Tag Archive: Destruction

Ferguson Woman Slams Protesters: They’ve Ruined The Community, It Will Now Be A ‘Ghost Town’








” Following the announcement that Officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted by a Missouri grand jury, riots broke out in the city of Ferguson, MO.

  Sara Sidner of CNN interviewed one local resident, who expressed her concern for Ferguson’s future.

“ I mean, this is crazy,” the resident said.  “I mean, the business didn’t do anything. If they were going to do something, get the right people, if they have to do it.

  When asked what she thought would happen to her community, the resident was pessimistic.

“ They’re not going to rebuild,” the resident said. “It’s going to be like a ghost town pretty soon.” “


Thanks to Washington Free Beacon










Pentagon Wasting Millions On Ammunition, Report Says




ammo destruction



” The Pentagon plans to destroy more than $1 billion worth of ammunition although some of those bullets and missiles could still be used by troops, according to the Pentagon and congressional sources.

  It’s impossible to know what portion of the arsenal slated for destruction — valued at $1.2 billion by the Pentagon — remains viable because the Defense Department’s inventory systems can’t share data effectively, according to a Government Accountability Office report obtained by USA TODAY.

  The result: potential waste of unknown value.

” There is a huge opportunity to save millions, if not billions of dollars if the (Pentagon) can make some common-sense improvements to how it manages ammunition,” said Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del., and chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. “Despite years of effort, the Army, Navy and Air Force still don’t have an efficient process for doing something as basic as sharing excess bullets. This Government Accountability Office (GAO) report clearly shows that our military’s antiquated systems lead to millions of dollars in wasteful ammunition purchases.”


Read the rest of this damning report of waste .









2011 Japan Tsunami Caught On CCTV Cameras



Published on Jul 27, 2013

” This tsunami footage was recorded on CCTV cameras that were placed along Route 45 in Iwate Prefecture. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) published it in the sped-up form, because the original videos were in very low frame rate.

Camera #1 (on the roof of Miyako City Hall):

Camera #2 (in Taro, Miyako City):

Camera #3 (in Osawa, Yamada Town):

The video data was retrieved from: http://infra-archive311.jp/data/mov/c
Science & Technology

Credits: Public Domain: we believe this television episode is in the public domain. If you have any evidence that this video is not in the public domain please e-mail us urgently.”









From FreePatriot.org



     Allison Martinez Of FreePatriot.org has assembled a collection of nearly a dozen first-person videos of the tornado that struck Washington Illinois on November 17 . Here we present two of them for your edification .

   The first one is of a father and daughter(s) that witness the tornado bearing down on their home . You will see the tornado approaching and the family taking cover . Then you can hear the house being ripped apart all around them as the camera view goes black and there is only audio until the twister passes . The family emerges to massive destruction of their immediate neighborhood . Here is Allison’s description of the event …


” The video below was taken right as the tornado hits  the family’s home.  Josie Wells, the oldest daughter of Marc and Kerry Wells, is clearly in a state of panic, but Marc Wells keeps it together. Apparently, his wife was gone with other family members, so it was  just him and his oldest daughter.   He sees the tornado coming at the house, he gets his daughter and himself inside and while the video goes dark, you can hear the house ripped apart by the storm. You can still hear the tornado sirens going off when they leave what is left of their home and see their neighborhood gone.”



” The family lost their home, two cars, and practically everything they own. Understandably, they are experiencing a bit of a shock as most families do when something like this happens.

Another stunning video is  one is security footage at the Dairy Queen. It takes about 40 seconds to see something, but watch the blue structure that is across the street.”


   What a horrendous experience . These videos reveal the awesome suddenness and violence that is the nature of the tornado and the massive level of destruction reigned down on th town of Washington . Ms Martinez has many other videos on her post which you can find here .

   If you would like to help in the recovery and cleanup or make a monetary donation you can find ways to do so here , here , here and here . Lord knows the people of Washington can use all the help they can get .


The Looking Spoon



” Fresh from the Image Gallery. This graphic is in honor of the end result of 50 years of Democrats ruling the city of Detroit with an iron fist.”











Mile-Wide Tornado Hits Oklahoma City Suburb, Killing at Least 51





” A massive, mile-wide tornado touched down in Moore, Oklahoma Monday afternoon, killing at least 51 people, including 20 children. A reporter from local news station KFOR supposedly called it “the biggest, most destructive tornado in the history of the world,” and estimated it was two to three times the magnitude of the massive tornados that hit Oklahoma in 1999.”








