Tag Archive: Culture

Le Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword?





” A few notes on this first weekend of spring:

~France goes to the polls tomorrow. Marine Le Pen was excluded by the French Government from the #JeSuisCharlie rally in favor of less controversial figures like, er, Mahmoud Abbas and President Erdoğan. But, when all the unlikely free-speech opportunists bleating that “the pen is mightier than the sword” have faded away, it may be that the biggest beneficiary of the post-Charlie Hebdo environment will be Mme Le Pen’s Front National:

“She’s my queen!” gushes Patricia, waiting for the arrival of Marine Le Pen, leader of France’s far-right National Front.

“Marine represents everything the people of France want. I don’t know what to say – she’s wonderful, magnificent…”

The political momentum is firmly behind the National Front (FN) whose anti-immigration and anti-EU platform saw it take first place in European elections and win control of 11 town halls last year.

It is again topping polls ahead of Sunday’s vote.

The Picardy countryside is a picturesque but barren stretch of territory with little to offer its young people, making it an ideal recruiting ground for the FN which is polling over 40 percent across much of the region.

Not everyone is as happy as Patricia, though:

Back at the Noyon community hall, some wait to greet Le Pen with shouts of “fascist”.

“Even if she hides it behind her beautiful blonde hair, there are neo-Nazi ideas underneath,” said one of the protesters, 47-year-old Pierre, who declined to give his last name.

“After she’s kicked out the immigrants, it’s us who will be next – the people who think.”

  Perhaps “the people who think” ought to think a bit about whether stagnant labor markets, mass Muslim immigration, and high crime as a routine feature of life is really a sustainable model.”



    Later Mr Steyn switches gears and addresses the differences between the royal entourage of Prince Charles and the city-stopping caravans of the American royal , “King Barack” , which makes this piece Saturday’s must read














Fifty Shades Of Grey – Lego Trailer





Published on Feb 2, 2015

” Subscribe to the channel for more! http://goo.gl/fQJO9B

  Lego version of Fifty Shades of Grey Trailer made by Antonio and Andrea Toscano.
Watch the original trailer here: http://youtu.be/SfZWFDs0LxA

  Watch other Lego videos: http://goo.gl/judw6G
Watch the Comparative version with the original trailer: http://goo.gl/Ca3SPr

  Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/iftoscano
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ToscanoBricks “













Jodi Miller With The Funny Side Of The News





Published on Jan 12, 2015

— President Obama
— Afghanistan
— Raul Castro
— Supreme Court
— Obamacare
— CNN and Wolf Blitzer
— CDC and Flu Epidemic
— Skunks in Granite Bay, CA
— Cher

Love NewsBusted and want to receive alerts about new episodes in your
email? Visit http://newsbusters.org/newsbusted to sign up for free!

Starring: Jodi Miller
Production: Dialog New Media “











American Inertia



” I’ve borrowed Kathy Shaidle’s headline because I think that sums up John Derbyshire’s column better than the one he and his editors chose: “The Impotent Eagle.” It’s not that we are incapable of doing anything, it’s that we can’t rouse ourselves to do anything.

  John was my colleague at National Review for many years, where I regarded him as a gloomier version of me, and he regarded me as a hopeless Pollyanna. Nevertheless, much of what he writes today will be familiar to readers of both After America and The [Un]documented Mark Steyn, personally autographed copies of which make kind and thoughtful Christmas presents and really aren’t as suicidally depressing as you might think. Derb’s mournful refrain was taken from a throwaway line a correspondent made re immigration:

Replied my friend:

‘I think that withdrawing birthright citizenship from the children of illegals would be a good move, and highly appropriate. I don’t see why we couldn’t do it going forward. But of course we won’t, because we can’t do anything.’

It was that closing phrase that stuck in my mind. We can’t do anything. It’s so damn true.

