in shame .



    Benjamin Franklin was right :


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”




Why Does The Environmental Protection Agency Need Its Own SWAT Team?


” Nestled in the tranquil Connecticut River watershed of southwest New Hampshire, the city of Keene has largely avoided the violent unrest common to many other urban areas. With a population of only 23,409 people, Keene’s violent crime index is about half the national average.

  Despite the calm, however, local authorities didn’t think twice about requesting a BearCat armored counterattack vehicle from the Department of Homeland Security.

“ Our application talked about the danger of domestic terrorism, but that’s just something you put in the grant application to get the money,” said a Keene City Council member. “What red-blooded American cop isn’t going to be excited about getting a toy like this?



And if they have it , what “red-blooded American cop” isn’t going to get excited about USING it ?



” While the possession of an armored vehicle by such a peaceful city may seem strange, the militarization of the Keene police force isn’t an isolated case. Over the past decade, thousands of local police departments nationwide have been amassing stockpiles of military-grade equipment in the name of homeland security. Local police now have the sort of equipment soldiers use to fight wars.”



   This hard hitting article should be read by all that have an abiding love of liberty and civil rights . This is the type of wisdom to be found as one reads deeper into the article …



” Why the Founders Didn’t Create a Federal Police Force

  America’s founders were deeply wary of standing armies in peacetime. They could have given the federal government a well-armed federal police agency to “contain and reverse violent threats to domestic tranquility”—but they deliberately didn’t. Instead, they limited the power of the government, the federal government in particular. They wanted to reduce threats to individual liberty.

  The founders realized the danger posed to the American people by police forces that think and act like they are at war. Above all else, the Constitution’s framers believed that government power should be decentralized so that no one person or branch of government could emerge as a force of tyranny. As James Madison said at the Constitutional Convention in 1787, “A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive, will not long be safe companions to liberty.” “



   Please . Read the whole piece and pass it on . This paragraph gives the reader a chilling example of the mindset existent in today’s police hierarchy and this from the “Live Free Or Die” state …



” In the summer of 2013, a police chief in Concord, New Hampshire, asked Homeland Security for more than $250,000 to purchase an armored vehicle that he could use to protect the city from the Occupy New Hampshire movement and the Free State Project, a civil libertarian group. “The State of New Hampshire’s experience with terrorism slants primarily toward the domestic type,” he said in his filing. “We are fortunate that our state has not been victimized from a mass casualty event from an international terrorism strike; however, on the domestic front, the threat is real and here. Groups such as the Sovereign Citizens, Free Staters and Occupy New Hampshire are active and present daily challenges.”



    We’ll leave you with this final example from the article to mull over and consider if the reader believes this country is being turned into a Statist haven or not .



” Racing Toward a National Catastrophe

  Discarding the laws of the land has become a theme of the current administration. If constitutional separations between federal and local law no longer apply, then the only law that does apply is the law of the jungle. If a federalized police force has more firepower than local police or private citizens, then might makes right.

  If federal agents want to swoop in and confiscate a company’s financial statements, then the executive branch of government “can do what they want, when they want, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” If a city mayor wants an MRAP to stop protests by civil libertarians, then you better hope he wakes up in a benevolent mood, because that’s the only remaining guarantee of public safety.

  Here is what Judge Andrew Napolitano wrote in the Washington Times: “Mr. Obama has argued that he can kill Americans whose deaths he believes will keep us all safer, without any due process whatsoever. No law authorizes that. His attorney general has argued that the president’s careful consideration of each target and the narrow use of deadly force are an adequate and constitutional substitute for due process. No court has ever approved that” (Feb. 7, 2013).”



    It’s all being done in the name of “public safety” but who is really being made safer ? The public ? Or the State ? For everyone’s sake READ THE ENTIRE PIECE .













A New Report Says They’re Fraught With Waste And Abuse And Have Whittled Away At Civil Liberties Protections.







” A domestic surveillance system established after the terrorist attacks of September 11 collects and shares intelligence on a mass scale about “the everyday activities of law-abiding Americans, even in the absence of reasonable suspicion,” according to a new report.

