Tag Archive: Courage

Charlie Hebdo Receives Free Speech Award, Standing Ovation at PEN Gala


” The staff of Charlie Hebdo was honored tonight at the PEN American Center gala, following much controversy, and they received a standing ovation as they affirmed their commitment to free speech and free expression.

  There was a recent controversy when a group of authors refused to participate in the gala because of their opposition to what they perceive as the French publication’s “intolerance.” Salman Rushdie and a whole host of other writers stood up for Charlie Hebdo, defending them from that charge of intolerance and insisting the free speech principle is of paramount importance.

  Well, the gala happened tonight (under heavy security), and they received the award to a standing ovation.”

   The six dhimmi authors who shamefully refused to participate are: Peter Carey, Michael Ondaatje, Francine Prose, Teju Cole, Rachel Kushner and Taiye Selasi .

Mediaite has more


Sniper: Inside The Crosshairs – Full Documentary





Published on Nov 6, 2014

” The deadliest weapon on the battlefield is neither bullet nor gun; it’s the lone sniper. Journey inside the science and psychology behind the greatest shots in military history, through the scope of the world’s most extreme marksmen. Deconstruct the missions, ranging from Vietnam to Iraq to Afghanistan, presented by the men who were there and pulled the trigger. For the first time on American television Canadian sniper Robert Furlong, tells the story of his history-making shot in Afghanistan–striking a Taliban fighter from 1.5 miles away. Ballistics… Tactics… Weaponry… Stalking… This two-hour special examines these critical components in vivid detail, combining interviews with cinematic reenactments, CGI and present day shooting demonstrations to put the viewer squarely inside the crosshairs.”













Woman Stabs To Death Two Attacking Pit Bulls



Woman Fights Pit Bulls




” A woman used a filet knife to kill two pit bulls that got out of a yard while she was walking her dogs in a Southern California desert city.

  Debbie Duran and a friend were walking her three German shepherds on Wednesday in Apple Valley when she said a pit bull charged them and began attacking her friend and her dog, Jodie. Another pit bull ran up seconds later.

“They had one thing in mind and that was to possibly kill me, to definitely kill my dogs,” Duran said, adding that she carries the knife for protection. “


NBC News











… And It’s Not Barbeques , Boats And Beer














Army’s Seizure Of Arizona’s Attack Helicopters Shortsighted






They train to the same standards as their active-duty counterparts and cost 60 percent less to maintain. Yet after years of defending freedom in Afghanistan, Arizona’s citizen-soldiers are being told they are unworthy of operating the Army’s premier attack helicopter.

  Army leaders recently revealed a plan to take away all 192 National Guard AH-64D Apache attack helicopters (24 assigned to Arizona), asserting that Guardsmen aren’t as ready to perform attack aviation missions as the active duty. That claim is inaccurate and statistically unproven.

  Adding insult, proponents of the Army’s plan say that the Guard can’t be trusted with the demands of an Apache mission and that Guard units were tasked with “less complex missions” upon arrival to the combat zones in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  Fact: the 403 Arizona Guardsmen assigned to the 1-285th Attack Reconnaissance Battalion at Silverbell Army Heliport in Marana flew the full spectrum of combat operations and fought valiantly in Afghanistan in 2007 and 2008. They also supported two company-sized deployments to Afghanistan in 2012 and 2013. Our Guardsmen flew the same missions as active-duty units. On one rotation they provided the sole Apache capability for an entire region of the country. They did this with a flawless safety record.

  The surprise so-called cost-cutting move imposes a great fiscal and moral expense. In a fair discussion about cost savings, the National Guard — the most cost-effective component of the Army — should see an increased role in national defense. Instead, amid historic budget challenges and without discussion or compelling reason, the Army intends to gut the National Guard by removing these Apaches and reducing the Arizona Army National Guard by about 800 soldiers.”


    Read it all . This is not a cost-cutting move . This is a blatant move to punish the states by an administration that is consolidating it’s power among a few “dependable” forces that it hopes will remain loyal to it when the SHTF and to defang any potential adversaries among the state forces .








Rep. Gowdy’s Defense of the Enforce the Law Act




    As you watch this stellar performance by one of politic’s shining stars try to imagine John Boehner or Mitch McConnell addressing their peers with such passion and courage … It can’t be done . Spinelessness oozes from their every pore . Gowdy on the other hand can easily be envisioned as a compatriot of the Founders . Gowdy just exudes leadership .

    Oh for a Congress full of men like this … Trey Gowdy is our modern day equivalent of Patrick Henry. One can very easily picture him standing at the podium exhorting his fellow statesmen to action and proclaiming “give me liberty or give me death” … God bless Trey Gowdy and please Lord , send us some more just like him .

