Tag Archive: Demographics

Watch The Rapid Decline Of “White America” Over Three Decades



White Counties

Click the link to go to interactive page




” In 1980, nearly half of U.S. counties — 1,412 of them — had populations that were almost exclusively (98 percent or more) white. Thirty years later, only 149 counties — fewer than five percent — fit that same description. The maps below chart this transformation, decade by decade.

  It’s no secret that America is becoming less white. According to Brookings Institution demographer William Frey, whites are on track to lose their majority status by 2042 or thereabouts. Driving this trend are immigration and intermarriage: the white share of the population is projected to shrink by 6 percent between 2010 and 2050. But the Hispanic population will grow by 102 percent, and the share of people identifying as two or more races will see a nearly 200 percent increase. The broad contours of these trends are outlined in a short video produced by Brookings.”


Washington Post 












Second Immigration Wave Lifts Diversity To Record High




Mapping American Diversity

Click Map To Go Interactive



” From a distance, the small group of Haitian immigrants at the public library looks like a prayer meeting or political gathering. Dressed colorfully but comfortably, the women speak in heavily accented English and sit every day for hours around a small wooden table studying to be nurses.

  The library sits at the heart of one of the most diverse counties in the USA. More than 50 languages are spoken in the public schools, and this is what more and more communities across America will look like soon — very soon.

  Racial and ethnic diversity is spreading far beyond the coasts and into surprising places across the USA, rapidly changing how Americans live, learn, work and worship together — and even who our neighbors are.

  Cities and towns far removed from traditional urban gateways such as New York, Miami, Chicago and San Francisco are rapidly becoming some of the most diverse places in America, an analysis of demographic data by USA TODAY shows.

  Small metro areas such as Lumberton, N.C., and Yakima, Wash., and even remote towns and counties — such as Finney County, Kan., or Buena Vista County, Iowa — have seen a stunning surge in immigrants, making those places far more diverse. 

The result: For the first time, the next person you meet in this country — at work, in the library, at a coffee shop or a movie ticket line — will probably be of a different race or ethnic group than you.”



Read the entire report from USA Today and say goodbye to the melting pot , hello Balkanization











New Charts Are A Treasure Trove Of Info On What Shows Democrats And Republicans Love To Watch







” There are only 35 days until Election Day, and candidates across the country are racing to reach their voters and make a connection before they enter the voting booth.

  If you watch TV, you’ve seen this in the works: political ads are running fast and furious in battleground states.

  The Washington Post, with the help of the Federal Communications Commission and the Sunlight Foundation, has taken a look at which political parties buy airtime on which and what type of shows.

  We pulled every PDF filed on behalf of a senate candidate from August 1 through last week (which includes buys into October). We ran a text-recognition tool on them, divvied them up by party, and then created a script that let us search for the names of shows.”



Story continues











Demographics May Be Destiny — But Not One Political Direction





” Demography is destiny, we are often told, and rightly—up to a point. The American electorate is made up of multiple identifiable segments, defined in various ways, by race and ethnicity, by age cohort, by region and religiosity (or lack thereof), by economic status and interest.

  Over time, some segments become larger and some smaller. Some prove to be politically crucial, given the political alignments of the time. Others become irrelevant as they lose cohesion and identity.

  From the results of the 2008 presidential election, many pundits prophesied a bleak future for the Republican Party, and not implausibly.

  The exit poll showed that President Obama carried by overwhelming margins two demographic segments that were bound to become a larger share of the electorate over time.

  He carried Hispanics 67 to 31 percent, despite Republican opponent John McCain‘s support of comprehensive immigration legislation. Obama carried voters under 30–the so-called Millennial Generation –by 66 to 32 percent.

  But over time, Democrats’ hold on these groups has weakened. In Gallup polls, Obama’s job approval among Hispanics declined from 75 percent in 2012 to 52 in 2013 and among Millennials from 61 percent in 2012 to 46 percent in 2013.

  The recent Harvard Institute of Politics poll of Millennials showed Democrats with a big party identification edge among those over 25, but ahead of Republicans by only 41 to 38 percent among those 18 to 20.

  The older Millennials came of political age during the late George W. Bush years and were transfixed by the glamor of candidate Obama in 2008.”



Read the whole Examiner piece and see why the Dem’s celebration may be premature .














” Support for legalizing marijuana is high among every group except over-65s, but even most over-65s think that it’s more trouble than it’s worth to enforce marijuana laws. 

