New Rochelle Police Officer Holds Teens At Gunpoint Over A Snowball Fight






” In a video uploaded by New Rochelle’s Talk of the Sound, a New York police officer can be seen holding several teens at gunpoint after being called out for a disturbance which turned out to be a snowball fight earlier this week.

  In the video, the officer can be seen pointing his weapon at the kneeling teens, telling them “Don’t f*cking move, guys,” as he approaches them while speaking into his shoulder-mounted radio mic.

  As the officer frisks a teen with one hand, while pointing his gun with the other, the young woman filming the encounter on her cell phone explains what led up to the incident.”



   If the reader follows the link to the Talk Of The Sound article they will find numerous updates including one that maintains that the officer in question was really answering a call regarding “a young man with a gun” and that the video has been taken entirely out of context .

Story continues