   John focuses on the big headlines: the Afghan war… immigration… law enforcement in Ferguson… America can’t win wars, enforce its borders, prevent looting. He could have added a bazillion others: build a flood barrier that prevents one measly not-so-Superstorm Sandy ruining people’s lives for years after… replace the dingy decrepit dump of LaGuardia with an airport that isn’t a total embarrassment to one of the world’s great cities… upgrade the most primitive bank cards in the developed world… stiffen Republican spines to come up with plans for debt reduction that kick in before the middle of the century…

  But I’m increasingly struck by how “we can’t do anything” applies to all the small stuff, too. If you’ve ever spent hours on the phone going round in circles with your health insurer over some nothing little thing, you’ll be aware that “we can’t do anything” is not a monopoly of the big geopolitical strategists. The whole joint seems to be seizing up, and it bothers me. Americans now have less health-care freedom and less banking freedom than many Continental Europeans. But let’s not get all comparative about this. In absolute terms – and certainly in comparison with the America that was – too much of daily life has become over-complicated and over-regulated and over-sclerotic, and too many people are content to string along with it. “


Mr Steyn’s piece is , of course , the mandatory read of the day 











NewsBusted 11.14.14

The Latest From Jodi Miller & NewsBusted




Published on Nov 13, 2014

— Vladimir Putin
— Illegal Border Crossers
— Heavy Snorers
— Willie Nelson
— Kim Kardashian
— False Eyelashes

  Love NewsBusted and want to receive alerts about new episodes in your
email? Visit http://newsbusters.org/newsbusted to sign up for free! 

Starring: Jodi Miller
Production: Dialog New Media “










Documented vs Undocumented








” The eminent historian Max Hastings and I have not always seen eye to eye. (Example:

  I have spent a lifetime resisting my father’s prejudice, that men who affect beards should be regarded with the gravest suspicion. Yet every time I read the rantings of Mark Steyn about what he perceives as decadent European hostility towards the US, I have to fight down an ignoble sensation that daddy was right.

  He didn’t fight it down that hard.)

  Be that as it may, Sir Max is spot on in this poignant opening:

All over the world, from Vimy Ridge and El Alamein to Rangoon and Rorke’s Drift, stand memorials to British war dead, most of them places of pilgrimage for descendants and tourists.

  Future travellers, however, will find no such proud relic at Camp Bastion in Afghanistan. When the Army lowered the Union flag there on Sunday, our memorial — etched with hundreds of names of the fallen — had been dismantled and flown home.

  Had it remained in war-torn Helmand province, it seemed certain to face desecration and destruction. There could be no more vivid manifestation of the failure of Britain’s Afghan mission.

  In my new book, The [Un]documented Mark Steyn, there is a section called “September 12th”. Beginning with my first sight of “Ground Zero”, it’s a series of snapshots that chart over the years the remorseless evaporation of western will, descending bumpily in its latter stretch through our reliance on drones, the disgrace of Benghazi, and some thoughts from me on the man at the Trebil border crossing between Jordan and Iraq – contrasting the US soldier who glanced at my Canadian passport when I crossed a few weeks after the fall of Saddam with the Islamic State goon who occupies the post today. That’s a profound image of total defeat. But so too are those last soldiers dismantling the British war memorial. As I wrote two-and-a-half years ago:

  In the last couple of months, two prominent politicians of different nations visiting their troops on the ground have used the same image to me for Western military bases: crusader forts. Behind the fortifications, a mini-West has been built in a cheerless land: There are Coke machines and Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Safely back within the gates, a man can climb out of the full RoboCop and stop pretending he enjoys three cups of tea with the duplicitous warlords, drug barons, and pederasts who pass for Afghanistan’s ruling class. The visiting Western dignitary is cautiously shuttled through outer and inner perimeters, and reminded that even here there are areas he would be ill-advised to venture unaccompanied, and tries to banish memories of his first tour all those years ago when aides still twittered optimistically about the possibility of a photo op at a girls’ schoolroom in Jalalabad or an Internet start-up in Kabul. “


As usual , this is Saturday’s Must Read post










Guns OK In Nebraska Senior Photos If ‘Tasteful’







