Tag Archive: Democratic Party (United States)

Distrust Of Big Government Growing





” The Obama administration and Obamacare has increased distructs of Big Government so much even a majority of Democrats view government as the greatest threat, via Gallup, Record High in U.S. Say Big Government Greatest Threat:

  Seventy-two percent of Americans say big government is a greater threat to the U.S. in the future than is big business or big labor, a record high in the nearly 50-year history of this question. The prior high for big government was 65% in 1999 and 2000…. “










Terry McAuliffe Establishes Democrats As Party Of The Elites




” Democrat Terry McAuliffe beat Republican Ken Cuccinelli in Virginia’s governor race, outraising Cuccinelli nearly two-to-one and dominating in the richest part of the state.

First, upper-middle class, white suburbs have marched steadily toward the Democrats for several decades. Montgomery County, Md., and Arlington, Va., switched sides. So did the wealthy New York suburbs in Westchester County, N.Y., and Fairfield County, Conn. Philadelphia’s “collar counties,” once Republican bastions, are now Democratic bellwethers.

Why are the white-collar suburbs moving to the Dems? “I think it’s the social issues,” Bill DuBose tells me at Greenberry’s coffee shop in McLean.

The McLean Greenberry’s is the type of place where everyone knows the name of his state delegate. When I pulled into Greenberry’s, I parked between a Mercedes and a BMW.

Most families in McLean earn more than $200,000, according to the Census Bureau.

McLean has no use for Tea Partiers. If the Tea Party was about grabbing pitchforks and storming the castle, McLean is the castle.

McLean is the home to the ruling class. And Terry McAuliffe is the candidate of the ruling class.”









Meet Chokwe Lumumba , Black Separatist Mayor Of Jackson Mississippi




” Voters in Jackson, Miss., a mid-sized city in the heart of the Deep South, have picked a Democrat as their mayor. What’s different about this individual is that he is a former leader of the Republic of New Afrika, a group dedicated to creating an independent black nation out of five southern states.

Now leading the city of about 175,000 is Chokwe Lumumba – who has a long history of radical activism and whose plans for the largest city in Mississippi could be called “revolutionary.”

A co-founder of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, which promotes black “self-determination,” Lumumba was sworn in on July 1, after winning 86 percent of the vote in the general election.

Lumumba also has earned the highest praise from the Final Call, the official publication of the Nation of Islam, which called his electoral victory one of the “most important progressive political victories on a long list of important political leaders.” “



Read the whole thing










Rep. Nancy Pelosi: Nothing Left To Cut In Budget

‘The Cupboard Is Bare’



” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says Republican-led efforts to rein in government spending are pointless because there is nothing left to cut in the almost $4 trillion-a-year federal budget.

The federal budget has doubled in size in 12 years, from $1.9 trillion in 2001 to $3.8 trillion this year.”









70 Congressional Republicans Revolt And Scare John Boehner Straight On Illegal Immigration



” Between the Democrats in the Senate who understand that amnesty means a permanent majority for their side and Marco Rubio choosing to sell his soul to help the Left put a path to citizenship in place, the Gang of 8′s immigration bill always looked like a good bet to pass the Senate. In fact, the talk was that the pro-amnesty side wanted to get 70 votes to put pressure on the House Republicans to vote for the bill. Conceivably, given that Republicans have proven that they deserve the stupid party moniker again and again, that could still happen.”


    As horrid and repugnant as the recently revealed snooping scandals are , we must not lose sight of the future while fixated on the past . If this amnesty bill is allowed to become law all the snooping in the world isn’t going to matter a tinker’s damn . The democrats will have enacted a “permanent majority” bill and will be able to freeze out us liberty-lovers for generations to come … the death of America as we know it .







Conn. Gov. Daniel Malloy: Public Safety Trumps Loss Of Gun Manufacturers

” Connecticut Gov. Daniel P. Malloy, who on Thursday signed some of the nation’s most sweeping new gun-control laws, brushed aside concerns on Sunday that the Second Amendment crackdown could drive several longtime arms manufacturers from his state.

