Tag Archive: Congressional Irrelevance

Rep. Jackson Lee: ‘We’ll Give President Obama A Number Of Executive Orders’



Sheila Jackson Lee



” Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) says that the newly launched Congressional Full Employment Caucus will “give President Obama a number of executive orders that he can sign.”

“ We will be answering the call of all of America because people need work and we’re not doing right by them by creating work,” Jackson Lee said. “I believe this caucus will put us on the right path and we’ll give President Obama a number of executive orders that he can sign with pride and strength.” “


The Congressional “Full Employment Caucus” is made up of some of our “finest” minds … LOL


” In addition to Conyers and Lee, members of the caucus include; Frederica Wilson (D-Fla.), Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas), José Serrano (D-N.Y.), and Mike Quigley (D-Ill.). “


   Corruption and idiocy rule the day in this group . For the doubters among you we advise you to click some of the links above  . We’ll let the Doctor Of Common Sense , ET Williams have the last word on the wisdom of Sheila Jackson Lee as only he can .














Cruz: 4 Reasons Obama’s Use Of Executive Orders ‘Ought To Concern Everyone’






” “We are ruled by laws and not men. And no man is above the law — especially the President.”

  This was the theme of Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) conversation with Glenn Beck on The Blaze’s radio show Tuesday, and the same message Cruz has vocalized since the President’s State of the Union address one week ago.

If a president can pick and choose which laws to follow, he is no longer a president,” Cruz said. “And that is dangerous.” 

  In the 25-minute segment (listen in the Sound Cloud above) Cruz gives several reasons he’s frustrated with the Administration. Here’s four: “