” It’s a new twist on the guns-in-schools debate: A district in central Nebraska has told seniors it’s OK to pose with firearms in their senior portraits, which are taken off campus. The students in the Broken Bow district, however, have to abide by a few rules, reports the Omaha World-Herald: Gun photos must be “tasteful and appropriate,” which means no aiming at the camera and no photos that include an “animal in obvious distress.” “














Second Immigration Wave Lifts Diversity To Record High




Mapping American Diversity

Click Map To Go Interactive



” From a distance, the small group of Haitian immigrants at the public library looks like a prayer meeting or political gathering. Dressed colorfully but comfortably, the women speak in heavily accented English and sit every day for hours around a small wooden table studying to be nurses.

  The library sits at the heart of one of the most diverse counties in the USA. More than 50 languages are spoken in the public schools, and this is what more and more communities across America will look like soon — very soon.

  Racial and ethnic diversity is spreading far beyond the coasts and into surprising places across the USA, rapidly changing how Americans live, learn, work and worship together — and even who our neighbors are.

  Cities and towns far removed from traditional urban gateways such as New York, Miami, Chicago and San Francisco are rapidly becoming some of the most diverse places in America, an analysis of demographic data by USA TODAY shows.

  Small metro areas such as Lumberton, N.C., and Yakima, Wash., and even remote towns and counties — such as Finney County, Kan., or Buena Vista County, Iowa — have seen a stunning surge in immigrants, making those places far more diverse. 

The result: For the first time, the next person you meet in this country — at work, in the library, at a coffee shop or a movie ticket line — will probably be of a different race or ethnic group than you.”



Read the entire report from USA Today and say goodbye to the melting pot , hello Balkanization











Jennifer Lopez, Iggy Azalea Show Butts, Twerk, Jiggle In Outrageous “Booty” Video




” Wow, just wow! Jennifer Lopez has reclaimed her crown as original (and best!) booty queen with the outrageously sexy video for her new single “Booty,” starring alongside Iggy Azalea.

  In a fast paced sequence of flashing butt shots, Lopez and Azalea stun as they get hot and steamy in sexy swimsuits, gyrating, twerking and jiggling their awesome backsides in time with the music.”

This is what passes for popular “culture” in today’s America … Be afraid , be very afraid .

Unique And Fun Traffic Light Has Pedestrians Dancing While They Wait For The Light To Turn Green









” Nobody likes to wait at traffic lights. Stopping at lights can be dangerous for impatient pedestrians willing to risk their lives just to cross the street a few seconds earlier.

  The folks at Smart created The Dancing Traffic Light, a concept providing a fun and safe way to keep people from venturing too early into the street. They started by placing a dance room on a square in Lisbon, Portugal and invited random pedestrians to go into the box and dance. Their movements were then displayed on a few traffic lights in real time. This resulted in 81% more people stopping and waiting at those red lights.”


Viral Nova










Sh%t Southern Women Say, Episode 4





You Want Nazis?




” There have been Christians in Mosul for just shy of two millennia, since the first century. There are none today.

  The Yazidi are practitioners of Kurdistan’s oldest religion, fire-worshippers whose presence in the region predates Islam. They’re either being executed or starved to death on a mountain:

We are being slaughtered. Our entire religion is being wiped off the face of the earth.

  ISIS are fast-track Nazis. No messing about with a few property restrictions and intermarriage laws as a little light warm-up: They’re only in the business of “final solutions”, and they start on Day One and don’t quit until the last Christian and Yazidi is dead or fled. As I’ve often remarked about today’s exhaustively cleansed Maghreb, Levant and Araby, Islam is king on a field of corpses. But pikers like the Muslim Brotherhood, the Baathists, the House of Saud take their time. ISIS are shooting for the Guinness Book of Records.