  The report, released this month by the Brennan Center for Justice, a nonpartisan policy institute at NYU School of Law, found that law enforcement data sharing programs organized by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are fraught with waste and abuse and have whittled away at civil liberties protections while evading sufficient oversight.

  Fusion centers collect information on “such innocuous and non-criminal activities as photography, looking through binoculars, and taking notes.”

  Other activities collected by law enforcement officials and stored in fusion centers included:

  • Individuals who stay at bus or train stops for extended periods while buses and trains come and go;
  • Individuals who carry on long conversations on pay or cellular telephones; 
  • Individuals who order food at a restaurant and leave before the food arrives or who order without eating; and
  • Joggers who stand and stretch for an inordinate amount of time. “












Homeland Security Helps Smuggle Illegal Immigrant Children Into The U.S




” A federal judge in Texas late last week accused the Obama administration of aiding drug cartels, saying that instead of enforcing immigration laws, agents knowingly helped smuggle an illegal immigrant girl into the U.S. to live with her mother, also an illegal immigrant, in Virginia.

  In a 10-page order, Judge Andrew S. Hanen said the case was the fourth such case he’s seen over the last month, and in each instance Customs and Border Protection agents have helped to locate and deliver the children to their illegal immigrant parents.

  The judge said in each case, the taxpayers footed the bill for flights — including flights to multiple locations in different parts of the U.S. that it took to find one of the children’s parents.

“ The DHS is rewarding criminal conduct instead of enforcing the current laws. More troubling, the DHS is encouraging parents to seriously jeopardize the safety of their children,” the judge said, adding that some of the children have been made to swim the Rio Grande River or traverse remote areas as part of the smuggling.”









If They Come To Confiscate Your Guns You Have to Know What to Expect




” Back in January I wrote an article entitled If They Come for Your Guns, Do You Have a Responsibility to Fight? The article went on to be read by a lot of people. However…

  I have learned a thing or two about a thing or two since then. I wrote that article when I was just starting to wake up to what was going on around me. And to be quite blunt, if you think you are going to have time to reach for your gun during a full-scale confiscation, you may be sadly mistaken. Chances are you won’t even get to your guns before a red beam is dancing between your eyebrows.”





”  We have to know what to expect. This is not about ego. This is about survival and living to fight another day. So sure, I can bow out my chest and talk about how I’m going to die a glorious death with hot smoldering brass up to my knees. I can talk about how they will pry my gun from my cold dead hands. The truth is that neither is likely to happen.

  To understand the likely scenario we need to look at a situation in which full-scale gun confiscation was implemented and develop our strategy from there. Let’s talk about Hurricane Katrina.”





” Let’s get all thoughts of fantasy out of our head. We can’t assume that we will see them coming. We can’t expect a phone call from Bob who lives three blocks away. We can’t expect anything in this situation except to be surprised. Please listen to this account of someone who was there for the Katrina gun confiscation. This stuff happens with the precision of our military. This is not going to be Andy and Barney knocking on your door.”


   This article is a nice primer on hiding your guns from the State and includes the following bits of helpful tips on long term storage of firearms …


Three ways to prep your gun for hiding

Three types of storage containers

Three places to hide a gun


   In addition to the videos above that provide tips on long-term firearm storage we’ve included the video below that provides tips for the storage of ammunition , because what is a gun without ammo but a very expensive club .  




   Remember that all of these videos are provided by individual citizens with varying degrees of knowledge of the subjects on which they hold forth and so there is undoubtably room for debate . 








DHS Promotes Snitch Program ‘To Keep Shoppers Safe’





“At DHS, homeland security begins with hometown security. We’re all safer when everyone is alert and engaged…” an Orwellian sounding press release from the DHS states.

Several businesses have joined forces with the DHS to promote the snitch program, they include Mall of America, Walmart, Simon Property Group and the Building Owners and Managers Association.

The Department of Homeland Security is encouraging Americans to snitch on each other if they see anything “suspicious” at malls and shopping centres in New Hampshire this holiday season.

