Tag Archive: Concord

Lindsey Graham: As President I Would Deploy The Military Against Congress





” Republican senator and presidential maybe-hopeful Lindsey Graham stopped by the “politics and pies” forum in Concord, New Hampshire, today, where he announced that if he is elected president in 2016, his first act will be to deploy the military in Washington to force Congress to reverse cuts to the defense and intelligence budgets.

  Yes, you heard that right. Here are Graham’s exact words:

  And here’s the first thing I would do if I were president of the United States. I wouldn’t let Congress leave town until we fix this. I would literally use the military to keep them in if I had to. We’re not leaving town until we restore these defense cuts. We are not leaving town until we restore the intel cuts.

  Graham would use the military to force members of Congress to not just vote on the bill — but to pass it. Graham didn’t say “until I get an up-or-down vote on restoring defense cuts.” He said “until we restore these defense cuts.”  

  In other words, Graham is proposing that his first act as president would be to use the military to force the legislative branch to pass his agenda.”



   The only bright spot in Graham’s admission of his Statist proclivities is the fact that there will never be a Graham administration but that shouldn’t stop the republicans of South Carolina from attempting a recall if state law provides  , or at the very least primarying him out of office next election cycle … What an embarrassment … Vox has the whole story












Swansea Motorcyclist Arrested In NH For Allegedly Going More Than 130 MPH




” New Hampshire State Police have accused a motorcyclist of traveling over 130 mph in a 70 mph speed zone on Interstate 93.

  State police aircraft clocked the speed at 134 mph in the southbound lane in Canterbury at about 11 a.m. Monday and saw that it traveled in the breakdown lane and cut between lanes of traffic, passing vehicles. At times, the aircraft tracked the vehicle doing between 150 and 180 mph.

  Police said the motorcycle pulled in behind a business on North Main Street in Concord, and troopers responded. They charged 31-year-old Daniel Thibeault of Swansea, Mass., with reckless conduct, disobeying an officer and driving after suspension. He’s scheduled to be arraigned Tuesday. It was not immediately known if he had a lawyer.”


    While charged with doing “only” 134 mph , the aerial patrol plane estimated that Mr Thibeault actually hit speeds of between 150 and 180 mph .




CBS Boston










    We posted on this back in January but as the day approaches we felt you deserved a reminder . 


Website Calls To Commemorate 1st American Revolution With “Shots Heard Round The World”





” It’s clear our government has abandoned the principals this nation was founded upon. They have elevated themselves above the people,and have forgotten the fact that they serve us not the other way around. They ignore our phone calls, delete our emails, and shred our faxes. We can no longer rely on getting their attention with these outdated methods and or rally’s and protests.

Freedom Fighter Radio is urging all who cherish freedom and love our Sovereignty to consider two actions. ”






Website Calls To Commemorate 1st American Revolution With “Shots Heard Round The World”






” Americans are wondering what they can do to send a message to Washington and their respective representatives. At least one idea has been proposed. It is non-violent and not a threat towards anyone, but will be something that is heard.

It’s clear our government has abandoned the principals this nation was founded upon. They have elevated themselves above the people,and have forgotten the fact that they serve us not the other way around. They ignore our phone calls, delete our emails, and shred our faxes. We can no longer rely on getting their attention with these outdated methods and or rally’s and protests. ”



Been traveling so posting has been light , but as promised here is an unedited photo collection of this year’s re-enactment of the battle at Bloody Angle which presaged the British fighting retreat back to Boston . This post will have some stills and the following post will contain a crude video of some of the action . Please be kind as I acknowledge that I am NO photojournalist .




On second thought , it will take too long to upload them all on this post so I think that I will create a new page when time permits . In the meantime enjoy these samples and watch the video in the next post . Once again this is a crude attempt to offer up some eyewitness fun . Forgive me .

April 19, 1775 , the battles of Lexington and Concord :  “On this date in 1775, the first battle of the Revolutionary War commenced. Today, in 2012, let us start our own revolutionary war – not a war of violence against a nation, but a war against ourselves – against our own cynicism.

We know the future is uncertain, as it always will be, but let us look at it with opportunity, a chance to rise above the cynical nature of politics, the cynical facade of knowledge, the cynicism that is far too easy to seep into all our lives. The future is full of possibilities. Seeking it out and making the most of our opportunity is the true form of revolution.

Let our Revolutionary War commence today!”


Coming soon : Raw footage of this year’s re-enactment of the ” battle of Bloody Angle ” the start of the British fighting retreat back to the safety of Boston .