  Fortunately, progressive opinion in the west hates Jews more than it loves Christians or Yazidi or Shia or Kurds, so ISIS can get on with killing everyone they want to kill. George Packer reports in The New Yorker:

  Karim couldn’t help expressing bitterness about this. “I don’t see any attention from the rest of the world,” he said. “In one day, they killed more than two thousand Yazidi in Sinjar, and the whole world says, ‘Save Gaza, save Gaza.’ “

  Indeed. But you have to pick your causes. To put pressure on Netanyahu, you fly in John Kerry to bore him to death. To put pressure on ISIS would require a commitment the west is not willing to make. So Christians will vanish from the region, and the Yazidi will vanish from the world. “


As always make Mr Steyn your “must read” of the day













50 Classy People From The Past Who Remind Us What “Cool” Really Means!




” Our society has come a long way in the past few decades but we’ve completely forgotten what it’s like to be classy. Let’s take a lesson from these masters of “old school cool.”





Elspeth Beard, shortly after becoming first Englishwoman to circumnavigate the world by motorcycle. The journey took 3 years and covered 48,000 miles.”




   Even if you’re not impressed with Ms Beard and her accomplishments there’s no denying that Mr Eastwood was and is a master of “cool” .







” Clint Eastwood with actresses Olive Sturgess and Dani Crayne in San Francisco, 1954″




   While this product never caught on , and indeed would no doubt be banned by the “safety nazis” today there is a major “cool factor” to these motorized roller skates .




” A salesman has his motorized roller skates refueled at a gas station (1961)”




To see much more about what was “cool” check out the other 47 photos at Distractify .











 Take This Quick Ten Question Test To Find Out


Are you a George Washington …





… Or a Barack Obama ?



“Do you know which president you are? Answer these 10 simple questions to find out!”





We were pleasantly surprised to get one of our heroes …



” You got:

George Washington

You are an amazing influencer and you have a mind that can revolutionize the world. Not only do you set the examples for everyone, but you can guide and show the way like no other! The Constitution is very important to you. Your thoughts and ideas about the world, though some may not like them, are the best and can change the world for the better! “



   As a test , after answering truthfully we ran through it again with different answers and got a very different result . Check yourself .








Artist Swaps The Names Of Cities And Towns Around The World With 1,800 Cultural Slurs To Create ‘Map Of The Stereotypes’



'The Map of the Stereotypes': Slovak graphic design artist Martin Vargic has re-imagined the world according to cultural slurs, assumptions and stereotypes, with obvious choices like China becoming 'Factory', Australia 'Kangaroo' and Italy 'Pizza', as well more questionable ones, such as Spain as 'Pubes' and Canada 'Maple Syrup'<br>

Click On The Map To Go Full Size




” Everything you need to know about the world is right here, according to graphic design artist Martin Vargic.
The Slovak student, who made a name for himself earlier this year with his ‘Map of the Internet’, has followed up that effort with ‘Map of the Stereotypes’, a detailed reworking of countries, cities and towns the world over to reflect the countless cultural generalizations and assumptions.”




Map Of Slurs America

Click On The Map To Go Full Size

” Vargic took three months to configure the vintage-style base world map on Photoshop, with two additional months of research for the labels, for which there are said to be 1,800 in total.

‘ The majority of stereotypes are basically oversimplications, and though they are based on a real phenomenon, it is wrong to associate them with the entire country, nation, race or other group of people,’ Vargic told The MailOnline.

‘ When looking on the map, it needs to be understood that it shows the world from the point of view of a stereotypical westerner, making it a stereotype itself, the manifestation of the stereotype about the entire western world.”




 Epic detail: The map is said to feature over 1,800 stereotypes. Vargic renamed Mongolia 'Genghis Khahn' after the founder of the Mongol Empire, while China became 'Factory, India 'Holy Cow', Pakistan 'Al-Qaeda' and Afghanistan 'Terrorists'

Click On The Map To Go Full Size




” Vargic renamed each country to a stereotype he believes best represents that nation.

  Some are obvious, such as called Russie ‘Communists’, Turkey ‘Kebab’, Australia ‘Kangaroo’, Italy ‘Pizza’ and China ‘Factory’.