The FBI is also taking part in the campaign, with the businesses also carrying out “training exercises”. It is not clear what the drills consist of.

Last year hundreds of pages of documents released under the Freedom of Information Act revealed that the DHS went out of its way to monitor political opposition to the campaign, as well as tracking Infowars stories and user comments on a myriad of other issues while categorizing the website as “Right Wing Terrorism”.”










Homeland Security Must Disclose ‘Internet Kill Switch,’ Court Rules



” The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) must disclose its plans for a so-called Internet “kill switch,” a federal court ruled on Tuesday.

The United States District Court for the District of Columbia rejected the agency’s arguments that its protocols surrounding an Internet kill switch were exempt from public disclosure and ordered the agency to release the records in 30 days. However, the court left the door open for the agency to appeal the ruling.

The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) is seeking “Standard Operating Procedure 303,” also known as the “Internet kill switch” from Homeland Security. The protocols govern shutting down wireless networks to prevent the remote detonation of bombs.

The broad government power to shut down communications networks worries civil libertarians. However, the agency argues the protocols must be kept secret to protect national interests and the safety of individuals.”



    A small and perhaps temporary victory for freedom , but we must be ever-vigilant . The attempts of the State to steal our freedoms continues unabated .







Las Vegas Installs “Intellistreets” Light Fixtures Capable Of Recording Conversations




” The Las Vegas Public Works Department has begun testing a newly installed street light system around City Hall with wide-ranging capabilities including audio and video recording.

According to the Michigan based “Illuminating Concepts,” the system’s main benefits include “energy management, security and entertainment.” The Las Vegas setup includes such features as emergency notification flashers, playable music and a sound announcement system, all controlled from an Ipad.

“Actually, there’s a server that’s housed by the company that’s providing this product and we’re communicating with just a wireless, wi-fi connection,” Neil Rohleder of the Public Works Department told My News 3.

The company’s lights, which also offer a “Homeland Security” feature, received major backlash in 2011 following reports of the system’s federally-funded roll out across the country. The feature allows for emergency government announcements which will likely include such slogans as “See Something, Say Something” as well as other irrationally fear-based messages already seen in Wal Mart’s DHS-run “telescreens.” ”








 DHS Now Taking Bids For 2 States; Top Secret Force



” Remember when Hussein Obama was saying that we need a domestic police force that is just as strong as our military, during the 2008 campaign?  A few of us wondered at the time why we needed that. It was largely ignored up until recently but he is making good on that claim. It’s much more than a claim now; it’s becoming a real threat.”



   Remember now ? He wasn’t kidding as we are well aware . All is proceeding as the Statists have planned , and there are new developments as this article states .

” As the process moves forward, a new request for bid has been posted on the General Services Administration website for DHS contractors. The Contract is seeking to fill the positions of “Security Guards and Patrol Services”, for a term of one year, with four one year renewals and a six month renewal. That’s five and a half years of security to begin with. The Contractor also needs to have a Top Secret Security Clearance.”

412 bid1

    What on earth is so important in the states of Minnesota and Wisconsin that it requires a $100 million contract for “security services” ? Oh , and did we mention , one of the contract requirements is a “Top Secret” security clearance ?

” A Congressional audit and accountability study needs to be conducted for all of the recent bids, including riot protection and offensive weaponry; ammunition and vehicles should be conducted determining their supposed justification and legitimacy.

Secondly, an investigation into the reasons behind the secretive nature of the operation of DHS must be carried out. Of course, there will be the resistance floated that national security concerns prevent disclosure. Not true, national security concerns demand that this be done.”



    Leviathan is growing more lethal and secretive by the day , even as we stand by and fund the instruments of our own destruction.









From Brandon Smith At Personal Liberty




” The idea that our government has indeed run economic collapse scenarios, found the United States in mortal danger and done absolutely nothing to fix the problem is bad enough. I have my doubts, however, that the Pentagon or partnered private think tanks like the RAND Corporation did not run scenarios on dollar collapse before 2009. In fact, I believe there is much evidence to suggest that the military industrial complex has not only been aware of the fiscal weaknesses of the U.S. system for decades, but they have also been actively engaged in exploiting those weaknesses in order to manipulate the American public with fears of cultural catastrophe.

