Tag Archive: Control

Facebook Reveals It’s Master Plan – Control All News Flow



Facebook , Pawel Kuczynski ,

From The Pawel Kuczynski Collection

Support this artist . He has an amazing collection of anti-statist works



” Last night, I came across an incredibly important article from the New York Times, which described Facebook’s plan to provide direct access to other websites’ content in exchange for some sort of advertising partnership. The implications of this are so huge that at this point I have far more questions than answers.

  Let’s start with a few excerpts from the article:

  With 1.4 billion users, the social media site has become a vital source of traffic for publishers looking to reach an increasingly fragmented audience glued to smartphones. In recent months, Facebook has been quietly holding talks with at least half a dozen media companies about hosting their content inside Facebook rather than making users tap a link to go to an external site.

  Such a plan would represent a leap of faith for news organizations accustomed to keeping their readers within their own ecosystems, as well as accumulating valuable data on them. Facebook has been trying to allay their fears, according to several of the people briefed on the talks, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were bound by nondisclosure agreements.

  Facebook intends to begin testing the new format in the next several months, according to two people with knowledge of the discussions.The initial partners are expected to be The New York Times, BuzzFeed and National Geographic, although others may be added since discussions are continuing. The Times and Facebook are moving closer to a firm deal, one person said.

  Facebook has said publicly that it wants to make the experience of consuming content online more seamless. News articles on Facebook are currently linked to the publisher’s own website, and open in a web browser, typically taking about eight seconds to load. Facebook thinks that this is too much time, especially on a mobile device, and that when it comes to catching the roving eyeballs of readers, milliseconds matter.

  The Huffington Post and the business and economics website Quartz were also approached. Both also declined to discuss their involvement.

  Facebook declined to comment on its specific discussions with publishers. But the company noted that it had provided features to help publishers get better traction on Facebook, including tools unveiled in December that let them target their articles to specific groups of Facebook users, such as young women living in New York who like to travel.

  The new proposal by Facebook carries another risk for publishers: the loss of valuable consumer data. When readers click on an article, an array of tracking tools allow the host site to collect valuable information on who they are, how often they visit and what else they have done on the web.

  And if Facebook pushes beyond the experimental stage and makes content hosted on the site commonplace, those who do not participate in the program could lose substantial traffic — a factor that has played into the thinking of some publishers. Their articles might load more slowly than their competitors’, and over time readers might avoid those sites.

  And just as Facebook has changed its news feed to automatically play videos hosted directly on the site, giving them an advantage compared with videos hosted on YouTube, it could change the feed to give priority to articles hosted directly on its site.

  Let me try to address this the best I can from several different angles. First off, what’s the big picture plan here? As the number two ranked website in the world with 1.4 billion users, Facebook itself is already something like an alternative internet where a disturbing number of individuals spend a disproportionate amount of their time. The only thing that seems to make many of its users click away is content hosted on other people’s websites linked to from Facebook users. Other than this outside content, many FB users might never leave the site.

  While this is scary to someone like me, to Facebook it is an abomination. The company doesn’t want people to leave their site ever — for any reason. Hence the aggressive push to carry outside news content, and create a better positioned alternative web centrally controlled by it. This is a huge power play move.

    Liberty Blitzkrieg has much more on how the liberating effects of the internet can/will be destroyed by the behemoths of the web , namely Facebook . Couple this development with this week’s news of the Google/White House connection and bear in mind the political proclivities of the principles of both internet conglomerates and you have a recipe for Statism unmatched by the propaganda machines of Goebbels , Stalin or Mao … They’ll turn social media into “socialist media” given have the chance . 

FAA Grants Permits For Drones To Monitor Crops, Photograph Real Estate






” The Federal Aviation Administration on Tuesday issued permits to use drones to monitor crops and photograph properties for sale, marking the first time permission has been granted to companies involved in agriculture and real estate.

  The exemptions to the current ban on commercial drone flights were granted to Advanced Aviation Solutions in Star, Idaho, for “crop scouting,” and to Douglas Trudeau of Tierra Antigua Realty in Tucson, Arizona.

