Tag Archive: Cool Stuff

    Growing up what boy didn’t try to create his own flamethrower with a match and a can of Lysol ? Well , these “boys” have taken that idea to entirely new heights so if you feel the need to prepare for the zombie apocalypse check out these videos .



This guy scared the crap out of his girlfriend , who was filming the video …




Published on Nov 12, 2012

” To see what this thing can really do check my other video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9n6xj…. This is with a full tank of fuel. Bad ass for info jdbum28@gmail.com “






Here is the how-to video from Mr Bumgardner explaining how he created his very cool flamethrower … Warning – plenty of “F words” …









Published on May 25, 2013

” Ok yall here is the instructions on how to build it. Any questions just email me jdbum28@gmail.com and dont be stupid with it, its not a toy. Im not liable for your dumb ass killing yourself or others “





This video is offered by a guy who actually has plans available so that you can make your own . 




Published on Jan 5, 2013

” Our latest flamethrower update! A daylight video to see all the flamethrower details in action. To purchase plans or your very own flamethrower, visit http://www.flamethrowerplans.com “






     These videos are offered for entertainment purposes only and we shall not be held liable by any idiot that survives blowing him/herself up .










These 22 Optical Illusions Are Going To Blow Your Mind




Like the Energizer bunny , it just keeps going and going and going …



1.) And it just keeps going...





” Optical illusions are a fun art form that can completely trick your brain. By using color, light and patterns, images can be created that can be misleading. The stimuli our eyes gather can be altered to create some amazingly deceptive perceptions.”




Take a look at this one …



2.) These squares aren't what you think.






” The optical illusions you’ll see in the animated .gifs below aren’t extremely complicated. In fact, sometimes the simplest optical illusion can be the most impressive. Check these out:














164lbs Of Tannerite Kills A Barn





Published on Mar 16, 2014

” HD video at close range of Remington 700 using .180 grain bullet to detonate 164lbs of Tannerite. Completely destroys a large barn. Spectacular explosion with slow motion replay.”


California Company Aerofex Accepting Preorders For $85,000 Hoverbikes







“Where are my flying cars?!” is an oft-repeated question from despairing futurists, saddened by the fact that it’s 2014 and we’re still puttering around on mundane surface-bound vehicles that on the whole aren’t too different in basic form and function from cars in the 1940s. The bad news is that while Back to the Future II-style flying cars are still a long way off, a company named Aerofex out of California is more than happy to take your down payment on a flying motorcycle—well, sort of, anyway.

  Aerofex’s Aero-X is a “hoverbike”—a platform supported not by wheels but rather by a pair of large ducted fans. The company has had a prototype technology demonstrator operational since 2012, which can be seen in the video … “



What the finished Aero-X hoverbike will look like, hopefully



” According to ExtremeTech, Aerofex is targeting 2016 for the debut of its commercial prototype. Unlike the hastily assembled technology demonstrator, where the operator perches in a decidedly uncomfortable-looking position and appears to have only a modicum of control over the craft’s operation, the commercial version should feature a more enclosed seating position, along with a passenger seat. It’s expected to have a carbon fiber chassis and a dry weight of about 785 lbs (365 kg), with a carrying capacity of a bit over 300 lbs (about 140 kg).

  Currently, Aerofex is targeting a maximum speed for the finished vehicle of about 45 mph (72 km/h). You also wouldn’t need a pilot’s license to operate the craft, since Aerofex plans on limiting the Aero-X’s altitude to a max of about 12 feet (about 3.5 meters). This seems like a good thing—after watching the video of the tech demonstrator flying and the level of control demonstrated by the rider/driver/pilot, the idea of going much higher than a few feet off the ground seems utterly terrifying.”


Read more of this expensive but very cool ride at Ars Technica










Awesome Graffiti From Around The Globe Pt.2 [18 Pics]



Super Creative Street Art Graffiti Around World




Here’s another sample



Super Creative Street Art Graffiti Around World



See the rest at ILTWMT.com and while you’re there you can view part one .










It Looks Like A Boring Box In A Room. But What Came Out Of It Blew My Non-Engineering Mind.



” Looks can be deceiving… so make sure to never underestimate someone’s creativity. Take this box for example. It seems like it’s just a normal chest, albeit a cool one, right?

What it really is will leave your jaw on the floor. You won’t see this one coming. I didn’t.”


It starts out as a normal box, just looking all boxy.

” It starts out as a normal box, just looking all boxy.”

You’ll never believe what comes out of this box unless you see it with your own eyes .



I still don't know what.


    Here is the beginning of the transformation and while the temptation is great to reveal the final result we will make you click through to see the amazing finished product . You will be glad that you did . Don’t miss it . Please , look at the pictures before you watch the video . You won’t be disappointed .





















(TruthSeekerDaily) Viewer Discretion Advised! Do Not Scroll Down Unless Your Brain Is Made Of Steel And Your Nerves Are Made Of Teflon!




An eye or a sink draining?

20 Optical Illusions That Might Break Your Mind



The rest are here










53 Rare Historical Photos


Washington-Hoover Airport … Present Site Of The Pentagon.


Dinosaurs Tranported on The Hudson River For The 1964 World’s Fair.