History teaches us that most economic crisis events are followed or preceded immediately by international or domestic conflict. War is the looming shadow behind nearly all fiscal disasters. I suspect that numerous corporate think tanks and the Department Of Defense are perfectly aware of this relationship and have war gamed such events as well. Internal strife and civil war are often natural side effects of economic despair within any population.

Has a second civil war been “gamed” by our government? And are Americans being swindled into fighting and killing each other while the banksters who created the mess observe at their leisure, waiting until the dust settles to return to the scene and collect their prize? Here are some examples of how both sides of the false left/right paradigm are being goaded into turning on each other.”



    The signs are ominous . Anyone who strives to keep themselves well-informed should have cause for concern . There are certainly strong indications that our present course is leading us ever-closer to class warfare , civil strife and yes , maybe even civil war . Is it intentional ? Is it Alinskyite ? Cloward-Piven











” Politico reported on Saturday that Doug Smith, the Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary, who exchanged a series of emails with Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe about GreenTech Automotive, has landed a new job with MWW, a high powered Washington D.C. public relations firm headed up by a major donor to McAuliffe’s gubernatorial campaign.

According to Politico, Smith “is joining MWW public affairs as Executive Vice President and General Manager of the Washington office.” Acting DHS Secretary Rand Beers told Politico “Douglas has played a key role in leading DHS’s efforts in working with the private sector and strengthening the collaboration between the department and all of its private stakeholders from aviation security to intellectual property and all points in between.”

Smith has been heavily criticized by Republicans for playing an inappropriate role as McAuliffe’s advocate within the Department of Homeland Security. McAuliffe’s company, GreenTech Automotive, which he served as chairman from 2010 to 2012 and chairman emeritus since, is currently under investigation by the Inspector General’s Office of the DHS for inappropriate influence in the granting of temporary green cards and permanent visas within the DHS’s EB-5 foreign investors program.”



    The revolving door between the federal bureaucracy and corporate America spins out of control and the average citizen gets screwed in the process . Whether it’s journalists on the White House staff or golden parachute jobs in the private sector for past helpful government bureaucrats , the old boy’s network takes care of their own .







Retired Army Captain Takes To Facebook Warning

DHS Preparing For War!



Captain Hestilow



” This comes as dire news. A retired Army Captain has got to the point that he is going viral with information of the gravest nature. He states that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is preparing for war against the American People.

This is not a something to take lightly. He points to all the ammunition being bought up by DHS. He has been reposting this letter since March 2013 and it hit my wall. I went to look and it is indeed a live link Facebook Account.  He has updated the status quite often and the last post he commented on was October 31, 2013.

Re: Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and that agencies preparation for war against citizens of the United States of America

Dear friends, the following is a copy of my correspondence with Senator Cornyn concerning the arming of the DHS for war against the citizens of our nation.  You are each encouraged to copy and properly amend this letter to send to your own senators and members of the U.S. House.  Further, I am somewhat overwhelmed at the response to my posts leading up to this letter on this issue.  At this point almost 3,000 of you have shared my original post, I have 994 new friends requests, 61 messages, and 70 new comments to process.  Please be patient with me and pray that this window of communication remains open to all of us as we respond to this threat against our Constitution and our people.  I am awed by you, by your positive response, and your wonderful support.  We each have a role to play in standing against this present tyranny.  Part of that proper response is sending them a letter like this from YOU, and following it up to make sure it remains a “hot button” issue that must be resolved.  God bless you as you honor your oaths and your obligations as citizens of this free nation.  May we once again know honorable leadership and peace at home.  With all sincerity and respect–Resolved, Captain Terry M. Hestilow, United States Army, Retired.”



You can read the entire letter here.