  Advanced Aviation Solutions plans to use its 1.5-pound, fixed-wing eBee drone to make photographic measurements of farm fields, determine the health of crops and look for pests. The aim is to save farmers time walking through fields. The drone also can carry sensors that pick up information invisible to the naked eye, which can help determine which fields need watering.”



    Will this latest licensing effort by the Feds morph into yet another example of cronyism and reward towards favored , connected corporations ? Of course . Notice that the film industry was one of the first to gain their exemption from the State .


CNS News has more













When Media Mergers Limit More Than Competition





” The much-admired Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black may be rolling in his grave at the prospect of a merger between 21st Century Fox and Time Warner Inc., which would reduce control of the major Hollywood studios to five owners, from six, and major television producers to four, from five.

“ The widest possible dissemination of information from diverse and antagonistic sources is essential to the welfare of the public,” he wrote in the majority opinion that decided a 1945 antitrust case involving major newspaper publishers and The Associated Press. “The First Amendment affords not the slightest support for the contention that a combination to restrain trade in news and views has any constitutional immunity.”

  Fox and Time Warner may no longer publish old-media newspapers or magazines, but they certainly disseminate information and opinions that may be even more vital to the “welfare of the public” today than the newspapers of Justice Black’s era. HBO alone, one of Time Warner’s cable channels, produces “Real Time With Bill Maher,” “Last Week Tonight With John Oliver” and acclaimed documentaries like “The Case Against 8,” about the struggle for marriage equality, and the “Paradise Lost” series, which examined the murder convictions of the group of white teenagers known as the West Memphis Three.”

” But this ignores the fact that in 1983, 50 companies owned 90 percent of the media consumed by Americans. By 2012, just six companies — including Fox (then part of News Corporation) and Time Warner — controlled that 90 percent, according to testimony before the House Judiciary Committee examining Comcast’s acquisition of NBCUniversal.”

NY Times

Out In The Open: The Tiny Box That Lets You Take Your Data Back From Google








” The National Security Agency is scanning your email. Google and Facebook are hoarding your personal data. And online advertisers are selling your shopping habits to the highest bidder.

  Today, more than ever, people are thinking about how to opt out of this madness without quitting the internet entirely. The obvious answer is to host your own web apps on your own computer server. And thanks to the burgeoning Indie Web Movement, there’s no shortage of open source alternatives to popular services like Google Calendar, Facebook’s photo albums, or Dropbox’s file sharing. The problem is that setting up and managing your own server is a pain in the neck–at least for the average consumer.box-with-label-small

  For open source developer Johannes Ernst, what the world really needs is a simple device that anyone can use to take their data back from the wilds of the internet. So he designed the Indie Box, a personal web server preloaded with open source software that lets you run your own web services from your home network–and run them with relative ease. Any system administrator will tell you that setting up a server is just the first step. Maintaining it is the other big problem. Indie Box seeks to simplify both, with an option to fully automate all updates and maintenance tasks, from operating system patches to routine database migrations.

  You can’t buy an Indie Box yet, but you can pre-order one through the crowdfunding site Indie GoGo. A completely assembled device costs $500. That may sound like a lot, but Ernst argues that the cost is in line with other machines equipped with similar hardware. And the prices could eventually come down if Ernst is successful in raising funds for the project. Eventually, the Indie Box software platform will be available to download, and that will let people install all its tools on their own hardware.”


Wired has more and you can go to Indie Box’s homepage here









Gun Control Advocate Wants To Ban Forks, Knives, And Glass




” In a recent video interview, Anthony Gucciardi of Story Leak spoke with a man who not only wants to ban guns but everything else as well. The man started off by saying that we should ban all guns (including ones used for hunting purposes). He cited the statistics for gun murders being drastically lower in countries such as England, Holland, and Australia, where guns are currently banned, but failed to mention that violent crimes in those countries are much higher. “







Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire – Theatrical Trailer



Published on May 22, 2013


” “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” — United States Constitution, Amendment II

Newtown school shooting. Aurora theater shooting. Tucson supermarket shooting. 
Are visceral reactions to tragedies trumping the words of our forefathers?
Should we allow fear and the growing concern over public safety to limit our civil liberties?