Torture, Murder, and Terror: Three Drug War Programs Your Taxes Pay For





” When’s the last time you heard someone argue that we need to raise taxes to fund torture? Or to pay for violent paramilitary raids on peaceful U.S. citizens? Or to incentivize extrajudicial killings carried out by our own government, yes, but also by a neighboring country? Probably never. As every good citizen knows, taxes are for taking care of the poor and the indigent, paying (good) teachers and (good) cops, investing in the future, and making sure the elderly have enough Viagra and cat food to fuel 25 years of post-workforce bingo, golf, and unprotected sex.

But it’s also the case that your taxes pay for unquestionably vile things. Incontrovertibly evil things. Plainly awful things. If you’re finishing up your taxes today, you should know that the U.S. will spend $14.7 billion of next year’s $25.4 billion drug control budget on government-sponsored violence; which means that your tax dollars—even if it’s just a fraction of a cent—will make possible acts of state-sponsored terror, torture, and murder. 

Here are three ways the government is spending your taxes.







” Nationally syndicated columnist and Human Events editor David Harsanyi’s new book Obama’s Four Horsemen: The Disasters Unleashed by Obama’s Reelection is out now.

“This is not a book for the faint-hearted. In chilling detail, David Harsanyi exposes the brutal and bloody dangers looming ahead during Obama’s second term. Harsanyi outlines how the Nanny State progressive-in-chief has enabled the four horsemen of debt, dependency, national decline, and the culture of death. Yes, it is apocalyptic. No, it is not irreversible. Conservatives must pray, pick themselves up, and pull together to turn our country back from Obama’s highway to hell. America must heed Harsanyi’s prophetic work!”

    • —Michelle Malkin, New York Times bestselling author of Culture of CorruptionYou can order the book on Amazon. Below is a free chapter.***

      The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? The Book of Revelation? Fire? Brimstone? Armageddon? The Last Judgment?

      Really, David? Yes, really.

      As metaphors go, it’s an entirely apt one. To begin with, Conquest, Famine, War, Death—the four horsemen of the Obama Era— are coming, and they are coming in the form of a national debt disaster, an epidemic of government dependence, an erosion of our world standing, and a nihilistic view about the value of human life. If our federal government had been inclined to do anything to avoid these impending catastrophes—and I’m not sure it ever was—that day has now passed. Barack Obama’s reelection ensures we’ll be deal- ing with some level of societal instability and economic calamity in the future. No, these calamities won’t transform us into Bangladesh, and they won’t mean the United States will cease to exist. They will only mean that this particular iteration of the United States will be no more. “









” From Rush:
RUSH: So now we want to go back to the audio sound bites, and let’s move forward here to audio sound bite number 14.

This is David “Rodham” Gergen last night on Anderson Cooper 69. Question: “It’s kind of boggling the mind here that here we are facing yet another crisis, and congressional leaders aren’t even meeting with the president ’til Friday when the cuts already take effect.”

GERGEN: Americans are turned off and tuned out of what’s going on. They are now increasingly saying, “Look, why can’t both of these sides get together? That’s what we thought we, uhh, voted for back in the election, and it’s — it’s worse now than it was.” I cannot remember a time when we’ve been so leaderless, that nobody is stepping up and taking the reins.

RUSH: Whoa! That would include Obama. You got David “Rodham” Gergen saying that Obama’s is not acting like a leader, and this time around the American people are blaming him, not just the Republicans. That’s what David “Rodham” Gergen is afraid is gonna happen. Here’s what he says it in the next sound bite. Anderson Cooper says, “Is the president crying wolf over all of this?”

GERGEN: No, I don’t think they’re crying wolf. I think they’re quite intentionally allowing cuts to go on that are gonna be painful, and that’s what’s irresponsible. It was this White House that proposed this bill with this rigidities built into it. They now come out and tell us, “Well, it is going to shut down the airline traffic. It’s gonna make it impossible to travel. It’s gonna shut down meat inspectors.” For goodness’ sakes, we gotta keep a carrier in port because of these tiny cuts? My goodness! The role of the president is first and foremost to protect the citizenry. Why put the country through the wringer? I think now the blame is shared on this one. I think the Democrats and the president deserve as much blame as the Republicans do on this one, and they both have a responsibility to get us out of this mess.