“We’ve decided that public safety trumps all of that,” Mr. Malloy, a 57-year-old Democrat, told CNN. “I hope they stay and manufacture products that can legally be sold. But if they leave, that will be a decision they make. We’re not making them leave.” “

  As an aside it appears that the state of New York has bribed Remington to stay in it’s long – time home in the upstate town of Ilion so we doubt they will demonstrate the intestinal fortitude to take their jobs where they are welcome and tell Andy Cuomo to pound sand .

Obama Tells Democratic Donors Sandy Hook Shooter Used “A Fully Automatic Weapon





” Here is the quote from the White House transcript of the event.

Now, over the next couple of months, we’ve got a couple of issues: gun control. (Applause.) I just came from Denver, where the issue of gun violence is something that has haunted families for way too long, and it is possible for us to create common-sense gun safety measures that respect the traditions of gun ownership in this country and hunters and sportsmen, but also make sure that we don’t have another 20 children in a classroom gunned down by a semiautomatic weapon – by a fully automatic weapon in that case, sadly.”









As Lead Sponsor In House On Gun Legislation, Rep. Diana DeGette Appears To Not Understand How They Work




” Democratic Rep. Diana DeGette has been the lead sponsor on a federal ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines in two Congresses, saying it’s one of her top priorities.

But Tuesday at a Denver Post forum on the gun control debate, the senior congresswoman from Denver appeared to not understand how guns work.

“I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those now they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available.”

What she didn’t appear to understand is that a magazine can be reloaded with more bullets.”






Democrats Push For $10K Fine For Gun Owners Without Liability Insurance




” A group of congressional Democrats has signed on to new legislation that would mandate liability insurance for all gun owners in the United States — and fine those who refuse to purchase it as much as $10,000.

The Daily Caller reports that New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney’s Firearm Risk Protection Act says that all gun buyers — before they buy — purchase and show proof of “a qualified liability insurance policy,” and that those caught owning a weapon without the insurance are subject to harsh fines.”



 New York State senator Felix Ortiz started this madness . Yet another burden on law-abiding gun owners that will have exactly zero impact on the thugs that commit the crimes , given that the criminals , by very definition DON’T obey the law .

   Of course the most immediate effect of this proposed law would be to make it prohibitively expensive for the poor , many of whom reside in the highest crime areas , to purchase a gun and protect themselves . Way to look out for the less fortunate , party of ” the people ” .




What $84 Billion In Cuts from Government Spending Is Like…



3. Bye George

“It would be like George Clooney agreeing to do ‘Up in the Air’ for $48,000 less than the agreed $2 million contract.”




” President Obama told America that if we cut $84 billion under his sequestration plan, children would be thrown out of Head Start and the nation would be more vulnerable to a terrorist attack. Click on these illustrations of what cutting 2.4% from the $3.6 trillion in government spending really looks like! “




Colorado Democrat: A Gun Wouldn’t Help You If You’re About to Get Raped



” Colorado State Sen. Jessie Ulibarri (D) – “Congressman Giffords’ life was saved and so many others’ when very valiant folks stood up to defend themselves and protect themselves, and they did it with ballpoint pens.”

Colorado State Rep. Joe Salazar (D) – “And you don’t know if you feel like you’re gonna be raped, or if you feel like someone’s been following you around or if you feel like you’re in trouble when you may actually not be, that you pop out that gun and you pop … pop a round at somebody.”

And now we have this, Colorado State Senator Evie Hudak (D) telling rape victim Amanda Collins that a gun would not have helped her, and actually may have made the situation worse. Hudak apologized to Collins, but noted, “I don’t know how genuine it really was.” “


Washington Post Report Confuses One Prostitute With Another In Bid To Debunk Menendez Allegations




” The Washington Post mistook one prostitute for another Monday in a report that initially seemed to debunk a November 2012 Daily Caller exposé of New Jersey Democratic Senator Bob Menendez.

While the Post said it had an affidavit from a woman in the Dominican Republic admitting she fabricated claims Menendez paid her for sex, that woman was not one of the two prostitutes TheDC interviewed for a Nov. 1 report.