Dead Patriot Films presents “Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire,” a documentary that brings audiences to the center of the controversy over the issue that is dividing our nation — gun control. The film takes a critical look at current gun laws and the rising movement to restrict the rights guaranteed by our Second Amendment.

With the original intention of empowering a citizenry’s ability to defend themselves against a corrupt or tyrannical government, the concept today may seem farfetched or the makings of a Hollywood blockbuster. However, it has happened throughout U.S. history. And long before gun control was positioned as a “common sense measure” to combat violence, it was used as a means to oppress certain minority groups. Presently, the growing trend in gun control favors the wealthy and privileged, who leverage their connections to ensure their Second Amendment rights and safety, while those of lesser means struggle.

Informative and emotionally charged, “Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire” is an eye-opening look at the genesis of the Second Amendment in the Constitution, leading the audience to rethink the issues surrounding gun control, and the affect on civil rights and liberty.

After all, what you don’t know can kill you.” 







Op-Ed: 3-D Printed Guns Will Literally Blow Up


” If you still think gun control isn’t a problem, it’s about to get a whole lot worse. As 3D-printed gun blueprints continue to circulate, they will cause more harm than good.

Back in 2012, a Texan student, Cody Wilson, developed a gun designed to be built with a 3D printer. The full story can be viewed over at the Sydney Morning Herald. In order to conform with US firearm laws, an inch large chunk of steal was inserted to make it detectable for meta detectors.

It took 16 parts and 27 hours for the NSW police to make a gun. While the gun did fire and generated an enormous stopping power for what it’s worth, there are drawbacks which Homeland Security and various regional police units are emphasizing.

Seen through a demonstration video by released by the NSW police, the 3D printed gun blew up after a shot, which can cause bodily harm to both the victim as well as the shooter. Scraps of plastic flew everywhere as the gun was fired, and it can be views from the attached video.”

    We think there are some problems with this video , or rather the events that it depicts .  It is certainly very easy for the authorities to produce these kinds of videos showing the inherent “dangers” of making your own firearm by using plastics that are known to be unable to withstand the pressures involved in detonating a center-fire pistol cartridge .

    There are different grades of plastic available for all types of manufacturing today and that goes for 3D printing as well as any other. Having experience as  professional fireworks technicians we can say that there are plastics that are safe to use as launch tubes and there are others that are not . That goes for metals as well as plastics .   

    While we’ve no doubt of the veracity of the video and the New South Wales experiment in 3D gun construction , the fact is that Mr Wilson has created one that does fire safely.

    There can be no doubt either , that the whole concept of 3D printing and the loss of control that it represents to the State has the authorities quaking in their boots , as well it should . However , the fact remains that the “Additive Manufacturing” horse has fled the barn never to be re-stalled .

      Furthermore , the emphasis placed on the choice of plastic as a construction medium is of minimal importance to the whole “make it yourself” issue . Very few people have a desire for an undetectable firearm , especially when the authorities are certainly capable of detecting the cartridges and projectiles , without which the “plastic” gun is useless 

    What the State should truly fear from 3D printing is the fact that it works with metals as well . That means that with the proper printer , freely available CAD drawings and materials anyone will very soon be able to print up their very own , un-numbered , untraceable , fully functional 1911 or AR-15 … Chew on that …

  There-in lies the rub . What mode of Statist intervention are they going to try in a ham-fisted attempt at stuffing the 3D genie back in the bottle ? They’ll never be able to stop the flow of digital file sharing … the drawings , CAD files and how-to information freely available via the internet , that much is a certainty . Of course that doesn’t mean the idiots won’t try , but that effort is doomed to failure .

    No , the only real hope they have of smothering this technology in it’s cradle is through the control of either the printers themselves , or the materials using in the layering process itself . But again , the task that the State faces even attempting to tackle the issue from the supply side is daunting . You have doubts , you say ?The State will be able to control the sale of printers and additives you say ? 

