Tag Archive: Cronies

Millions In Farm Subsidies Flow Freely To DC Residents Who Don’t Actually Farm





” Washington, D.C., doesn’t have many farms, or farmers. Yet thousands of residents in and around the nation’s capital receive millions of dollars every year in federal farm subsidies, including working-class residents in Southeast, wealthy lobbyists on K Street and well-connected lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

  In neighboring Chevy Chase, Md., one of the nation’s wealthiest communities, lawyers, lobbyists and at least one psychologist collected nearly $342,000 in taxpayer farm subsidies between 2008 and 2011, according to the watchdog group Open the Books.

  Taxpayer subsidies were also paid out to Gerald Cassidy, the founder of one of Washington’s most powerful lobbying firms, Cassidy & Associates; Charlie Stenholm, a former congressman; and Chuck Grassley, a Republican senator from Iowa. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack continues to receive subsides even though he has overseen the agency that pays them since 2009.

” All of it is entirely legal,” said Adam Andrzejewski, founder of Open the Books, a group that created an online database and mobile app to track the subsidies.

  To illustrate just how far the subsidy program has strayed from its original purpose, Open the Books calculated payments going to three major cities with few, if any, modern ties to farming: Washington, D.C., New York City and Chicago. Taxpayers sent $30 million to those residents over the past four years to compensate them for converting farmland to conservation areas and for growing soybeans, cotton, corn, rice and other crops.”








 … “Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in an email to TheDC. “The WH also ‘invited’ us over because they had concerns about ‘inaccuracies’ in a press release attacking visitor log secrecy – told us we should say nice things about them and they would say nice things about us.” “

No surprises here for those of us who have been paying attention . Just confirmation of what we’ve known all along .

  “TAMPA — More than 3 1/2 years after the president’s celebrated signing of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act , the program
remains a hot target for critics, who
view the billions in federal spending as ripe for waste, fraud and abuse.

  And now, a new report is confirming that very fact, demonstrating how Florida played host to multiple tales of inefficient, unaccountable and, in some cases, lost stimulus dollars — millions
and counting. “



” The Democrat Party is the party of factional payola : it is comprised of factions who are united to attain power and reap rewards such
as loans, direct transfer of funds, contract set asides, special legislation for special treatment,
pay increases, and patronage.

  All of their ideology is meant to accomplish is attaining power and keeping their factions united.

  They have NO principles. Redistribution really means taking from the enemy and giving to the
factions in the party.”

HT/Director Blue

   When will this criminal madness end ?

“The government has been bailing out the giant, insolvent banks for years. (Many of the bailed out banks are foreign.)
That is preventing the economy from recovering… like countries that have grabbed the bull by
the horns .
   The government has allowed the amount of derivatives to reach 1.2 quadrillion dollars . “

Does anyone notice a pattern here ? It pays handsomely to be a friend of Obama .

New disclosures show that one of President Obama’s bundlers is the wife of an executive at an energy company that received a more-than- $1.2 Billion Department of Energy (DOE) loan guarantee for a solar power plant.

Arvia Few is a bundler for the Obama re-election campaign who has promised to raise between $50,000 and $100,000. She began bundling for Obama in the first quarter of

Her husband , Jason Few , is an executive at a company that has benefited handsomely from the Obama administration’s clean energy spending, records show. ”

HT/Gateway Pundit