The Post identified the woman as 23-year-old Nexis de los Santos Santana.

Post reporter Carol D. Leonnig did not respond to requests for comment Monday night, and did not provide TheDC with a copy of the affidavit.”




Does Feinstein Really Have ‘All the Police’ Backing Her ‘Assault’ Weapons Bill? One Former Cop Says No.





” Yesterday on MSNBC, California Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein made a startling claim. She claimed that “I think we’ve got all the police,” backing her latest “assault” weapons ban, adding that “we have all the mayors virtually.”

Is that true? Feinstein may have the support of most big city mayors, liberals like Michael Bloomberg foremost among them, but what about police officers?

This afternoon I spoke with former Rep. Sandy Adams (R-FL). Sandy Adams has one of the most interesting backgrounds of anyone in politics. She dropped out of school at age 17 to join the US Air Force. She married at 18, but that marriage turned out to be an abusive one. She ended up studying and becoming a deputy sheriff in the Orange County (FL) Sheriff’s Department. That was in 1985. She served in law enforcement for 17 years, losing her second husband in the line of duty in 1989. Her life and work propelled her to become an advocate for crime victims’ rights, which led her to study criminal justice, and eventually, politics. She spent eight years in the Florida House before her election to Congress.”




Bullied: 10 People Intimidated by the Democrat Party



” Check out these Democrats, journalists, and conservatives who have been pushed around by the Democrat Party and even the president in his “bully pulpit.” SHARE this to show you oppose bullying! “




6. MSNBC Guest Jon Alter

“There is a kind of threatening tone that, from time to time — not all the time — comes out of these guys,” [Jonathan] Alter said. He also said that future White House press secretary Robert Gibbs disinvited him from a dinner between Obama and the press corps over a dispute. “I was told ‘Don’t come,’ in a fairly abusive e-mail,” he said. “[It] made what Gene Sperling wrote [to Woodward] look like patty-cake.”






CNBC Anchor Goes Off On Dem Congressman: ‘Are You Guys Incompetent Or What?’

N.Y. Bill Would Force Gun Owners To Buy At Least $1M In Insurance




” A bill introduced in the New York State Assembly by Assemblyman Felix Ortiz, a Democrat, would require the state’s residents to acquire liability insurance as a condition for gun ownership.

“Any person in this state who shall own a firearm shall, prior to such ownership, obtain and continuously maintain a policy of liability insurance in an amount not less than one million dollars specifically covering any damages resulting from any negligent or willful acts involving the use of such firearm while it is owned by such person,” the measure, dubbed S2353, reads.”


Missouri Democrats Introduce Legislation to Confiscate Firearms – Gives Gun Owners 90 Days to Turn in Weapons



” Missouri Democrats introduced an anti-gun bill which would turn law-abiding firearm owners into criminals. They will have 90 days to turn in their guns if the legislation is passed.

Dana Loesch Radio reported on the new legislation being pushed by Missouri Democrats:

Any person who, prior to the effective date of this law, was legally in possession of an assault weapon or large capacity magazine shall have ninety days from such effective date to do any of the following without being subject to prosecution.”

Mikulski’s ‘Paycheck Fairness Act’ Would Allow Employees to Discuss Salaries




  Beware of anything coming out of Washington that contains the word ” Fairness ” … It will surely be anything but .



” A ‘Paycheck Fairness Act’ introduced in Congress last week would require employers to show pay disparity is related to job-performance and prohibit employer retaliation for sharing salary information with coworkers.

Senator Barbara A. Mikulski and Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, both Democrats, said their legislation is aimed at closing the pay gap between men and women and would also address loopholes in the 1963 Equal Pay Act.”


   Since when does the government have the right to entwine themselves into the compensation negotiations between employers and their employees ? Sounds like something cooked up by Oren Boyle and Wesley Mouch .


  It’s just another way for unions to get their foot in the door and for trial lawyers to fill their coffers.



