Tag Archive: DDoS Attacks

Mysterious Vigilante ‘The Jester’ Single Handedly Takes Down Jihadist Websites




” Anonymous isn’t doing anything new by hacking Islamic extremist websites. A mysterious figure known as “The Jester” has been at it for five years.

  Jester has single-handedly taken down dozens of websites that, he deems, support jihadist propaganda and recruitment efforts. He stopped counting at 179.

  To some, he’s an Internet superhero. Think Batman, with all the vengeance-laden moral qualms of vigilantism included.”







” “ I realized something needed to be done about online radicalization and ‘grooming’ of wannabe jihadis, and we didn’t have mechanisms to deal with it,” Jester said in an interview with CNNMoney. “I decided to start disrupting them.”

  Little is actually known about Jester, other than his public persona on Twitter as th3j35t3r: He is unapologetic, unabashedly pro-America and full of military jargon.

  Jester first appeared on Twitter on Dec. 19, 2009. Since then, he’s used his computer hacking skills to shut down, deface or expose anything he considers threatening to the United States — especially if it endangers soldiers. If a legitimate company is hosting the site, it usually gets a brief warning before he attacks.”



     While we were unable to track down a video interview of the Jester we did come across this print interview from Homeland Security Today and here is the CNN Money interview , see excerpt below , with the infamous hacker that our readers may find of interest . 



” On one hand, his personal crusade makes him little different from members of Anonymous. Last week, Anonymous blocked a jihadist website in retaliation for the Charlie Hebdo attack.

  The difference is that Anonymous is a worldwide, ragtag group driven by various ideologies and rules. Jester sticks to one, patriotic mission: U.S. enemies only. But the definition is up to him. In 2010, he temporarily blocked Wikileaks. In August, he took down the website of PlayStation hackers Lizard Squad.

” I answer to my conscience, and to God, sir,” he said. “That’s about it. I think my actions speak loudly enough of my principles and doctrine.” “


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PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Offline Due To Attacks







” If all you want for Christmas is some online video gaming, you may feel like you got coal in your stocking.

  Online game networks Xbox Live and PlayStation Network were knocked offline much of Christmas Day in an apparent DDos (distributed denial of service) attack.

  Taking credit for the takedown: a group called Lizard Squad, which previously claimed credit for August attacks on the PlayStation Network and online games World of Warcraft and League of Legends. “


USA Today