Britain Poised To Muzzle ‘Extremist’ Speech





” In Britain, if you have extreme views on anything from Western democracy to women’s role in public life, you might soon require a license from the government before you can speak in public. Seriously.

  Nearly 350 years after us Brits abolished the licensing of the press, whereby every publisher had to get the blessing of the government before he could press and promote his ideas, a new system of licensing is being proposed. And it’s one which, incredibly, is even more tyrannical than yesteryear’s press licensing since it would extend to individuals, too, potentially forbidding ordinary citizens from opening their gobs in public without officialdom’s say-so.

  It’s the brainchild of Theresa May, the Home Secretary in David Cameron’s government. May wants to introduceextremism disruption orders, which, yes, are as terrifyingly authoritarian as they sound.”