Whistleblower: Military Police Train For Gun Confiscation



Published on Oct 25, 2013

” Today on the Alex Jones Show a military police informant caller gave us info on a meeting he had with FEMA public servants about gun confiscations that would take place during a martial law scenario. Get this info out to everyone you know.
Stay in the know – Follow Alex on Twitter:https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones “

DHS Battens Down the Hatches: “This Could Be All Hell Breaks Loose Day”





” A few weeks ago we saw what happens when the Electronic Benefit Transfer system is threatened in any way. When access to food stamps went offline for just a few hours, the masses began to panic in what were essentially isolated hot spots where law & order totally broke down.

According to the USDA, the average monthly food benefit for an American family is about $272. Come November 1st, that will be reduced by $36 – or about 13%.

Most people aren’t even paying attention, but one organization certainly is, because they know exactly what can happen when you start taking food out of peoples’ mouths.


The Department of Homeland Security is spending $80 million on a wrath of armed guards to protect the IRS and other government buildings in New York, not from terrorist threats mind you, but from American citizens because on November 1st the food stamp program is set to start decreasing the amount that is allocated to food stamp recipients… and they’re worried that violence will ensue. “








Armed Agents Seize Records Of Reporter, Washington Times Prepares Legal Action



” Maryland state police and federal agents used a search warrant in an unrelated criminal investigation to seize the private reporting files of an award-winning former investigative journalist for The Washington Times who had exposed problems in the Homeland Security Department’s Federal Air Marshal Service.

Reporter Audrey Hudson said the investigators, who included an agent for Homeland’s Coast Guard service, took her private notes and government documents that she had obtained under the Freedom of Information Act during a predawn raid of her family home on Aug. 6.

The documents, some which chronicled her sources and her work at the Times about problems inside the Homeland Security Department, were seized under a warrant to search for unregistered firearms and a “potato gun” suspected of belonging to her husband, Paul Flanagan, a Coast Guard employee. Mr. Flanagan has not been charged with any wrongdoing since the raid.

The warrant, obtained by the Times, offered no specific permission to seize reporting notes or files.

The Washington Times said Friday it is preparing legal action to fight what it called an unwarranted intrusion on the First Amendment.”

    We posted about this blatant , illegal fishing expedition yesterday . This piece offers considerably more detail than was available yesterday , including the fact the Mr Flanagan has been arrested on “gun charges” more than once  , but more importantly , that Ms Hudson has been the cause of numerous governmental investigations and much embarrassment over the course of her career in DC . She is certainly an enemy of the State .



” Mrs. Hudson has been a reporter in Washington, D.C. for nearly 15 years, and covered Homeland Security for the Times after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks through December 2009.

Her investigations have sparked numerous congressional investigations that led to laws signed by former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. She has won numerous journalism awards for her investigations, including the prestigious Sigma Delta Chi bronze medal for public service, the Society of Professional Journalists Dateline Award in Investigative Reporting, and was nominated twice by The Times for the Pulitzer Prize.”



Another battle in the war on whistleblowers/journalists is enjoined.










Feds Confiscate Investigative Reporter’s Confidential Files During Raid

” A veteran Washington D.C. investigative journalist says the Department of Homeland Security confiscated a stack of her confidential files during a raid of her home in August — leading her to fear that a number of her sources inside the federal government have now been exposed.

In an interview with The Daily Caller, journalist Audrey Hudson revealed that the Department of Homeland Security and Maryland State Police were involved in a predawn raid of her Shady Side, Md. home on Aug. 6. Hudson is a former Washington Times reporter and current freelance reporter.

A search warrant obtained by TheDC indicates that the August raid allowed law enforcement to search for firearms inside her home.”

The document notes that her husband, Paul Flanagan, was found guilty in 1986 to resisting arrest in Prince George’s County. The warrant called for police to search the residence they share and seize all weapons and ammunition because he is prohibited under the law from possessing firearms.”

    A resisting arrest conviction is a felony ? Upon further investigation Youviewed has found what we believe to be the case involving Audrey Hudson’s husband . It dates from 1985 and the original charges included DEADLY WEAPON-CONCEAL which was dismissed(nolle prosequi) , ASSAULT(found not guilty) , RESISTING ARREST(guilty) for which he was sentenced to three years probation , and CDS:POSSESS-NOT MARIHUANA(not guilty) so wherein lies the prohibition of the ownership of firearms ?