   If you believe that allow us to put this in a different perspective … just think of the printers as guns and the additives as drugs . Need we say more ? We don’t know about where you live , but in most parts of the country  it would take all of an hour on the street to be able to come up with just about anything in the gun/drug department anyone could desire .

     We have been following Mr Wilson and this emerging technology for some time now and have posted many items on this fascinating topic . In fact we feel that the combination of the internet and the coming 3D home manufacturing revolution sound the death-knell for the State as we know it … One can hope anyway . To that end we offer a collection of links from past articles that we have posted on the future as seen in 3D … 

Introducing Defense Distributor’s “Cuomo” AR Mag … DIY … With 3D Printing

“3D Printing Brings the Science Lab to Your Backyard”

3D Printing = The End of Gun Control

3D Gun Fires 600 Rounds – Legally*

The Battle Lines Are Drawn – Technology vs The State

Daily Video 4.23.13

Cody Wilson On The Angel Clark Show Talking 3-D Printable Guns

The Genie NEVER Goes Back In The Bottle

Time To Ban Printers

Daily Video 1.21.13

Well , Duh …

Bring It On

HaveBlue’s Creation

A Sit-Down With Cody Wilson Of Defense Distributed

Does Technology Doom The Gun Control Movement ?


11 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Should Be Abolished


” If the American people truly understood how the Federal Reserve system works and what it has done to us, they would be screaming for it to be abolished immediately.  It is a system that was designed by international bankers for the benefit of international bankers, and it is systematically impoverishing the American people.  The Federal Reserve system is the primary reason why our currency has declined in value by well over 95 percent and our national debt has gotten more than 5000 times larger over the past 100 years. 

The Fed creates our “booms” and our “busts”, and they have done an absolutely miserable job of managing our economy.  But why do we need a bunch of unelected private bankers to manage our economy and print our money for us in the first place?  Wouldn’t our economy function much more efficiently if we allowed the free market to set interest rates?  And according to Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. Congress is the one that is supposed to have the authority to “coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures”. 

So why is the Federal Reserve doing it?  Sadly, this is the way it works all over the globe today.  In fact, all 187 nations that belong to the IMF have a central bank.  But the truth is that there are much better alternatives.  We just need to get people educated.

The following are 11 reasons why the Federal Reserve should be abolished…



#2 The Federal Reserve Is Systematically Destroying The Value Of The U.S. Dollar


The United States never had a persistent, ongoing problem with inflation until the Federal Reserve was created in 1913.

If you do not believe this, just check out the inflation chart in this article.

The Federal Reserve systematically penalizes those that try to save their money.  Inflation is a tax, and the value of each one of our dollars goes down a little bit more every single day.

But over time, it really adds up.  In fact, the value of the U.S. dollar has fallen by 83 percent since 1970.

Anyone that goes to the grocery store on a regular basis knows how painful inflation can be.  The following is a list that shows how prices for many of the things that we buy on a regular basis absolutely skyrocketed between 2002 and 2012

Eggs: 73%

Coffee: 90%

Peanut Butter: 40%

Milk: 26%

A Loaf Of White Bread: 39%

Spaghetti And Macaroni: 44%

Orange Juice: 46%

Red Delicious Apples: 43%

Beer: 25%

Wine: 60%

Electricity: 42%

Margarine: 143%

Tomatoes: 22%

Turkey: 56%

Ground Beef: 61%

Chocolate Chip Cookies: 39%

Gasoline: 158%

Even the price of water has absolutely soared in recent years.  According to USA Today, water bills have actually tripled over the past 12 years in some areas of the country.

So how can the Federal Reserve get away with claiming that we are in a “low inflation” environment?

Well, what Ben Bernanke never tells you is that the way that the government calculates inflation has changed more than 20 times since 1978.

The truth is that the real rate of inflation is somewhere between five and ten percent right now, but you will never hear about this on the mainstream news.” 



Read them all














” Guns will be the key issue in 2014, good news for the pro-2nd Amendment Republican Party, which has Democrats backed into a corner in an untenable position on gun control.

