Tag Archive: Department of Homeland Security

Obama’s DHS Spent Nearly $150M On Office Furniture And Makeovers





” Funding for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)—which is due to expire at the end of this week unless an agreement in Washington is reached—has continued to rise under President Barack Obama. His administration claims the agency’s increased funding is necessary to protect the homeland, but records show that the DHS has continued to increase its spending on furniture and office makeovers as its budget has been increased.

  A review of records on the official government spending website by the Washington Free Beacon shows the agency has spent nearly $150 million on office furniture and makeovers since Obama took office. Those fiscal years for which he has been responsible and whose budgets have been enacted are FY2010 through 2014.

“ The FY 2015 Budget reflects the Administration’s strong commitment to protecting the homeland and the American people through the effective and efficient use of DHS resources, continuing the focus on preserving frontline priorities across the Department by cutting costs, sharing resources across Components, and streamlining operations wherever possible,” the administration’s request states.

  Each year under Obama the administration, DHS funding has increased. The FY 2015 budget request is $60.9 billion, compared with FY 2014’s budget of $60.7 billion. In fiscal year 2013, the DHS budget was $59.2 billion. By contrast, President George W. Bush’s last budget for DHS for FY 2009 was $52.5 billion.

  Records show that the DHS spent $147.7 million on furniture for FY 2010 through 2014.”


Much more on the obscene spending at DHS from the Free Beacon














Top-Level Turnover Makes It Harder For DHS To Stay On Top Of Evolving Threats





” An exodus of top-level officials from the Department of Homeland Security is undercutting the agency’s ability to stay ahead of a range of emerging threats, including potential terrorist strikes and cyberattacks, according to interviews with current and former officials.

  Over the past four years, employees have left DHS at a rate nearly twice as fast as in the federal government overall, and the trend is accelerating, according to a review of a federal database.

  The departures are a result of what employees widely describe as a dysfunctional work environment, abysmal morale, and the lure of private security companies paying top dollar that have proliferated in Washington since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

  The department’s terrorism intelligence arm, for example, has cycled through six directors during the Obama administration, decimating morale and contributing to months-long delays in releasing intelligence reports, according to interviews and government reports.”


Washington Post












A New Report Says They’re Fraught With Waste And Abuse And Have Whittled Away At Civil Liberties Protections.







” A domestic surveillance system established after the terrorist attacks of September 11 collects and shares intelligence on a mass scale about “the everyday activities of law-abiding Americans, even in the absence of reasonable suspicion,” according to a new report.

  The report, released this month by the Brennan Center for Justice, a nonpartisan policy institute at NYU School of Law, found that law enforcement data sharing programs organized by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are fraught with waste and abuse and have whittled away at civil liberties protections while evading sufficient oversight.

  Fusion centers collect information on “such innocuous and non-criminal activities as photography, looking through binoculars, and taking notes.”

  Other activities collected by law enforcement officials and stored in fusion centers included:

  • Individuals who stay at bus or train stops for extended periods while buses and trains come and go;
  • Individuals who carry on long conversations on pay or cellular telephones; 
  • Individuals who order food at a restaurant and leave before the food arrives or who order without eating; and
  • Joggers who stand and stretch for an inordinate amount of time. “












DHS Hopes To Get Same Cyber-Spying Powers As NSA



Domestic spying capabilities used by the National Security Agency to collect massive amounts of data on American citizens could soon be available to the Department of Homeland Security — a bureaucracy with the power to arrest citizens that is not subject to limitations imposed on the NSA.

Unlike the DHS, the NSA is an intelligence agency, not a domestic law enforcement agency. It cannot arrest those suspected of wrongdoing. That power of the federal government lies with agencies under the jurisdiction of the Justice Department, the Treasury, Homeland Security and other law enforcement agencies.

The NSA and DHS have waged a long Capitol Hill turf war over cybersecurity. Bills such as the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act and the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 have sought to clearly define the relationship between the two agencies, but struggled to get off the ground.”