  While others are much more questionable, with Canada becoming ‘Maple Syrup’ and Span ‘Pubes’.
Ireland became ‘Gingers’, Sweden ‘Metrosexuals’, Colombia ‘Cocaine’ and Korea ‘Bad Drivers’.”




    Regular readers will recall some of Mr Vargic’s previous works such as his beautiful map of the internet and the world as seen with the polar ice caps melted .

Copies of these maps along with many other fabulous creations can be purchased here and here



Read more of the “Map Of Stereotypes” here.









Jodi Miller Presents





Published on Apr 28, 2014

— L.A. Clippers and Donald Sterling
— House Speaker John Boehner
— Harry Reid
— Koch Brothers
— U.S. Supreme Court
— Racial Preferences
— Obama in Japan
— Japanese Robot
— Michelle Obama
— George Clooney
— Steve Wynn

Love NewsBusted and want to receive alerts about new episodes in your
email? Visit http://newsbusters.org/newsbusted to sign up for free!

Starring: Jodi Miller
Production: Dialog New Media”










Jodi Miller & MRCTV Offer This Twin Bill For The Week Of March 24-28




NewsBusted 3.25.14




Published on Mar 24, 2014

” Topics:
— March Madness
— Obamacare
— Vladimir Putin
— Ellen DeGeneres
— Jimmy Fallon
— Kevin Trudeau
— Jimmy Carter
— Voter Fraud “







NewsBusted 3.28.14




Published on Mar 27, 2014

” Topics:
— 2016 Campaign
— Hillary Clinton
— Weather Drone
— Al Gore
— Pinkberry
— American Physical Society
— White House Pastry Chef
— Actor Chris Pine Drunk Driving
— Obamacare and Latinos “









Hah! “Barrycade” Enters Urban Dictionary






” Tuesday night Mandy wrote a post, WWII Vets storm Barry-cades, regarding the absurdity of the Obama administration erecting barricades in open spaces for no reason other than to hassle Veterans at the World War II Memorial.

The term Barry-cade, and its acceptable variant Barrycade, became hits on Twitter (here and here).

The term was picked up and spread by Twitchy, and also at Drudge.”










Capitalism Is Freedom









Two Males, No Men



They don’t make men like they used to. One can consult a Danish study that shows plummeting testosterone levels for scientific confirmation of this. Or, one could more easily turn on any cable news network’s wall-to-wall coverage of the Zimmerman-Martin case, a tragedy involving two males fumbling in the dark on how to be men.

Their households lacked strong male role models; their society, even more so. Four in ten American kids enter the world without their father married to their mother. When schoolboys begin to exhibit traits natural to their sex, the energetic fellows earn the wrath of detention and Ritalin. Any game that highlights contact — from dodgeball to football — comes under attack. Primetime television celebrates the fop and makes a buffoon out of fathers (see Simpson, Homer; Everybody Loves, Raymond).

Civilizing men out of existence has come at great cost to civilization. Instead of men, we get feminine imitations lacking beauty. We get lost boys compensating by becoming barbarians. We get Sanford, Florida, February 26, 2012.”








An Amazing Message That Should Resonate With All People.

“We have to create culture, don’t watch TV, don’t read magazines, don’t even listen to NPR. Create your own roadshow.”










Industrial Design: “American Look” 1958 General Motors Populuxe Classic Film


HT/ Iowahawk



” Industrial design is the use of a combination of applied art and applied science to improve the aesthetics, ergonomics, and usability of a product, but it may also be used to improve the product’s marketability and production. The role of an industrial designer is to create and execute design solutions for problems of form, usability, physical ergonomics, marketing, brand development, and sales.