Universal background checks are insidious, and the legislation the Senate is considering in April will not only force even secondary gun sales to be done through the auspices of a government representative with a Federal Firearm Licence but will also ban private gun sales and create a national gun registry.

This means it will bar grandpas from passing their favorite rifle to their grandsons and will require the government to create a list of every gun owner and every gun owned in America in order to be enforceable.

Universal background check legislation has made it this deep into the legislative process for one reason only–namely, because these implications have not been explained to the American people. Republicans need to explain these dangers and force Democrats to own gun control in 2014.”






” I keep hearing people say they want to regulate guns the way we regulate cars. They don’t really mean that, of course. What they mean is they want to make it
acceptable to find more ways to intrude on the right to keep and bear arms.

I propose instead, we regulate cars the way we regulate guns.

Let’s start:
To buy or operate a standard car, one will have to be 18 years old. Under that age, adult supervision will be mandatory. This means the adult must be in the vehicle with the underage driver. To buy a sports car, you will have to be

A “Sports car” will be defined as any
combination of any two of the following: 2 doors instead of 4, spoked rims not requiring hubcaps, aerodynamic effects such as spoilers or air dams, a wheelbase under 100 inches, a manual
transmission, a curb weight under 3000 lbs, fiberglass or other non-metal construction, or painted logos. For every purchase, you will have to fill out a questionnaire confirming you’re a US citizen, do not use drugs or abuse alcohol, have never had a conviction for
alcohol related incidents or reckless
driving. Lying on this form will be
punishable by 10 years in prison and/or a $10,000 fine.

New cars will only be purchased from Federal Automobile Licensees who must provide fingerprints, proof of character, secure storage for all vehicles, and who must call the Federal Bureau of Motor
Vehicles to verify your information
before purchase. They may approve or decline or delay the sale. If they decline, you may appeal the decision in writing to
a review board. If they delay, it becomes an approval automatically after 10 days. However, the dealer may decline to complete such a sale in case of later problems. “

Ten Gun Bills On Congress’s First Day




” Members of the 113th Congress introduced 10 bills on Thursday relating to gun violence, most of which came from Democrats seeking new restrictions on gun ownership.

The flurry of legislative proposals show that members are likely to push the issue in the wake of the December shooting at a Connecticut elementary school that left 20 children dead.

Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.), whose husband was shot to death in 1993, introduced four of the bills. The congresswoman has vowed to seek changes in federal law in response to the school shooting. “



sporting v military




From FBI.gov



FBI Murder Stats





Note the total rifle deaths for the latest year ( 358 ) 



Falling Out Of Bed Deaths


Perhaps we need to require people to sleep on the floor . After all ” if just one life is saved ” it would be worth it. 


HT/Hypocrisy and Stupidity of Gun Control Advocates




Veteran Talent Wanted




 ” You were serious about your career in the Military and now we are serious about engineering your success as the nation’s most valued talent. Explore working for a company who is the leader in motion and control technologies.” 

From Forbes.com 


 “President Obama has made clear that he’s determined to continue pushing his “progressive” agenda, regardless of constitutional limitations on his power.  He aims to have his way by issuing more and more executive orders.

The most ominous sign of possible things to come appeared on March 16, 2012, when President Obama signed executive order 13603 about “National Defense Resources Preparedness.

This 10-page document is a blueprint for a federal takeover of the economy that would dwarf the looming Obamacare takeover of the health insurance business.  Specifically, Obama’s plan involves seizing control of:

*  “All commodities and products that are capable of being ingested by either human beings or animals”

*  “All forms of energy”

*  “All forms of civil transportation”

*  “All usable water from all sources”

*  “Health resources –  drugs, biological products, medical devices, materials, facilities, health supplies, services and equipment”

*  Forced labor ( or “induction” as the executive order delicately refers to military conscription)”

No , No , No

 It would be insane to cede control of the internet to that den of thieves , dictators and terrorists .

“A bipartisan group of lawmakers on the House Energy and Commerce Committee introduced a resolution on Wednesday urging the Obama administration to oppose efforts to give the United Nations more control over the Internet.”