Tag Archive: CPAC 2015

Opening Saturday Mark Levin CPAC 2015





    Mr Levin’s speech begins at the 5:40 mark for those that would like to skip the opening ceremonies .

Wayne LaPierre, National Rifle Association CPAC 2015




Nigel Farage CPAC 2015





Governor Sarah Palin CPAC 2015





Senator Ted Cruz CPAC 2015




Senator Rand Paul, KY CPAC 2015



Walker Thrills A Packed House At CPAC



” Scott Walker hit all the right notes when he took the stage at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Thursday to address a standing-room-only crowd — even gamely handling a heckler.

  Walker was talking up Republicans’ push to pass a right-to-work law in Wisconsin, a measure to weaken labor unions, when a heckler stood up and began shouting in the packed ballroom. What he said wasn’t clear, but Walker handled it like a pro: He quipped, “Apparently the protesters come [here] from Wisconsin as well.”

  The governor, considered a top contender in the 2016 Republican presidential primary, got a quick standing ovation for his response — one of a number he got during his address.

  After spending some time touting his strong domestic record as governor of Wisconsin, Walker sharply criticized the Obama administration for its ineffective strategy in the fight against the Islamic State, and its disapproval of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming address before Congress.”

     Judging from the venom dripping from the fangs of the Statist media , the potential of a Scott Walker candidacy is a terrifying possibility , which is surely a sign that the democratic cheerleaders of the press consider him a serious threat .

National Review