Amazing Videos In The World

This video doesn’t exist

SWR: Warlock II Giveaway with PWS Summit Rifle and Trijicon Accupoint Scope

Published on Jun 10, 2013

” We’ve teamed up with PWS and Trijicon to give away a serious plinking prize (by serious, we mean that in the most fun way possible)! This video not only tells you how to win, but also shows what this little combo can do! Extremely quiet (up to 2 dB quieter than a standard action 10/22), fun, and accurate, we had a good time shooting it out the back of a deuce! With high-speed footage, and a couple guest appearances, you’ll see how much fun this set up is. 

1st place: SWR Warlock II .22 LR Suppressor, PWS Summit Rifle, and Trijicon Accupoint 1-4 scope
2nd place: SWR Warlock II
3rd place: A box of cool stuff (tees, hats, stickers, etc.) 

Enter through our Facebook: http://statictab.com/rqvibfm
Winners must be 21 or older, and live in a free state that allows ownership of these items! Contest ends July 1, 2013. Winners will be chosen at random.”









Garwood Industries M134G Minigun





” Since the mid 1960s, the Minigun has been much more of a star on the battlefield as it has on the silver screen. With its distinct sound and tremendous rate of fire, it is immediately recognizable to all, even in remote proximity. It has been over 40 years since “Puff the Magic Dragon” first flew in the skies over Southeast Asia, and with modern technology assisting in growth and change, this incredible weapon system appears to be here for many more years.


The M134 is commonly known as the “Minigun” regardless of manufacturer. Others simply call it a “Gatling” which was a very early model that looked similar but required a hand crank to fire, or even a combination of the two, the “Electric Gatling.”  While there are a few current manufacturers of this platform today, the one we are studying in this T&E piece is the Garwood Industries, M134G.


The M134 is commonly known as the “Minigun” regardless of manufacturer. Others simply call it a “Gatling” which was a very early model that looked similar but required a hand crank to fire, or even a combination of the two, the “Electric Gatling.” While there are a few current manufacturers of this platform today, the one we are studying in this T&E piece is the Garwood Industries, M134G.”





” Capable of firing in excess of 6,000 rounds per minute and designed after the M61A1 20mm Vulcan, the Minigun can inflict a devastating amount of damage in a minimal amount of time. With several rate of fire settings depending upon the model and manufacturer, there is no question that firing up to 100 rounds of 7.62x51mm NATO (.308 Win) per SECOND, for several seconds, has the potential to eliminate whatever immediate threat is being targeted. While some believe that more is better, the engineers at Garwood Industries have other ideas”















Norwegian Armed Forces Destroy Marine Vessel With Naval Strike Missile






” The missile was launched against the old KNM Trondheim outside Andøya in Nordland, Norway.The missiles is produced Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace for the Norwegian armed forces.”




     For those of you who might prefer to witness the death of a ship from below , again courtesy of the Norwegian Navy , witness this test of a sub-launched torpedo. 




Royal Norwegian Navy – KNM Stavanger Sunk By Ula-Class Sub





” Norwegian Navy Frigate KNM Stavanger sink after being hit by a single DM2A3 torpedo from KNM Utstein, a Ula-class submarine.”








The Earth As You Haven’t Seen It … Unless You’re An Astronaut

44 Pictures



” True colour satellite image of Europe at night with country borders. This image in Lambert Conformal Conic projection was compiled from data acquired by LANDSAT 5 & 7 satellites., Europe At Night With Country Borders, True Colour Satellite Image (Photo by Planet Observer/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)”




” True colour satellite image of North America at night with country borders. This image in Lambert Conformal Conic projection was compiled from data acquired by LANDSAT 5 & 7 satellites., North America At Night With Country Borders, True Colour Satellite Image (Photo by Planet Observer/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)”








Shooters Outpost





   What more needs to be said ? A picture is worth a thousand words . The world’s coolest door knob .







Amazing Things In The World




” The 650-gallon tank spans the top of the bed, and rests on a pair of matching tables on either side. The folks at Acrylic Tank Manufacturers, who created this masterpiece, have cleverly integrated a set of bedside lamps into the tank itself. But for $11,500, let’s hope there’s some way to completely darken the tank. Otherwise you could be wide awake all night finding Nemo right in your face.”










From Amazing Things in the World









Rare Historical Photos Pt. 8 [20 Pics]


Golden Gate Bridge Construction

Golden Gate Bridge construction. 1937.

One More Sample For Good Measure Then Go See The Rest




Niagara Falls freeze over

Niagara Falls during the freeze of 1911. You can see people walking right at the bottom of the frozen waterfall.


Bullets In Slow Motion (20 Photos)










18 Amazing Things You Most Likely Never Get To See

Sometimes the most boring things are the most amazing.

8. What a liter bottle of soda looks like before compressed air is added:

What a liter bottle of soda looks like before compressed air is added:



View the rest here .




People Are Awesome 2013 (BEST Edition HD)




Life After the Apocalypse by Vladimir Manyuhin [17 Pics]




USA overgrown post apocalypse








Lock N’ Load With Lindsay



Around the World in Photos Pt.10 [13 Pics]


Tulip farm in Netherlands

A Majestic Tulip Farm in Netherlands.

A Personal Flying Machine: The Powered Paraglider