Tag Archive: Connecticut State Police

New London Man Dies After Police Use Stun Gun On Him




NL Man Tased To Death



” Connecticut State Police are investigating the death of a medical school graduate from the Bahamas who became unresponsive after New London officers used a stun gun on him for the second time in eight hours.

  Authorities say 31-year-old Lashano Gilbert died at a New London hospital shortly before 3:30 a.m. Saturday. An autopsy was planned on Sunday.

  New London officers arrested Gilbert for an attempted carjacking at about 7 p.m. Friday. City police say they were forced to use a stun gun on Gilbert twice — once when he resisted arrest Friday evening and again when he attacked officers at the police station Saturday morning. “



Continued at WTNH














Police:”If Necessary”… Will Go Door To Door To Take Your Guns…

“We Are Your Masters”




Published on Feb 28, 2014


” GMN Producer Guerilla Girl Ashley contacted Connecticut State Police to inquire about the recent letter sent to residents regarding gun confiscation in Connecticut. “Sandy Hook” State Police Spokesman Lt. Vance answered the telephone and spoke to Ashley. The recording of the call reveals the shocking disregard this sworn peace officer has for the U.S. Constitution, and even goes so far as to call Ashley “un-American” for inquiring about the constitutionality of the gun confiscation law.

In Lt. Vance’s own words, “…I am the master….”

Please contact Lt. Vance directly at (860) 685-8290 and give him a piece of your mind.

GuerillaMediaNetwork.com http://ow.ly/o7pRT “










Connecticut Seems Surprised That People Are Ignoring Their Citizen Control Laws

” Connecticut State Police feel compelled to remind citizens that it is their duty under the state’s draconian new citizen control laws to register their most effective self-defense firearms and standard capacity magazines for more efficient future government confiscation:

  The state police have sent a reminder for gun owners that an important deadline is looming for two key parts of this year’s gun control law.

  Owners of guns classified as assault weapons must get assault weapon certificates by Dec. 31. They must submit an application for a certificate by that date along with proof that they bought the weapon before the law took effect April 4.

  Owners of magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds face the same Dec. 31 deadline. They too must submit an application form along with proof they owned the magazine before the law took effect. Note, even though the law allows people to keep their already-owned large-capacity magazines if they register them, it forbids loading them with more than 10 rounds at a time except in their homes or at a shooting range.

  Reason suggests that the state has sent out this “reminder” because the supermajority of citizens are ignoring the blatantly unconstitutional registration law, just as Americans have historically chosen to ignore previous registration laws. American citizens have apparently never complied by registering more than 25% of those firearms that were required to be registered by law (Illinois handgun registration in the 1970s was the dubious high-point), and at least 90-percent of Americans in other states ignore these more blatant citizen control laws designed to do little more than weaken citizens before the power of the government.”

   We are a nation founded on civil disobedience , established by civil disobedience  and made great by civil disobedience . It is in our blood . We are born into it and the history of the American Republic is a history of disobedience . 

    Where would we be without the Boston Tea Party ? Harriet Tubman ? Elizabeth Cady Stanton ? Martin Luther King ? Virtually every major societal change of the past two centuries has been brought about by private citizens working tirelessly for what they know is right by employing the time-worn methods of civil disobedience . It is as American a tradition as is the ownership of firearms .

    We are not a compliant people , nor do we bow down to the whims and edicts of our ruling class . History shows that the American people are imbued with a more finely tuned moral compass than are the moral reprobates typically elected to manage our affairs .




” I think that we should be men first, and subjects afterward.  It is not so desirable to cultivate a respect for the law, so much as for the right.”

Henry David Thoreau





  Here’s an update on gun registration and compliance from one of Connecticut’s northeast rivals in the Statism Game :


    Reason just published this piece regarding New York’s own registration scheme and how it is going , or not going , we just don’t know as the State refuses to release any statistics on the number of residents that have complied with Cuomo’s , passed in the dead of night , without hearings or debate , SAFE Act . 

    As even a fool can recognize , NY’s registration plan cannot be going well because if it was we all know that Cuomo and his goons would be singing from the rooftops about their successful ploy to save the state from mass murder .

    Below is a brief quote that explains how Cuomo used an arcane rule called a “message of necessity” to prohibit debate and eliminate the possibility of opponents mounting any kind of objections whatsoever . Another case of Dem’s using the NY State version of the nuclear option .



” Since 1938, The state Constitution has required a proposed bill to age for three days before a vote. It says:

  §14. No bill shall be passed or become a law unless it shall have been printed and upon the desks of the members, in its final form, at least three calendar legislative days prior to its final passage….

  Unless the government says so:

…unless the governor, or the acting governor, shall have certified, under his or her hand and the seal of the state, the facts which in his or her opinion necessitate an immediate vote thereon,…









State Of Connecticut Releases Photos From Inside Sandy Hook


   RadarOnLine has published these along with a dozen more photos of the Newtown shooting released by the authorities in Connecticut . 



” A photo of a shattered window at the elementary school is a sad reminder of the tragedy that took place that day.”



The alleged AR used by the killer .


   Other photos include pictures of Adam Lanza’s home , gun safe , bedroom and the school . The release of these photos coincide with the State of Connecticut’s final report on the shooting .








Police Fatally Shoot ‘Drunk’ 75-Year-Old Korean War Vet On Memorial Day Weekend In Posh Connecticut Mansion


Korean War vet John Valluzzo raised his gun on a police officer prior to getting fatally shot


” The founder and president of a Connecticut military museum was shot and killed at his home by police after he pointed a handgun at officers, Connecticut state police said Sunday.

State police identified the man killed Friday in Ridgefield as 75-year-old John Valluzzo.”



Let me get this straight , the girlfriend was free to call her friend in Florida yet didn’t call police . 



” Connecticut’s News Times reports that Valluzzo’s girlfriend called a friend in Florida about 5:15 p.m. Friday and said Valluzzo was intoxicated and waving a gun around. The friend called police, who raced to the home to find Valluzzo still armed.”


    She never says to her friend that she was being threatened , nor attempted to call the police herself , just that he ” was intoxicated and waving a gun around ” . Why did she stay in the home ? If the man was intoxicated and armed why didn’t she leave him to his own devices ? 


Seems to us that if the girlfriend felt endangered she should have left , period . Perhaps then Mr Valluzzo would still be alive . This would seem to be a truly senseless tragedy .