2010 Maryland Code

Subtitle 4 – Harboring, Escape, and Contraband
Section 9-408 – Resisting or interfering with arrest.

§ 9-408. Resisting or interfering with arrest.

(a)  “Police officer” defined.- In this section, “police officer” means an individual who is authorized to make an arrest under Title 2 of the Criminal Procedure Article. 

(b)  Prohibited.- A person may not intentionally: 

(1) resist a lawful arrest; or 

(2) interfere with an individual who the person has reason to know is a police officer who is making or attempting to make a lawful arrest or detention of another person. 

(c)  Penalty.- A person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 3 years or a fine not exceeding $5,000 or both. 

(d)  Unit of prosecution.- The unit of prosecution for a violation of this section is based on the arrest or detention regardless of the number of police officers involved in the arrest or detention. 

   The above would seem to suggest that “resisting arrest” in Maryland is a misdemeanor , albeit one with some stiff penalties , but it was always our understanding of the law that to lose one’s right to firearms possession one needed to be a convicted felon .

   According to court documents Flanagan was convicted of “resisting arrest” CJIS code# 1 4801 . In combing through the Maryland Guidelines Offense Table which describes resisting as part of the Harboring , Escape & Contraband section we could find no CJIS code that matches the above . However , all of the Harboring & Escape offenses are listed as misdemeanors with the exception of three , none of which carries the CJIS code 1 4801. The closest match that we could find is :

(196) Harboring, Escape, and Contraband / Resisting or interfering with arrest / 1-0600  /CR, §9-408 / Misd.  / 3Y Person / VI / $5,000

    As you can see the CJIS # for “resisting arrest” according to the sentencing guidelines is 1-0600 and is classified as a misdemeanor with a maximum penalty of three years in jail and a fine of $5000 . Unless we are missing something here we fail to see why Mr Flanagan lost his right to possess firearms . Of course we must add a caveat in that we cannot be sure that we have the correct Paul Flanagan and the right arrest .

” But without Hudson’s knowledge, the agents also confiscated a batch of documents that contained information about sources inside the Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Administration, she said.”

And what of the 4th Amendment ? Which reads:

” The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

   Regardless of the potentially dubious basis for the issuance of the search warrant , the seizure of Ms Hudson’s personal papers are a blatant violation of her 4th amendment rights seeing as the warrant was approved for the sole purpose of searching for “illegally” possessed firearms and nothing more .

” Outraged over the seizure, Hudson is now speaking out. She said no subpoena for the notes was presented during the raid and argues the confiscation was outside of the search warrant’s parameter.

“They took my notes without my knowledge and without legal authority to do so,” Hudson said this week. “The search warrant they presented said nothing about walking out of here with a single sheet of paper.”

She provided TheDC with a photo showing the stack of file folders in a bag marked “evidence/property.”

Statism , Thy Name Is The US Government

FEMA Region 3 Author Senator Songstad Goes Public






” Retired South Dakota Senator Sheldon Songstad, who represented  Sioux Falls from 1975-1988, has emerged from the shadows to discuss his memo about FEMA Region 3 .  According to Songstad the FEMA Region 3 memo was only intended for a select group of friends, but managed to make its way to numerous alternative and mainstream media outlets.

Songstad, calling in from a secure line to  the Rick Wiles Show claims he is out of the country traveling incognito, making his whereabouts unknown.  When asked where FEMA Region 3 was by host Rick Wiles , Songstad said “I think it’s the four states up around Washington DC, Virginia, up in that area. ” I don’t know about you but if i’m issuing an alert for a FEMA region I’m going to sound a little more convincing than “around Washington DC, Virginia up in that area.”  Perhaps we can dismiss Songstads lack of geographical expertise to old age. That statement wasn’t the only thing that sounded funny, when asked other questions about his FEMA alert Songstad gave a simple one word answer and refused to elaborate.”