     Nothing like making a bad situation worse . Talk about a situation ripe for abuse . The DHS is tailor-made for the Big Brother role , Orwell couldn’t have done better himself .










IRS Agents Training with AR 15s, U.S. Rep. Jeff Duncan Tweets



” This little item could give the IRS’ whole “targeting” conservatives scandal a brand-new twist.

Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) tweeted that he observed IRS agents training with AR-15s when he toured the Department of Homeland Security”

More here









If Illegal Amnesty’s Border Security Fails… There Will be A Commission






” It looks like the requirement that the Border Patrol catch 90% of illegal crossers… has turned out to be evanescent…

Of course, the 90% “trigger” was never a barrier to legalization–illegal immigrants will get that more or less immediately under the Gang bill, or maybe as soon as Department of Homeland Security comes up with a border “plan.” The supposed “trigger” would only be hurdle if these amnestied legalized immigrants subsequently sought “green card” status, which would in turn open the possibility of  citizenship. But it turns out even this half-fake lock-the-barn-door trigger doesn’t really trigger anything. If the DHS doesn’t meet the 90% goal, what happens? According to the NYT:

” If, after five years, border officials have not reached the surveillance and enforcement goals, the bill establishes a border commission to advise the Department of Homeland Security on how to reach its goals, with additional financing of up to $2 billion.”

That’s right. An honest to goodness commission with chairs and desks and water glasses and everything. Mickey Kaus was predicting all along that the only real border security measure would be a commission and he was proven right.”



Illustration by Gary Varvel





Running The Numbers On DHS’ Ammo Purchases




DHS Components Total Round Purchased In FY2010-2012 Total Inventory
CBP 141,624,536 94,404,329
FLETC 61,131,009 18,797,942
FPS/NPPD 11,692,000 2,500,000
ICE 66,494,000 42,300,000
TSA 37,800,000 29,909,514
USCG 28,853,241 70,258,197
USSS 13,956,460 5,563,380
Total DHS 361,551,246 263,733,362



” I provided you a response from the Department of Homeland Security on Saturday concerning the large number of rounds of ammunition that they are soliciting for. I continue to leave it up to the reader to determine if they think DHS’ response is truthful or not. However, their response came just two days after they solicited for 360,000 more .40 caliber hollow point bullets. DHS told us these are for training purposes and, in fact, these are being sent to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Artesia, New Mexico, which is the same location that 240,000 hollow points were sent to last month. However, I want to provide you with more details that DHS has put in print and ask some questions.

The current solicitation can be found on the Federal Business Opportunities website and you will notice that the “Bid MUST be good for 30 calendar days after close of Buy.” So this purchase is not one of those “over five years” kinds of purchase.

Several congressmen have pushed DHS on these purchases, which resulted in the response from DHS, including fifteen that banded together to get answers. Some of which were not addressed. ”






DHS Advances Plan For “Public Safety” Drones





” The Department of Homeland Security is advancing its plan to use surveillance drones for “public safety” applications, announcing last week that it had received a deluge of “excellent” responses from potential vendors and was set to carry out more tests of the technology.

New testing of spy drones for “public safety” applications has been rubber stamped by the DHS. Image: YouTube

As we first reported in July last year, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano told a House Committee on Homeland Security that the federal agency was “looking at drones that could be utilized to give us situational awareness in a large public safety [matter] or disaster,” despite the fact that the agency had previously indicated it was reticent to use spy drones to keep tabs on the public.”

DHS Purchases 21.6 Million More Rounds of Ammunition




” The Department of Homeland Security is set to purchase a further 21.6 million rounds of ammunition to add to the 1.6 billion bullets it has already obtained over the course of the last 10 months alone, figures which have stoked concerns that the federal agency is preparing for civil unrest.

A solicitation posted yesterday on the Fed Bid website details how the bullets are required for the DHS Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Artesia, New Mexico.

