Tag Archive: Creativity

21 Kids Who Outsmarted Their Tests



1.) An understandable solution to the formula.




” If your parents or family have ever complained about your time as a child, take that as a compliment. The hardest children to raise are often the most clever; they can just outwit their parents, making life hard for them. Take these kids for example. They knew what their teachers wanted them to do… but they decided to do something way more awesome.

  Most adults wouldn’t be able to think of responses that are this witty or clever. Even though these are the wrong answers, I would have given theses kids an A+.”



10.) It's still a "beer law."




View the other 19 unconventional answers here














Artist Swaps The Names Of Cities And Towns Around The World With 1,800 Cultural Slurs To Create ‘Map Of The Stereotypes’



'The Map of the Stereotypes': Slovak graphic design artist Martin Vargic has re-imagined the world according to cultural slurs, assumptions and stereotypes, with obvious choices like China becoming 'Factory', Australia 'Kangaroo' and Italy 'Pizza', as well more questionable ones, such as Spain as 'Pubes' and Canada 'Maple Syrup'<br>

Click On The Map To Go Full Size




” Everything you need to know about the world is right here, according to graphic design artist Martin Vargic.
The Slovak student, who made a name for himself earlier this year with his ‘Map of the Internet’, has followed up that effort with ‘Map of the Stereotypes’, a detailed reworking of countries, cities and towns the world over to reflect the countless cultural generalizations and assumptions.”




Map Of Slurs America

Click On The Map To Go Full Size

” Vargic took three months to configure the vintage-style base world map on Photoshop, with two additional months of research for the labels, for which there are said to be 1,800 in total.

‘ The majority of stereotypes are basically oversimplications, and though they are based on a real phenomenon, it is wrong to associate them with the entire country, nation, race or other group of people,’ Vargic told The MailOnline.

‘ When looking on the map, it needs to be understood that it shows the world from the point of view of a stereotypical westerner, making it a stereotype itself, the manifestation of the stereotype about the entire western world.”




 Epic detail: The map is said to feature over 1,800 stereotypes. Vargic renamed Mongolia 'Genghis Khahn' after the founder of the Mongol Empire, while China became 'Factory, India 'Holy Cow', Pakistan 'Al-Qaeda' and Afghanistan 'Terrorists'

Click On The Map To Go Full Size




” Vargic renamed each country to a stereotype he believes best represents that nation.

  Some are obvious, such as called Russie ‘Communists’, Turkey ‘Kebab’, Australia ‘Kangaroo’, Italy ‘Pizza’ and China ‘Factory’.

  While others are much more questionable, with Canada becoming ‘Maple Syrup’ and Span ‘Pubes’.
Ireland became ‘Gingers’, Sweden ‘Metrosexuals’, Colombia ‘Cocaine’ and Korea ‘Bad Drivers’.”




    Regular readers will recall some of Mr Vargic’s previous works such as his beautiful map of the internet and the world as seen with the polar ice caps melted .

Copies of these maps along with many other fabulous creations can be purchased here and here



Read more of the “Map Of Stereotypes” here.









From The Awesome Adventurer







   This is a most bizarre post but at the same time we found it highly creative , amusing and slightly disturbing . See the others and decide for yourself . Skeleton Sex at The Awesome Adventurer









This Is How Supercomputers Cook: IBM’s Watson Dreams Up Creative Dishes



” A master chef can think about a combination of two, maybe three ingredients at a time. Watson, the same IBM supercomputer that won Jeopardy in 2011, can crunch through a quintillion. That’s a one and 18 zeroes, as the IBM researchers like to say. But does that make their computer a good cook?”





” For about two years, IBM’s cognitive computing group has been working to apply Watson’s vast processing ability to food. The system analyzed about 35,000 existing recipes and about 1,000 chemical flavor compounds, which allows it to make educated guesses about which ingredient combinations will delight and, just as importantly, surprise. From there, it tries to encourage unconventional combinations — like chocolate, coffee, and garlic — in order to produce dishes that have never been made before.

” Creativity is the crowning achievement of human intelligence,” says Steven Abrams, director of the Watson group. “Can we make a computer be creative?”


Read more about supercomputer cooking








Micro Mayhem!



” Buckle your safety belts and check out this lil’ short we cooked up!!

(Warning: mild clay violence) “



Stoopid Buddy Stoodios is an artist-friendly collective that houses some of the finest talent in all of animation.  We have a knack for creating unique visuals and telling character driven stories with an uncanny sensibility.  Home to the longest running stop-motion show on television, Robot Chicken, as well as Dinosaur Office, MAD’s Spy vs. Spy, and a slew of exciting projects currently in development.  Our work is our passion, come play with us. “


    There is lots more brilliant stop motion work to be found at their website . Check it out , you’ll be glad you did . Happy Friday .







This Guy’s Crazy Idea Started To Make His Wife Nervous. But It Was All Worth It, Trust Me.