  On January 1st, 2014 Colorado became the first state in the union where marijuana can be bought and sold in shops in much the same way as liquor. The state imposes heavy taxes on marijuana, limits purchases to over-21s and makes it a criminal offense to take marijuana outside of the state. Despite changes to state law, marijuana is still illegal according to federal law. The federal government has said, however, that it won’t block marijuana legalization in Colorado, though this is conditional on successfully stopping marijuana being used by under-21s as well as making sure that marijuana does not cross state lines to states where it is still illegal.

  The latest research from YouGov shows that support for legalizing marijuana is high, with 48% of the public believing that marijuana should be legalized, compared to 37% who want it to remain illegal. There’s a significant generational divide, but only between those aged over 65 and under 65. Half of Americans under the age of 65 tend to support legalization of marijuana, while half of Americans over the age of 65 want it to remain illegal.”













America Is Going Muslim




” The Islamic takeover of the US is gaining ground. America is going Muslim, and with the current policies in place, the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrating top government positions and with the influx of immigration from Muslim countries, Islam will be taking over quicker than Phil Robertson can get suspended from Duck Dynasty for expressing his Christian views. It may sound far-fetched, but the rug is being pulled out from under us, and before anyone takes notice, the transformation will be complete.

  There is nothing like demographic data to illustrate a point. Immigration is changing the face of the nation, and there are irrefutable statistics which prove this very point. There is US Census data which is part of the picture, but then there is the 2010 US Religion Census: Religious Congregations & Membership Study, analyzed by the Washington Post’s Niraj Chokshi in an article earlier this month.”



Read more 







 The Demographics Of Enlisted Troops And Officers





Interactive U.S. map of troop representation levels

” Who serves in the active-duty ranks of the U.S. all-volunteer military? Conventional wisdom holds that military service disproportionately attracts minorities and men and women from disadvantaged backgrounds. Many believe that troops enlist because they have few options, not because they want to serve their country. Others believe that the war in Iraq has forced the military to lower its recruiting standards.

Previous Heritage Foundation studies that examined the backgrounds of enlisted personnel refute this interpretation.[1] This report expands on those studies by using an improved methodology to study the demographic characteristics of newly commissioned officers and personnel who enlisted in 2006 and 2007.

Any discussion of troop quality must take place in context. A soldier’s demographic characteristics are of little importance in the military, which values honor, leadership, self-sacrifice, courage, and integrity-qualities that cannot be quantified. Nonetheless, any assessment of the quality of recruits can take place only on the basis of objective criteria. Demographic characteristics are a poor proxy for the quality of those who serve in the armed forces, but they can help to explain which Americans volunteer for military service and why.

Based on an understanding of the limitations of any objective definition of quality, this report compares military volunteers to the civilian population on four demographic characteristics: household income, education level, racial and ethnic background, and regional origin. This report finds that:”  READ IT ALL HERE










The Party of Surrender





” From RNC honcho Reince Priebus, from the senator from Swing-State Central Rob Portman, and even from the great Charles Murray, the same mournful dirge echoes through the cavernous emptiness of the Republican big tent: Give it up, losers — give it up on illegal immigration, gay marriage, abortion, and maybe Americans under 30, 50, whatever, will consider voting for you, or at any rate consider finding you marginally less repellent.

Maybe. But I’m a wee bit skeptical. As the New York Post’s film critic Kyle Smith tweeted: “Just a wild guess, but if we go all-out for gay marriage, I’m thinking the liberals will come up with another reason to hate us.”

Undoubtedly. As recently as 2000, when Vermont became the first state to legalize same-sex “civil unions,” that was the enlightened, progressive position. A mere 13 years later, to support “civil unions” is to be a “homophobe” and a “hater.” Where will received wisdom be in another 13 years?”








Laura Ingraham Replaced By Fox’s Younger Tantaros


Andrea Tantaros



Laura Ingraham‘s former radio show on Talk Radio Network Entertainment is going on a youth kick, today announcing that Fox News Channel’s Andrea Tantaros will get the 9 a.m-noon slot. She will be joined by Jason Mattera, the youngest editor ever of conservative Human Events. “

We Can Hope

“Peak Oil? How about Peak China?”


  ” It may be hard to believe, but it’s been a full four years since China hosted the Olympics. At the time, Beijing 2008 appeared to herald China’s return, after a 500 year hiatus, to great power status. Commentators were falling over themselves to pronounce the inevitability of China’s rise and its implications for American influence in Asia.

But is it possible we will look back on those Olympic Games as the peak of Chinese power, rather than the beginning of its rise? That’s the provocative argument espoused by The Diplomat:”