The solicitation asks for 10 million pistol cartridge .40 caliber 165 Grain, jacketed Hollow point bullets (100 quantities of 100,000 rounds) and 10 million 9mm 115 grain jacketed hollow point bullets (100 quantities of 100,000 rounds).”

Are they shipping it to Mexico to supply the cartel’s Fast & Furious weapons ? WTF ?

Homeland Security Has Advice For Confronting Mass Murders: Scissors






  The geniuses at DHS offer some survival tips should you find yourself in a mass shooting situation … of course they fail to take into account the fact that schools , long ago and at government dictat turned in their “assault scissors” only to replace them with the blunt-tipped ones so no one could get hurt …

   It would be laughable if the subject wasn’t so deadly serious .


” WASHINGTON — Is your workplace getting shot up by a crazed gunman?

No problem — just grab a pair of scissors and fight back!

That’s some of the helpful advice in a new instructional video from the Department of Homeland Security that was posted on the agency’s Web site just a month after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.”


   Complete with a how-to instructional video… 


” The video, titled “Options for Consideration,” also advises that people who get caught in an “active shooter” situation should run away, hide under a desk or take cover out of the line of fire.

The nearly four-minute-long video opens with chilling scenes from the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre, the 2009 mass shooting at Fort Hood in Texas, and the 2011 attempted assassination of Gabrielle Giffords.

But the video quickly shifts to hokey footage of office workers scampering under desks, crouching in corners and racing into closets to hide from a rampaging gunman on the loose.

“To protect your hiding place, lock the door if you can. Block the door with heavy furniture,” recommends the male narrator, speaking in measured, authoritative tones.

Other survival strategies promoted in the video include hiding “behind large items such as cabinets or desks. Remain quiet. Silence your cellphone or pager. Even the vibration setting can give away a hiding position.” ”



   How many millions of taxpayer dollars were spent creating this monumental tribute to common sense ?

DHS Adds Another 200,000 Rounds To Its 2 Billion Round Stockpile




” Last year, it was reported that theDepartment of Homeland Security had purchased 1.6 billion rounds of hollow point ammunition of various calibers for reasons that the agency refuses to reveal. On Wednesday, the DHS announced that it would acquire another 200,000 rounds from a company known as Evian Group, Inc.

The DHS put out a solicitation for the purchase on the FedBizOps.gov Web site on Dec. 17 for the agency’s Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, requesting .40 caliber hollow point rounds, Federal Ammunition of 1,000 rounds in 200 cases.

Not only is the reason for the agency’s stockpiling of nearly 2 billion rounds of ammo shrouded in mystery, but so too is the Evian Group. James Smith of Prepper Podcast did an investigation into the company and found some odd facts which he reported in an article on Thursday.

For one, “It seems that the Evian Group was formed on December 12, 2012, just 5 days before the announcement of the solicitation,” writes Smith.

The price that the agency paid for the rounds is suspect too, according to Smith.

“The contract for 200,000 rounds was $45,758, which boils down to about $0.21 per round. And to be quiet (sic) honest, that (is) a really good price. As in, unheard of good price.” ”


Department of Homeland Pork





 “A grant program administered by the Department of Homeland Security has morphed from a fund designed to fight terror into a pork-barrel program that pads local governments’ budgets, according to a report to be released Wednesday by Sen. Tom Coburn (R., Okla.).

The report, titled “Safety at Any Price: Assessing the Impact of Homeland Security Spending in U.S. Cities,” focuses on Homeland Security’s Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI).

“Since 2003, DHS has spent $35 billion on grant programs that were intended to make Americans safer from terrorist attacks,” a spokesman for Sen. Coburn wrote in an email. “But DHS failed to establish goals or metrics to ensure that funds were used to make Americans safe and cannot say how much safer we are today after spending $35 billion.” “



November 28, 2012 – There over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty.

These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general’s signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached.

List Of All Fema Concentration Camps In America Revealed