    What is most amazing to consider though , is the fact that at one time this country produced men of Gowdy and Henry’s quality in spades . Now they are looked upon with awe as something so seldom seen as to be almost unrecognizable to the average citizen . My how far we have fallen …

    Here is the speech that ruffled the leftist feathers . Sorry for the poor quality but there seems to be no other complete copy of the speech that is any better .





I knew I liked this guy … an island of character in a sea of feculence … Good on ya Matt

The Tea Party




” Each of the great civilizations in the world passed through a series of stages from their birth to their decline to their death. Historians have listed these in ten stages.”

1) The first stage moves from bondage to spiritual faith. 

2) The second from spiritual faith to great courage. 

3) The third stage moves from great courage to liberty. 

4) The fourth stage moves from liberty to abundance.

5) The fifth stage moves from abundance to selfishness.

6) The sixth stage moves from selfishness to complacency.

7) The seventh stage moves from complacency to apathy. 

8) The eighth stage moves from apathy to moral decay. 

9) The ninth stage moves from moral decay to dependence. 

10) And the tenth and last stage moves from dependence to bondage.

Where would you say America is?

     In doing a bit of research we have found the range of stages of societal decline to be anywhere from 7 to 10 with 9 being the most commonly agreed upon number . The list itself seems to be attributable to Sir Alex Fraser Tytler: (1742-1813) Scottish jurist and historian.

 The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been two hundred years.
These nations have progressed through this sequence:

1. From bondage to spiritual faith;
2. from spiritual faith to great courage;
3. from courage to liberty;
4. from liberty to abundance;
5. from abundance to selfishness;
6. from selfishness to complacency;
7. from complacency to apathy;
8. from apathy to dependence;
9. from dependency back again into bondage.”

Wikipedia , however , offers this refutation of the claim that Tyler originated this progression of decline :

” There is no reliable record of Alexander Tytler’s having made the statement.[12] In fact, this passage actually comprises two quotations, which didn’t begin to appear together until the 1970s. The first portion (italicized above) first appeared on December 9, 1951,[13] as part of what appears to be an op-ed piece in The Daily Oklahoman under the byline Elmer T. Peterson.[14] The original version from Peterson’s op-ed is as follows:

Two centuries ago, a somewhat obscure Scotsman named Tytler made this profound observation: “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy.”

The list beginning “From bondage to spiritual faith” is commonly known as the “Tytler Cycle” or the “Fatal Sequence”. Its first known appearance is in a 1943 speech “Industrial Management in a Republic”[15] by H. W. Prentis, president of the Armstrong Cork Company and former president of the National Association of Manufacturers, and appears to be original to him.”

    Here we have a more comprehensive examination of the history of the above quote from Loren CollinsThe Truth About Tytler.

    It would appear to us however , that regardless of who is responsible for formulating the aforementioned progression of man’s continual cycle of bondage to freedom to bondage , there is no denying the facts of the progression itself . Nor is there any basis for denial of where the United States happens to be in the downward spiral back to barbarism and serfdom .

   Reasonable people may argue whether we are in stage 6 or stage 8 but there is no doubt whatsoever that we are coasting along the downward path and the times of courage and liberty and abundance are only visible in the rearview mirror and getting smaller by the day .

Honor at Last for Roy P Benavidez


“I did this as a way to honor all those who have struggled to come back from serving our country in times of war. The most interesting part for me was something I didn’t find out until after I created this photoplay, was that this was Roy’s second tour. He had been so gravely wounded, by stepping on a landmine, on his first tour that he was drummed out of the Army after returning. Roy built his body back up and returned to the service after proving himself fit and joined the elite Green Beret’s and went back to Vietnam for a second tour for which he received the Medal of Honor.”

MSG Roy Benavidez speech 1991


Army Medal of Honor

Memorial to Roy P Benavidez

Rank: Master Sergeant
Organization: U.S. Army
Company: Detachment B-56
Division: 5th Special Forces Group
Born: 5 August 1935, DeWitt County, Cuero, Texas
Departed: Yes
Entered Service At: Houston, Texas June 1955
G.O. Number:
Date of Issue:
Accredited To:
Place / Date: West of Loc Ninh on 2 May 1968


