Tag Archive: Delayed Implimentation

John Merline Of IBD Reports:





” Last week, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer made waves when he opined that the ongoing problems with ObamaCare might be reason to delay the program.

“They had three years to get this ready,” he said. “If they weren’t fully ready, they should accept the advice Republicans are giving them, delay it for a year, get it ready and make sure it works.”

Blitzer later said he was only referring to the ObamaCare exchange website. But as the rollout continues, there’s increasing evidence that an across-the-board delay would make sense — even to supporters of the law.

Enrollment Glitches. The problems marring the first days of the federal ObamaCare exchanges have not abated much over the past two weeks, despite administration promises that they’d quickly be fixed.

People who showed up at a Pittsburgh enrollment rally late last week, for example, couldn’t sign up for coverage on the federal exchange. The New York Times reports that one of its researchers hadn’t been able to log in despite more than 40 tries. A CNN reporter spent nearly two weeks trying to sign up and “failed again, and again and again.” “










Immigration Reform Is Dead And Obamacare Implementation Killed It



” Something did change in the immigration debate last week. But it wasn’t the realization that there is no “trigger” to force the House to act. That has been true since the beginning of the debate. What changed this week is that Republicans lost all trust in President Obama’s ability faithfully to execute the laws of the United States.

On Tuesday of last week, news broke that the Treasury Department was about to announce its intention to delay implementation of Obamacare’s employer mandate for a year. Nothing in the law gives the Obama administration authority to delay the mandate, but he did it anyway.

As bad as that blow to the rule of law was, the Department of Health and Human Services followed it up with 600 pages of regulations Friday, one of which also delayed a requirement that states verify the eligibility information submitted by applicants. Not only is this also not authorized in the statute, but, as National Review’s Yuval Levin notes, it is also an open invitation for those wanting health care subsidies to defraud taxpayers.”