RUSH: That was last night on CNN. Has anybody seen David Gergen today? I haven’t. Anybody seen him? This is unheard of. The president of the United States was just called out last night on CNN by David Gergen. He’s basically saying this is not necessary. These cuts are minuscule. This is being done to purposely harm this country. The only saving grace that Gergen can rely on here is that he is sharing the blame. He’s spreading the blame, including the Republicans in this. So that kind of takes Obama off the… well, takes the heat off him a little bit.

But, man, I mean, I don’t think they’re crying wolf. They’re intentionally allowing cuts to go on that are gonna be painful, and that’s what’s irresponsible. It was this White House that proposed this bill with these rigidities built into it, and now they come and tell us, gonna shut down the airlines traffic, impossible to travel. Shut down meat inspectors. For goodness’ sakes, gotta keep a carrier in port because of these tiny cuts? My goodness, the role of the president is to protect the citizenry. Why put the country through the wringer? Then he says, “I think the blame is shared on this one.” Meaning, up until last night it was all the Republicans’ fault. But now David “Rodham” Gergen’s looking at this, and he… Look, the only conclusion you can come to here if you’re gonna look at this honestly. This is all Obama.

Now, he can’t admit that. But on this, this is all Obama. This is Obama’s idea. Obama has discretion over what is and is not cut. It is Obama putting the country through the wringer. It is Obama inflicting pain for his own political gain. He is inflicting pain for the express purpose of seeing to it the Republicans get blamed for it. And Gergen now understands what’s going on. Maybe he’s understood it all along and is just now saying it, because it’s gotten so ridiculous. And for somebody like Gergen who fashions himself as intellectually honest, he may have reached the wall here. He’s no longer able to intellectually defend this from the standpoint of defending Obama.

And folks, he’s dead right on this. None of this is necessary. These cuts are infinitesimal. There are areas of the budget that are filled with waste and fraud that he could cut. There are areas that don’t impact very important things that he could cut, but he’s choosing to say that he’s going to cut these areas that are going to really make life more difficult. The reason he’s doing this is because he knows the Republicans are going to get blamed for it. His sole objective is to eliminate any viable opposition. Mr. Gergen, in the first sound bite, says, “That’s what we thought we voted for back in the election. Why can’t both these sides get together?”

Mr. Gergen, if I may — I don’t know I don’t have any credibility with you and the mainstream media in Washington, but there is no getting together. The Republicans and Democrats have not one thing in common in this sequester or the fiscal cliff or any other budget deal. There’s not one thing the Republicans want that Obama wants, or vice versa. There is no overlapping of interests. And if there is, Obama does move the goalposts so that there isn’t anything that overlaps.

Go back and look. John Boehner gave him as much revenue as he was asking for in one of the fiscal cliff deals, and that’s when Obama upped the ante, wanted $500 billion more in tax increases, and Boehner walked away. There is no common ground. There will be no bipartisanship, because that’s not what Obama wants. Folks, it’s sad to admit this, but I’ve seen enough focus group data. The low-information voters do indeed want cooperation between the two parties. They really do. To them, that’s golden. That’s what they want, and that’s precisely why it isn’t gonna happen, because the ultimate objective of President Obama is continued chaos that he can blame on the Republicans.

At the end of the day he wants the chaos. He wants the unsettledness. He wants the unrest because he wants the Republicans blamed for it. He wants to be seen as the great compromiser. He wants to be seen as the guy trying to fix this. He wants to be seen as the man who’s doing everything he can to fix these problems. But it’s the Republicans. And that’s why they got mad at Woodward, because Woodward accused them of moving the goalposts and making deals impossible. And that’s why Sperling threatened Woodward, because Woodward gave up the game. Woodward explained for anybody paying attention what Obama’s actually do. He’s moving the goalposts. He’s making a deal impossible. That’s why Sperling threatened Woodward. “




 Violent Groups Of Teens Leave NYC Businesses In Ruins

AA New York Flash

” In New York and across the country, the mobs of kids – 20, 30, 40 or more — appear out of nowhere and suddenly charge a newsstand or convenience store.

They ransack, steal and wreak havoc with no consideration for customers, such as Bennett, who get in their way.

“They assemble, they do whatever it is that they’re going to do, and then they disassemble in a matter of minutes,” said Jon Shane, assistant professor of criminal justice at John Jay College. “By the time somebody recognizes what is happening or is injured, if the police are able to respond, it’s slow.”

Teens have destroyed the newsstand on 57th Street between Eighth and Ninth avenues so many times that the manager has been forced to shut down completely in the afternoon so he doesn’t lose any more money.”

