Tag Archive: Congressional Powers

Obama’s Amnesty Threatens To Shut Constitution







” Pundits warn that a funding fight over the president’s move to grant de facto amnesty to illegal aliens threatens a politically risky government shutdown. But there’s something much more important at stake here.

  The Founders had good reason to give Congress the power of the purse: Short of impeachment, it’s the most effective way to stop a lawless president from disobeying the will of Congress and usurping powers not granted by the Constitution.

  The question is: Will Congress use this power to thwart President Obama’s shredding of the Constitution with his executive amnesty plan? “



Even some renowned liberals are recognizing the threat to our Constitution posed by “King Obama’s” unilateral action …



” There’s more at stake here than mere political fortunes. We are at the constitutional tipping point that Georgetown University law professor Jonathan Turley warned us about as Obama continues to wield executive authority that he himself once said he did not have.

  We live in a constitutional republic, and the president who says he cannot wait for the Congress to act ignores a Constitution that says he has to. Article I, Section 8 gives Congress exclusive authority to “establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization” and Article II, Section 3 says that it’s the president’s duty “to take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”

  Professor Turley told the House Judiciary Committee at a Dec. 3 hearing that Obama’s abuse of executive power has grown to the point that “he’s becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid.” “


Read more at IBD










The Rio Norte Line

When you see stories like this:

Obama uses executive power to move gun control agenda forward

The president has used his executive powers to bolster the national background check system, jumpstart government research on the causes of gun violence and create a million-dollar ad campaign aimed at safe gun ownership.

DO NOT be sucked in by the claim that Obama is just trying to keep you safe.  THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS STORY IS ABOUT!  This story is about the further usurpation of Congress’s power/authority.  There is nothing – NOTHING in the U.S. Constitution that allows the President to make law or spend money.  That is the sole power of Congress.  Yet, per this story, Obama is making law by decree and directing the expenditures of public funds – and all of it without going through Congress.

 This is nothing less than a power grab.  When Bush did it, the…

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