Tag Archive: Deficit Reduction

Why The Sequester Is The GOP’s Worst Possible Move





” The danger for Republicans is that they will bury emerging news about economic weakness tied to higher taxes and more far-reaching regulations and instead promote a story line that puts a new round of disruptive spending cuts at the center of an economic slump — courtesy of the GOP.

I’ve been arguing for months that Washington is trying to shrink the deficit faster than is economically sound. The sequester would only exacerbate this shortsightedness with automatic cuts designed to do the maximum damage per dollar saved.

In other words, this is about the worst way to cut government, and it would be happening at the worst possible time for Republicans.”

Reid Blocks Senate Vote On Obama’s Deficit-Reduction Plan






 ” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Wednesday offered an amendment to force a vote on President Obama’s deficit-reduction plan, but Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) was having none of it.

“Last week [Treasury] Secretary [Timothy] Geithner brought up a proposal that was so unserious,” McConnell said on the floor, “I would like to see if my Democratic friends would like to support it.” ”



Illustration By Nate Beeler