” During the intensely cold winter in Canada, one man had an awesome, but crazy, idea. He began filling up plastic tubs with water and letting them sit out overnight. Day after day he did this, until he had a pile of ice bricks sitting out on the lawn. What he did with them was the coolest thing (pun definitely intended).”

Over the course of four weeks, this man froze ice blocks. His wife began to worry as they started to fill the driveway.

” Over the course of four weeks, this man froze ice blocks. His wife began to worry as they started to fill the driveway.”

And then he started to build …

Until …

BOOM. Awesome ice fort.

The rest of the pictures must be seen to be believed . ViralNova has the scoop .

This Is What Happens When A Kid Leaves Traditional Education



” Logan Laplante is a 13 year-old boy who was taken out of the education system to be home schooled instead. Not only was he home schooled, but Logan had the ability to tailor his education to his interests and also his style of learning, something traditional education does not offer. As Logan has mentioned, when he grows up he wants to be happy and healthy. At a TEDx talk in 2013, he discussed how hacking his education is helping him achieve that goal.

  Currently about 3.8% of children ages 5 – 17 are home schooled in the US. In Canada, that number drops to about 1%. This is a number that is expected to continue growing in both countries as more see the limitations of our current education system. Also, studies done in the US and Canada show that home schooled children out perform their peers from both private and public schools.

  In my view, home schooling is much more likely to create a creative, adaptive, and forward thinking person who is less conditioned to think only within the small confines of a crumbling system. Does this mean it is for everyone and that one can’t turn out that way through standard education? No, I simply feel the chances are far greater with homeschooling.”

Best Billboard Ads Made With Incredible Creativity



Anando Milk

Anando Milk

“Considering every child lives in a world of fantasy, the idea was to exaggerate the benefit of milk into almost giving the child superhuman powers.”

Here’s another peek 

Ford Mustang: Fast

Ford Mustang: Fast

” How to express speed on billboard ad? Ford knows it very well. Constructed from GE Lexan EXL semi-transparent resin, the billboard accurately blurs the scene behind it regardless of day, weather or season.”

Ok , Ok … One more 

Bic Razor: Billboard



Bic Razor: Billboard

” Sometimes you don’t need to explain how great your product is, just put a razor that ‘shaved’ the grass and the message is deadly clear! “




See all 28 at The Stupid Station









30 Incredible Once In A Lifetime Shots



The moment a huge bubble bursts in Paris, France.

12. The moment a huge bubble bursts in Paris, France.

Six lightning strikes captured at once on Lake Michigan.

4. Six lightning strikes captured at once on Lake Michigan.

See them all here . Amazing


   Well it didn’t take long for this page to appear. Go to Facebook and enjoy the creative work of the social media community in digging up those missing photos of Obama “doing skeet” .

Obama Skeet Shooting Oh So Funny Pics

Here’s one more sample 

Photo: 'BO' Duke?  NOT!

LEGO Artist Nathan Sawaya Builds His Works Brick By Brick





” Sawaya first created sculpture with traditional media — but then started working with the Lego building bricks he played with as a child.

“I dug out my bricks, sat in my closet and did some large-scale pieces, and friends and family encouraged me to keep going,” Sawaya said in a phone interview this week.

He launched a website — BrickArtist.com — featuring his works, and then started getting requests for commissions. “The day my website crashed from too many hits, I realized there was something to this,” Sawaya said. “So I made the decision to leave the law firm behind and play with bricks full-time.”

What’s the appeal of Lego bricks as an artistic medium? “I love the rectangles, the straight lines, the sharp corners,” Sawaya said. “When you go up real close to [my sculptures] and see that it’s all these little squares and rectangles, and then you back away and you see the sculpture in this different perspective. Suddenly, all those sharp corners blend into curves.”

When Sawaya started sculpting with Lego, he bought bricks at the store or garage sales. The Lego Group, the Danish company that produces the famous bricks, was “a little wary” of his art at first. “I was taking their toy in a very different place, and that was into the contemporary art setting,” Sawaya said, adding that “we quickly established communication and developed a great relationship.”

Now, “if I need to order 500,000 red pieces, I do like having that access to the company and I can shoot them an email,” he said.

Sawaya has been commissioned for some unusual projects, including a child’s bedroom with furniture for “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” and a life-size sculpture of pseudo-pundit Stephen Colbert for“The Colbert Report.” One of his most challenging works is a 20-foot Tyrannosaurus rex for an art/science museum in Singapore — a work that dismantles into 14 pieces for shipping. “I had to get it out the door of my studio,” he said. “

A Little Late But Fun Never-the-less 


Christmas Rocketree Part 2: The XMS Missiletoe

Part One From 2010 Can Be Found Here

By All Means , Let’s Organize The Liberty Loving Art Community . Enough With Allowing The Typical ” Court Jester ” Type of Statist Artists To Be The Public Face Of Creativity