The first use of the term “industrial design” is often attributed to the designer Joseph Claude Sinel in 1919 (although he himself denied this in interviews), but the discipline predates 1919 by at least a decade. Its origins lie in the industrialization of consumer products. For instance the Deutscher Werkbund, founded in 1907 and a precursor to the Bauhaus, was a state-sponsored effort to integrate traditional crafts and industrial mass-production techniques, to put Germany on a competitive footing with England and the United States…

Notable industrial designers

A number of industrial designers have made such a significant impact on culture and daily life that they have attained a level of notability beyond that of an average designer. Alvar Aalto, renowned as an architect, also designed a significant number of household items, such as chairs, stools, lamps, a tea-cart, and vases. Raymond Loewy was a prolific American designer who is responsible for the Royal Dutch Shell corporate logo, the original BP logo (in use until 2000), the PRR S1 steam locomotive, the Studebaker Starlight (including the later iconic bulletnose), as well as Schick electric razors, Electrolux refrigerators, short-wave radios, Le Creuset French ovens, and a complete line of modern furniture, among many other items. Richard A. Teague, who spent most of his career with the American Motor Company, originated the concept of using interchangeable body panels so as to create a wide array of different vehicles using the same stampings. He was responsible for such unique automotive designs as the Pacer, Gremlin, Matador coupe, Jeep Cherokee, and the complete interior of the Eagle Premier. Viktor Schreckengost designed bicycles manufactured by Murray bicycles for Murray and Sears, Roebuck and Company. With engineer Ray Spiller, he designed the first truck with a cab-over-engine configuration, a design in use to this day. Schreckengost also founded The Cleveland Institute of Art’s school of industrial design. Charles and Ray Eames were most famous for their unique furniture design, such as the Eames Lounge Chair Wood and Eames Lounge Chair.

Another example is German industrial designer Dieter Rams, who is closely associated with the consumer products company Braun (where he worked until 1995) and the Functionalist school of industrial design. He is famous for his “ten principles to good design”, in addition to designing many iconic products at Braun. More recently, Jonathan Ive, the Senior Vice President of Design at Apple Inc., is credited for designing products for the company, which has a strong philosophy in aesthetics. His designs include the iPod and iPhone…”





Pizza History

Pizzas Past and Present (Video)






” In this exclusive Hungry History video, host Ian Knauer serves up pizza history, from the flatbreads of ancient Pompeii to today’s pies. He also takes us through the steps of making a classic Margherita pizza at home. Follow his recipe (taken from his cookbook “The Farm: Rustic Recipes for a Year of Incredible Food”) to turn your own kitchen into an authentic pizza parlor.”








1 teaspoon active dry yeast
1 cup warm water
3 cups bread flour or all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons kosher salt

Stir together yeast and water until dissolved.

Stir the ingredients together in a large bowl until combined, then transfer the dough to a flourless work surface. Knead the dough until it becomes elastic and pulls off the work surface.

Oil the bowl, then shape the dough into a ball and place it back in the bowl, turning to coat.

Cover the bowl with a towel and let rest at room temperature until it doubles in size, about 1 hour in a warm room.”




Conservatives Are Boobs When it Comes to Pop Culture




” Now that we are descending into nanny-state soft tyranny under the sure and certain leadership of our beloved Not-A-Dictator, we are going to need a Minister of All Cultures and my nominee is John Nolte of Breitbart’s Big Hollywood. First of all, I know Nolte so even under the new regime, I should be able to score copies of movies with all the offensive scenes still intact. And second of all, I’m beginning to think that he is the last sane man discussing pop culture in America except for me. And I’m not too sure about me.

Last week, the Noltenator ran a terrific piece defending funny man Seth MacFarlane from both left-wing and right-wing attacks on his off-beat, politically incorrect and also very amusing Academy Awards performance. Especially under fire was a song called “We Saw Your Boobs,” which named which actresses had exposed themselves in which movies. Critics on left and right called the song sexist, offensive, puerile, etc, and Nolte explained to them: shut the hell up.

” What strikes me as wrong-headed… is all this taking of offense and hurling of “ists.” I fear we’re becoming a nation of well-intentioned (sometimes) “Footloose” dads who see danger in harmless fun; where we cry “ist” to put a stop to things that make us uncomfortable; where — so “we don’t offend” and “for the good of others” – we build restrictions. And what happens in the process? We lose our own capacity for joy and that very healthy exercise known as laughing at ourselves.”