Meanwhile in Chicago :


Chicago Won’t Respond to 911 Calls

AAA Chicago Flash


” Victims of ‘non-threatening’ crimes such as burglaries, thefts, and simple assault in Chicago will no longer be visited by officers when they call 911.

Chicago police are now enforcing an austere new measure where officers are not dispatched to scenes where the offender has fled and where no one is in immediate danger.
The Windy City is in the middle of both a crime and budget crisis, with sprees of violence erupting, even as first responders are forced to drastically slash their budgets.”


   So as you can see in two of the most anti-gun cities in the country the police are only 10-20 minutes away when you need them , if they respond at all , yet you have no right to defend yourselves . But the elitists do …

Update : Add Seattle To The List …


” Hundreds of flash robs around the country are just some of the examples of black mob lawlessness documented in the book “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence and how the media ignore it.

Denying black mob lawlessness is a popular past time: Seattle has “fewer problems with racism than other cities,” says the blog So Seattle. “Ethnic tensions … seem less tangible.”

Seattle may not have the day-in, day-out, racial violence of a Chicago, or the peculiar racial anarchy of small-town Peoria. But more and more people are paying attention to the increasingly visible and brutish mayhem groups of black people are visiting on a pregnant woman, veterans, old people, young people, “gay” people, Asians and everyone in between. Right there in good old Seattle.

Let’s start with 17-year-old, pregnant Jessica Redmon-Beckstead. She was riding the bus with her boyfriend when five black women started to taunt, attack, kick, punch and rob her.”

  You can’t be trusted to protect yourselves so let the professionals handle it . Wait for the police … and wait … and wait …


Open Letter Mills

” Earlier this week Stewart Mills of Mills Fleet Farm released an open video letter to Minnesota Eighth District Rep. Rick Nolan and Minnesota Senators Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar regarding gun control legislation being touted in Congress. Originally posted hereby the Brainerd (Minnesota) Dispatch, the video sets out to establish that a duck hunting shotgun is more destructive and lethal than a Huldra AR-15 modern sporting rifle. It does that and more.

The video presents an impassioned and knowledgeable host who issues a full blast of truth in an utterly compelling style. If he wanted to, Mr. Mills could easily pursue a career outside the retail business. Here Mr. Mills steps out and calls — pardon me — bullshit on the political mania of the moment.

Our friends at the Republican Party of Minnesota respectfully urge viewers: “Be sure to share on Facebook and send to friends and family.” Please watch Mr. Mills make his case. A little over 12 minutes long, this video is worth watching through to the end. “

Averting Armaggedon

Meet The Tiny Bomb-Wielding Spacecraft That Could Someday Save Our Species



  ” Scientists have given some thought as to how we’ll defend ourselves when a giant asteroid inevitably heads our way and solutions range from paintballs to nukes. A team at Iowa State University has settled on the latter, and they’ve got plans for a ship that can do it waiting in the wings.

While the plan would be similar to that in Armageddon—drill a hole in the asteroid, blow it up with a nuke—the idea would be to have a specialized ship specifically designed for that purpose. Enter the Hypervelocity Asteroid Intercept Vehicle or HAIV. The HAIV does not rely on drill robots or Bruce Willis, but rather two different explosives, one to blast out a crater, and then a nuke, which would follow just a split second later and tear the asteroid apart. And all this is without a single human being on board. ”



Paul Ryan Conjurer ?

David Burge 

To the Left , truth is what they say it is . How ironic to have not one but two high profile cases of false impersonation at the same time .

Delicious .

   What a difference a few years makes . While the traditional “gatekeepers” find their power , influence and profitability circling the bowl , the new media , embodied by the citizen journalist has donned the mantle of journalistic integrity and run with it .

To the benefit of us all .

Breitbart reports:

“MSNBC’s unofficial web-branch known as Politico, couldn’t move fast enough to dismiss our story about the possibility that as a grown adult, President Obama, or those around him, might have had faked his biography Elizabeth Warren-style. To Politico, of course, that’s not news. The backgrounds of private citizens supporting
Governor Romney, however, elicits all kinds of time, attention,manpower, and publicity from Politico’s wretched left-wingers.”

  In the Left’s collective mind the only limits to acceptable behavior are what the tell us they are and so there will be no inquiry into their fellow travelers but even private citizens who dare to voice dissent are targeted for destruction .
   When they have no cards they toss the table and cry foul . Since 2008 they have exhausted their race trump card and now fall back on the “politics of personal destruction” .

Reeks of desperation ….