Tag Archive: Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

Google Surrendered Private Data Of WikiLeaks Journalists To US Government





Google handed over confidential data of WikiLeaks’ staff to the U.S. government, prompting the whistleblower organization to send a letter to both the search engine giant and the U.S. Department of Justice seeking an explanation.

  WikiLeaks announced on its website on Monday that its investigations editor Sarah Harrison, section editor Joseph Farrell, and senior journalist and spokesperson Kristinn Hrafnsson have received a notice that Google had handed over all their emails and metadata to the U.S. government, which has issued warrants alleging “conspiracy” and “espionage” against the journalists. The charges carry a prison sentence of up to 45 years.

“ The US government is claiming universal jurisdiction to apply the Espionage Act, general Conspiracy statute and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act to journalists and publishers – a horrifying precedent for press freedoms around the world,” WikiLeaks said on its website.”


Read more at IBT












Help Us Remember Aaron Swartz By Participating in Our Week-of-Action, Demanding Congress Reform the CFAA





” Today, EFF and a host of organizations across the political spectrum are launching a week-of-action imploring Congress to reform the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA)—the expansive law used to prosecute the late activist and Internet pioneer Aaron Swartz.

We’re asking Congress for three specific, common-sense fixes to the CFAA, which will bring the outdated law into the 21st Century:

  • No more criminal penalties for violating a website’s fine print or an employee manual

  • No criminal penalties for circumvention techniques that protect privacy and promote security

  • Make penalties proportionate to offenses and stop punishing virtual crimes more harshly than physical world crimes”






