Tag Archive: Dan Joseph

Is America At War With ‘Radical Islam’?





Published on Jan 21, 2015

” MRCTV’s Dan Joseph asks people if America is at war with ‘radical Islam’? “












The 5 Dumbest Liberal Tweets Of The Week




” Time for the dumbest Tweets of the past week!  This week features an all-female cast.  Not because we at MRCTV are sexist. These particular women simply beat out the dumb Tweets from all the guys this week.  They really broke that glass ceiling.  

  Speaking of glass ceilings, let’s start out with the first female Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

  What the esteemed Minority leader is referring to here is a bill that was passed by a bipartisan vote in the House on Thursday passing a bill that increased the amount of money individuals can give to campaigns.

  The irony here is that Nancy Pelosi is one of the richest members of Congress with a net worth of nearly $30 million.  But, I’m sure Nancy would never DREAM of hijacking democracy!  *Cough…Obamacare..*cough *cough. Hmmm.  better get that cough checked out.  

  What do you mean I lost my insurance plan??!! “


   Can you guess who the other top 4 Tweets of idiocy come from ? Hint: They are the usual suspects . See them revealed here .












Video: U.S. College Students Sign Petition In Support Of ISIS






” Despite one’s feelings on how the U.S. government should deal with the growing threat that ISIS poses to the world, it’s safe to assume that Americans across the political spectrum agree that the terror group is pretty odious.

Unless, of course, those people have never heard of ISIS.

  I can only assume that the college students who were willing to sign my petition calling on President Obama to support the terror group, were ignorant to the group’s existence. 

God, I hope so!

  Over the period of about an hour, I stood on the campus of George Mason University in Northern Virginia and asked passing students to sign my petition.  The petition was adorned with the ISIS flag above the unambiguous headline, “SUPPORT ISIS.” “


CNS News













Mexican Embassy: Mexicans ‘Illegally’ Crossing U.S. Border ‘Are Not Committing A Crime’






” MRCTV talks to protesters calling for the release of U.S. Marine Andrew Tahmooressi outside the Mexican Embassy – where a spokesperson for the Mexican Embassy tells them illegal border crossing is “not committing a crime.”

” When a Mexican, or any other citizen, crosses a boarder, let’s say illegally, they are not committing a crime. They are doing it illegally, but they are not committing a crime. No, they are not. Check your law,” Public Affairs Minister Ariel Moutsatos-Morales says.”



    If you would like to help in the efforts to help a Marine that is being “left behind” by this administration you can sign the White House petition , give a like on the Free Andrew Tahmooressi Facebook page , donate to his legal defense or contact the Mexican embassy and let them know how you feel .

CNS News












NRA Protestors: ‘Second Amendment, That’s Baloney!’







” On Monday, MRCTV’s Dan Joseph decided to pay members of the Reston-Herndon Alliance To End Gun Violence a visit at their monthly protest outside the NRA Headquarters in Fairfax.  The group comes out to rail against the NRA, a pro-Second Amendment organization with five million loyal members, on the 14th of every month to commemorate the horrific Newtown shooting.

  Although, like most gun control advocates, they reiterated the same talking points that aim to curb our Second Amendment rights and leave law-abiding citizens unarmed and defenseless.

  One woman said that they were at the NRA to tell them that “30,000 people die of gun violence in this country every year, and it’s their fault.” “











ObamaCare Supporters Explain Hobby Lobby Case




     MRCTV’s Dan Joseph interviews Obamacare supporters on why HobbyLobby should be forced to pay for their birth control . Ignorance , hypocrisy and selfishness rules the day as one might expect .

    The key thing to remember here though is that birth control is not healthcare . Pregnancy isn’t a sickness it is a choice just as abortion is a choice . 

College Students Fail To Name A Single U.S. Senator

” Last week, MRCTV’s Dan Joseph went to American University to give the student body a little general knowledge quiz.

  When asked if they could name a SINGLE U.S. senator, the students blanked.  Also, very few knew that each state has two senators.  The guesses were all over the map, with some crediting each state with twelve, thirteen, and five senators.”



   These “future leaders” of the US cannot name a currently serving Senator nor do most of them even know how many senators there are , but they know the title of a hit song from the movie Frozen and they are allowed to vote … Think about it … 

   Read more here







What Do Americans Think Of Biden ?

Published on Jan 16, 2014

” You don’t see much of Vice-President Joe Biden these days, but Bob Gates had some sharp criticism of the Veep in his recent book that made headlines. MRCTV went to the Lincoln Memorial and asked Americans to share their thoughts on the man who is one heartbeat away from the presidency.”










The Atheist Christmas Billboard




Published on Dec 19, 2013

” An electronic billboard advertisement by American Atheists in New York City, that seeks to deter people from including Christ in their Christmas celebrations, has been getting a lot press lately. We wanted to know what New Yorkers thought of the ad.

  MRCTV traveled to the Big Apple to ask people about the atheists anti-Christian message and whether they thought we should take the “Christ” out of Christmas.”








Published on Jul 25, 2013

” Once again, MRCTV’s Dan Joseph went to a college campus and asked students to sign a petition. This time the goal was to get people to show their support for legalizing 4th trimester abortion.

For those of you who failed biology, babies are born at the END of the 3rd trimester. For those of you who didn’t, watch this….”