Tag Archive: Constitutional Crisis

Obama’s Amnesty Threatens To Shut Constitution







” Pundits warn that a funding fight over the president’s move to grant de facto amnesty to illegal aliens threatens a politically risky government shutdown. But there’s something much more important at stake here.

  The Founders had good reason to give Congress the power of the purse: Short of impeachment, it’s the most effective way to stop a lawless president from disobeying the will of Congress and usurping powers not granted by the Constitution.

  The question is: Will Congress use this power to thwart President Obama’s shredding of the Constitution with his executive amnesty plan? “



Even some renowned liberals are recognizing the threat to our Constitution posed by “King Obama’s” unilateral action …



” There’s more at stake here than mere political fortunes. We are at the constitutional tipping point that Georgetown University law professor Jonathan Turley warned us about as Obama continues to wield executive authority that he himself once said he did not have.

  We live in a constitutional republic, and the president who says he cannot wait for the Congress to act ignores a Constitution that says he has to. Article I, Section 8 gives Congress exclusive authority to “establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization” and Article II, Section 3 says that it’s the president’s duty “to take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”

  Professor Turley told the House Judiciary Committee at a Dec. 3 hearing that Obama’s abuse of executive power has grown to the point that “he’s becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid.” “


Read more at IBD










Obama Puts The Cat Among The Pigeons



Executive Amnesty



” Barack Obama put the cat among the pigeons Thursday night, but he may be surprised by how big that cat could get, and with it a big cat’s appetite for more than pigeons.

  His “executive orders” demanding a stop to deportations is no doubt good news for millions of illegal immigrants — 5 million at last count — he wants to preserve and protect for Democrats looking to replenish a depleted constituency. But it’s not such good news for anyone who appreciates law and order on the border. Amnesties can be good, but they must be written carefully lest they invite more of the same misery that led to amnesty. The president’s invitation to the millions south of the border — “Come on in, I’ll find a way to make you legal later” — guarantees that hell on the border will continue, and probably get worse. The hell on the Potomac will get a lot worse.

  The president and his lawyers are clever. By not actually issuing an executive order called an executive order — he can call it a “memo” to his prosecutors but it’s still an order from the executive — he will make it more difficult for the Republicans to find a way to overturn it. 

  Just the anticipation of the president’s big speech set off cries and celebrations. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, having abandoned her dream of ascending once more to speaker of the House, and who knows no more of the nation’s history than the president apparently does, got lost Thursday afternoon in a history book. She mistook Barack Obama for Abraham Lincoln, and his immigration amnesty for the Emancipation Proclamation. “Does the public know that the Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order? she asked. (Does the public know that the Emancipation Proclamation preserved slavery in the four slave states still in the Union, and freed no slaves in the departed Confederate states? The public could look it up.) The only similarities in Mr. Lincoln’s proclamation and Mr. Obama’s order is that neither was intended to resolve anything, but to set loose that cat among the pigeons. The Civil War circa 1861-1865 ground bloodily on, and the immigration system circa 2014 is still broken and bleeding, and probably farther from resolution than ever.

  Civil war is the metaphor of the day. Phyllis Schlafly, who almost single-handedly defeated the feminist crusade for an equal-rights amendment, now calls Mr. Obama’s executive order “a modern-day Fort Sumter.” “


Washington Times












Schlafly: Obama Could Launch Another Civil War



” President Obama’s looming executive action on immigration reform represents a Fort Sumter-type moment, according to conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly.

  Fort Sumter, of course, is the sea fort in Charleston, South Carolina. It was there that the opening shots of the U.S. Civil War were fired on April 12, 1861.

  Schlafly at first considered comparing the Obama amnesty to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, but decided that Obama’s plan is much more subtle.

“ With Pearl Harbor, the American people knew what was happening,” she said.

  But Fort Sumter represented the beginning of a ruinous war, and Schlafly, like fellow conservative luminary Richard Viguerie, speculates that an executive amnesty might touch off a sort of modern-day conflagration.

  Obama plans to announce his unilateral immigration reform proposal in a televised address Thursday night. While no details are being released by the White House until then, analysts widely expect it to include work permits for up to five million people currently in the U.S. illegally.

  However, the administration may be expecting to authorize many more than those five million. Last month, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services began searching for a contractor capable of producing up to 34 million blank green cards over the next five years. “

Read more at WND










Republican Pressure Builds To Block Obama’s Unilateral Immigration Order



GOP Pressure Amnesty




” Dozens of House Republicans have signed onto a new letter that insists the party include language in the upcoming spending bill to prevent President Obama from taking unilateral action on immigration, escalating a simmering fight between Congress and the White House.

  Rep. Matt Salmon, an Arizona Republican who organized the letter, said Congress needs to use its power of the purse to defend its own powers to write immigration policy — and he said he believes there could be enough support even in the Democratic-controlled Senate to win.

“ I’m not going down without a fight,” he said in an interview with The Washington Times.

  The letter is to be issued Thursday, but the debate is already heated.

  Mr. Obama has vowed to claim executive powers to grant tentative legal status to potentially millions of illegal immigrants, and to act by the end of the year.

  Republican leaders have warned him against that move, saying it would “poison” chances for getting a real immigration deal done in the next Congress, and could tarnish prospects for bipartisanship on a whole host of other issues when the GOP has control of both chambers next year.”


Washington Times











Executive Privilege , Mea Culpa




  So it would seem , according to legal minds better than ours that in order to invoke executive privilege Obama would have to admit that he had knowledge of ” Fast & Furious ” . We wonder what our resident “constitutional law ” president is planning . 

” This morning, the White House asserted executive privilege over documents related to Operation ‘Fast and Furious,’ perAttorney General Eric Holder’s request. Following this move,Judge Napolitano warned that we may be on the “precipice of a constitutional confrontation between the executive branch, the White House, and the Congress.”

Executive privilege, in its definition, provides protection over communications with the president himself, according to the judge. The letter sent by Eric Holder requesting executive privilege does not detail a discussion with the president, but Judge Napolitano said, “The implication is there.” “

Constitutional …

Constitutional  CYA Crisis is More Like It 

It would appear that someone/s is/are getting nervous . Go Issa .

  ” Facing a possible contempt charge and Republican calls for his resignation, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder signaled to Congress Tuesday a new desire to cooperate with an investigation into the Fast and Furious gun walking operation to avert what he believes could become a “constitutional crisis.”

Holder, who was made his ninth appearance before Congress, indicated that he wants to stave off an embarrassing contempt vote against him.

Still, by Tuesday Holder was fielding calls for his resignation from Republican senators with a growing list of gripes, including Holder’s reluctance to turn over documents about Fast and Furious, his decision to allow his own deputies to investigate possible White House leaks of sensitive national security information, and his efforts to prevent Florida from purging illegal immigrants and dead voters from the state’s rolls.”