The rest of the interview is here .












Muslim Brotherhood supporter Mohamed Elibiary gets promotion on Homeland Security Advisory Council


” There have been questions about Mohamed Elibiary’s true allegiances for years. He was one of the speakers at a December 2004 conference in Dallas titled “A Tribute to the Great Islamic Visionary.” The visionary in question was none other than the founding father of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Ayatollah Khomeini.

   When I questioned him about his appearance at such a conference, Elibiary claimed that he hadn’t known what kind of conference it was going to be, although he didn’t explain why he went ahead and appeared there anyway once he found out. Among those who found this explanation wanting was journalist Rod Dreher of the Dallas Morning News, whose skepticism angered Elibiary. The great moderate subsequently threatened Dreher, telling him: “Expect someone to put a banana in your exhaust pipe.” ”



fourth amendment free zone dhs



” Major cities like New York City, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and even Houston have been declared by the Department of Homeland Security to be within the official 100 mile ‘border’ of the United States, subjecting 197 million citizens to electronic belonging searches without any suspicion.

It all started in 2008, when the DHS declared that certain ‘border control agents’ could search the electronic belongings of individuals without suspicion — let alone a warrant. Bypassing the rights provided by the Constitutional to every citizen of the United States, the DHS immediately came under fire for the policy. The response? The DHS promised to have the policy reviewed within 120 days. The catch? The review was done two years late and by their own review panel known as the Civil Liberties Impact division.

Absent of any independent input in their secretive review, the DHS published a brief document stating that the suspicionless search policy was perfectly reasonable. Laptops, cell phones, camcorders, and all other gadgets were open game for the DHS within the ‘borders’ of the country.” 









” A racist website predicting and advocating for a race war has lead to a DHS employee being put on paid administrative leave.

An acquisitions officer for Immigration and Customs Enforcement who deals with small businesses, Ayo Kimathi, operates the website War on the Horizon. It includes descriptions of an “unavoidable, inevitable clash with the white race.” Kimathi is black.”







DHS video glorifies Boston ‘lockdown’ and virtual martial law

” Running footage of Boston FBI division chief Richard Deslauriers making his famous call for assistance in identifying the Boston Marathon suspects, a video sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security extols the controversial Boston “lockdown.’

Napolitano To Step Down As Homeland Security Chief



” Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, one of the president’s original cabinet appointees, announced her resignation Friday morning, having been nominated to serve as president of the University of California system.

Ms. Napolitano plans to leave her position in early September, an Obama administration official said.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is stepping down to become president of the University of California system. Jerry Seib reports on Lunch Break.

Her resignation comes as the House is considering a sweeping immigration overhaul. Some Republican lawmakers have said they can’t support an immigration bill in part because they doubt Ms. Napolitano’s department is up to the task of adequately securing the border with Mexico.”







DHS Hopes To Get Same Cyber-Spying Powers As NSA



Domestic spying capabilities used by the National Security Agency to collect massive amounts of data on American citizens could soon be available to the Department of Homeland Security — a bureaucracy with the power to arrest citizens that is not subject to limitations imposed on the NSA.

Unlike the DHS, the NSA is an intelligence agency, not a domestic law enforcement agency. It cannot arrest those suspected of wrongdoing. That power of the federal government lies with agencies under the jurisdiction of the Justice Department, the Treasury, Homeland Security and other law enforcement agencies.

The NSA and DHS have waged a long Capitol Hill turf war over cybersecurity. Bills such as the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act and the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 have sought to clearly define the relationship between the two agencies, but struggled to get off the ground.”



     Nothing like making a bad situation worse . Talk about a situation ripe for abuse . The DHS is tailor-made for the Big Brother role , Orwell couldn’t have done better himself .










IRS Agents Training with AR 15s, U.S. Rep. Jeff Duncan Tweets



” This little item could give the IRS’ whole “targeting” conservatives scandal a brand-new twist.

Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) tweeted that he observed IRS agents training with AR-15s when he toured the Department of Homeland Security”

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