Illustration By Yogi Love


Joe Biden: White House Eying 19 Executive Actions On Guns





” The White House has identified 19 executive actions for President Barack Obama to move unilaterally on gun control, Vice President Joe Biden told a group of House Democrats on Monday, the administration’s first definitive statements about its response to last month’s mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Later this week, Obama will formally announce his proposals to reduce gun violence, which are expected to include renewal of the assault weapons ban, universal background checks and prohibition of high-capacity magazine clips. But Biden, who has been leading Obama’s task force on the response, spent two hours briefing a small group of sympathetic House Democrats on the road ahead in the latest White House outreach to invested groups.

The focus on executive orders is the result of the White House and other Democrats acknowledging the political difficulty of enacting any new gun legislation, a topic Biden did not address in Monday’s meeting.”



We’re Now One Step Closer To America’s Coming Civil War





” Some have said my warnings about a coming civil war between makers and takers are exaggerated. It’s true that Argentina’s politicians have been waging class warfare since Juan and Eva Peron–and they aren’t fazed when it turns bloody. Obama and the Democrats are relative newcomers to the game. But Argentina reveals who really suffers when those who create a nation’s wealth get mugged by those who spend it–as just happened this week in Washington.

It’s the poor and the middle class, the very ones big government says it’s trying to protect. ”




Democrat Says Obama’s Gun Control Proposals Are Extreme




” On ABC’s This Week yesterday, Democratic Senator Heidi Heitkamp described President Obama’s gun control proposals as “extreme.

“I think you need to put everything on the table, but what I hear from the administration — and if the Washington Post is to be believed — that’s way — way in extreme of what I think is necessary or even should be talked about. And it’s not going to pass,” said Heitkamp.


Sen Heidi Heitkamp



Heitkamp’s comments come after a Washington Post report about continuing plans from the White House to go far beyond the Clinton-era assault weapons ban with new gun control legislation, regulation and possible executive orders.”




Ten Gun Bills On Congress’s First Day




” Members of the 113th Congress introduced 10 bills on Thursday relating to gun violence, most of which came from Democrats seeking new restrictions on gun ownership.

The flurry of legislative proposals show that members are likely to push the issue in the wake of the December shooting at a Connecticut elementary school that left 20 children dead.

Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.), whose husband was shot to death in 1993, introduced four of the bills. The congresswoman has vowed to seek changes in federal law in response to the school shooting. “





” According to the FBI annual crime statistics, the number of murders committed annually with hammers and clubs far outnumbers the number of murders committed with a rifle.

This is an interesting fact, particularly amid the Democrats’ feverish push to ban many different rifles, ostensibly to keep us safe of course.

However, it appears the zeal of Sens. like Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) is misdirected. For in looking at the FBI numbers from 2005 to 2011, the number of murders by hammers and clubs consistently exceeds the number of murders committed with a rifle. ”



FBI Murder Stats 2

How Congress, Wall Street And The Media Traded America’s Future For The Next Short Term Fix

” If someone had woken you from a dead sleep 20 years ago and asked what the Republican Party stood for, you would’ve had no trouble answering: Fiscal restraint, a strong national defense and lower taxes. Those were the three pillars of the GOP. The party’s brand was clear. Voters understood it, and many approved. In the days before Obama, Republicans won seven out of ten presidential elections.

Things have changed for the muddier. Scratch the surface and you’ll find there is no longer a consensus among Republicans on foreign policy. Fiscal restraint? Years of earmarks, record deficits and at least one new federal entitlement under Republican congresses make that idea a bitter joke.

Of the three principles that have united the party since Reagan, only taxes remain. Republicans have been able to claim — sincerely, and with continuing success at the ballot box — that they are for lower taxes.

Until Tuesday.

Here’s what happened: For reasons that aren’t entirely clear but are probably related to panic and a basic lack of principle, the Speaker of the House and other Republicans in Congress signed on to Democratic calls for “balance” between tax hikes and spending cuts — this despite the overwhelming evidence that spending is the real problem. ”

So, even before the negotiation began, they abandoned decades of principle on taxes. The result: Two months later, we have a deal, but no balance. It’s all tax hikes. Zero spending cuts. Nice job.

Illustration By Michael Ramirez