Tag Archive: David Vitter

It Begins! Six Senators Send Barack Obama and Harry Reid a Letter that Has Democrats Scared




” The Republicans won on election day in a historic landslide victory. The “red” on America’s political map has a greater reach than Verizon’s cellphone coverage. Republicans took over state legislators, governor’s offices, and the United States Senate! It is an epic rejection of the misguided policies of our Campaigner-in-Chief Barack Obama.

  But the question for conservatives is now – what should they do now that they are in power? The answer for six Senators is: SECURE THE SOUTHERN BORDER, NOW!

  Republicans Senators Ted Cruz of Texas, Mike Crapo of Idaho, Mike Lee of Utah, Pat Roberts of Kansas, Jeff Sessions of Alabama, and David Vitter of Louisiana all signed onto a letter that they will do everything in their power to stop Obama’s plan to grant Amnesty for illegal immigrants through executive order.

  We write to express our alarm with President Obama’s announced intention to take unilateral executive action by the end of this year to lawlessly grant amnesty to immigrants who have entered the country illegally. The Supreme Court has recognized that ‘over no conceivable subject is the power of Congress more complete’ than its power over immigration.

“ Therefore, President Obama will be exercising powers properly belonging to Congress if he makes good on his threat. This will create a constitutional crisis that demands action by Congress to restore the separation of powers.

“ As majority leader of the Senate, you have the responsibility of not only representing the citizens of your State, but also of protecting the Constitution through vigilant exercise of the checks and balances provided under the Constitution.

“ Therefore, we write to offer our full assistance in ensuring expeditious Senate debate and passage for a measure that preserves the power of Congress by blocking any action the President may take to violate the Constitution and unilaterally grant amnesty.

“ However, should you decline to defend the Senate and the Constitution from executive overreach, the undersigned Senators will use all procedural means necessary to return the Senate’s focus during the lame duck session to resolving the constitutional crisis created by President Obama’s lawless amnesty.” “


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Senator Vitter (R-LA) Asks Janet Yellen About Audit The Fed (S.209)

Published on Nov 15, 2013

” Senator David Vitter asks Fed Chair nominee Janet Yellen if she supports Audit the Fed (S.209) at her confirmation hearing in front of the Senate Banking Committee on November 14, 2013.”



   You knew what her answer would be didn’t you ? We’re sure Senator Vitter knew as well and that was all the more reason to pose the question in a public forum and have it on record for all to see . 








Citizens United Joins Vitter Push Against Health Benefits

For Congress, Staff





” Sen. David Vitter took his campaign against federal employer-provided health benefits to a new level on Monday night.

The Louisiana Republican appeared on the Fox News program “Hannity” along with David Bossie of the conservative group Citizens United to launch a new advertising effort in favor of the Vitter amendment that includes a fundraising effort for Citizens United.

“We’re really excited about this, being able to take it to the American people so that they can rise up and say look, enough is enough. Congress, you can’t pass a law that by the way is so bad it can’t be rolled out in a competent way for anyone but themselves,” Bossie said. “That’s just plain wrong.” “



    Here is a radical idea … how about we designate all politicians as self-employed , since it isn’t supposed to be a career choice anyway , and cease providing anything to our elected officials other than a salary and a 1099 form at the end of the year ? 

   Let them shop around for their own health insurance and invest in their own retirement funds . Why should the taxpayers foot the bill for such largesse ? With perqs like they have now it’s no wonder they treat the jobs like sinecures. We’ve only ourselves to blame is we allow this madness to continue .











Another Top EPA Official Caught Using Private Email Account





” Emails released by the  show that acting Administrator Bob Perciasepe used a private email account to conduct official business, which violates EPA policy and has raised questions about whether he was trying to shield communications from public disclosure.

The emails show that Perciasepe was using a non-official “perciasepe.org” email account to conduct official business — the second high-ranking to be caught doing so this year.

Last month, The Daily Caller News Foundation reported that EPA Region 8 Administrator James Martin had used his private “me.com” email account to correspond with environmental activists. Following this report, Republicans Sen. David Vitter of Louisiana and Rep. Darrell Issa of California opened up an investigation into Martin’s email activity, arguing that the official may be trying to skirt federal transparency laws.”