” Master Sergeant (then Staff Sergeant) Roy P. Benavidez United States Army, who distinguished himself by a series of daring and extremely valorous actions on 2 May 1968 while assigned to Detachment B56, 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), 1st Special Forces, Republic of Vietnam. On the morning of 2 May 1968, a 12-man Special Forces Reconnaissance Team was inserted by helicopters in a dense jungle area west of Loc Ninh, Vietnam to gather intelligence information about confirmed large-scale enemy activity. This area was controlled and routinely patrolled by the North Vietnamese Army. After a short period of time on the ground, the team met heavy enemy resistance, and requested emergency extraction. Three helicopters attempted extraction, but were unable to land due to intense enemy small arms and anti-aircraft fire. Sergeant Benavidez was at the Forward Operating Base in Loc Ninh monitoring the operation by radio when these helicopters returned to off-load wounded crewmembers and to assess aircraft damage. Sergeant Benavidez voluntarily boarded a returning aircraft to assist in another extraction attempt. Realizing that all the team members were either dead or wounded and unable to move to the pickup zone, he directed the aircraft to a nearby clearing where he jumped from the hovering helicopter, and ran approximately 75 meters under withering small arms fire to the crippled team. Prior to reaching the team’s position he was wounded in his right leg, face, and head. Despite these painful injuries, he took charge, repositioning the team members and directing their fire to facilitate the landing of an extraction aircraft, and the loading of wounded and dead team members. He then threw smoke canisters to direct the aircraft to the team’s position. Despite his severe wounds and under intense enemy fire, he carried and dragged half of the wounded team members to the awaiting aircraft. He then provided protective fire by running alongside the aircraft as it moved to pick up the remaining team members. As the enemy’s fire intensified, he hurried to recover the body and classified documents on the dead team leader. When he reached the leader’s body, Sergeant Benavidez was severely wounded by small arms fire in the abdomen and grenade fragments in his back. At nearly the same moment, the aircraft pilot was mortally wounded, and his helicopter crashed. Although in extremely critical condition due to his multiple wounds, Sergeant Benavidez secured the classified documents and made his way back to the wreckage, where he aided the wounded out of the overturned aircraft, and gathered the stunned survivors into a defensive perimeter. Under increasing enemy automatic weapons and grenade fire, he moved around the perimeter distributing water and ammunition to his weary men, reinstilling in them a will to live and fight. Facing a buildup of enemy opposition with a beleaguered team, Sergeant Benavidez mustered his strength, began calling in tactical air strikes and directed the fire from supporting gunships to suppress the enemy’s fire and so permit another extraction attempt. He was wounded again in his thigh by small arms fire while administering first aid to a wounded team member just before another extraction helicopter was able to land. His indomitable spirit kept him going as he began to ferry his comrades to the craft. On his second trip with the wounded, he was clubbed from additional wounds to his head and arms before killing his adversary. He then continued under devastating fire to carry the wounded to the helicopter. Upon reaching the aircraft, he spotted and killed two enemy soldiers who were rushing the craft from an angle that prevented the aircraft door gunner from firing upon them. With little strength remaining, he made one last trip to the perimeter to ensure that all classified material had been collected or destroyed, and to bring in the remaining wounded. Only then, in extremely serious condition from numerous wounds and loss of blood, did he allow himself to be pulled into the extraction aircraft. Sergeant Benavidez’ gallant choice to join voluntarily his comrades who were in critical straits, to expose himself constantly to withering enemy fire, and his refusal to be stopped despite numerous severe wounds, saved the lives of at least eight men. His fearless personal leadership, tenacious devotion to duty, and extremely valorous actions in the face of overwhelming odds were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service, and reflect the utmost credit on him and the United States Army. ”

Wars Captured Through The Lenses – 65 Brilliant Photographs


” Courageous – this is the only term that can be used to signify the War PhotographersPhotography in itself is one the most creative art, War Photography surpasses all the big terms that can be used to represent art, courage and patience. War Photography is representation of armed combat and the current and real situations of war affected areas. The impact of War photography has always been huge right from the first time that it was actually practiced.”

” Clint Eastwood’s Finest Hour “

” Lucky for Clint Eastwood that he has a sense of humor. He’ll need it, if he tries to wade through some of the zanier criticism inspired by his
appearance at the Republican National Convention . From the left, he’s being mocked as rambling,
strange, and obsessed with empty chairs. The L.A. Times is wondering “ Did Clint Eastwood tarnish his film legacy ?” ”

Isn’t it ironic how lefty actors speaking out on politics are always ” speaking truth to power ” , but righty ones ” tarnish their legacy ” ? Feh

  Despite 40 years of the best efforts of the “Women’s Movement ” it’s refreshing to see that some of the males in America have failed to be emasculated by the feminists.

“As Twitchy reported last night, Navy veteran and beloved father of two, Jon Blunk, died in the Aurora theater shooting while shielding
his girlfriend from bullets. He wasn’t alone; two other men, Matt McQuinn and Alex Teves , also died while saving the lives of their girlfriends. “