Tag Archive: Community Organizers

ObamaCare To Create 100,000s Of Jobs In The Field Of Explaining ObamaCare




” Democrats always said that ObamaCare would create a lot of jobs and while currently it’s hard at work destroying jobs, especially at the working class level, like most medical centralization boondoggles, ObamaCare will create a lot of jobs in the field of explaining what it is and how to survive it.

Tens of thousands of health care professionals, union workers and community activists hired as “navigators” to help Americans choose Obamacare options starting Oct. 1 could earn $20 an hour or more, according to new regulations issued Wednesday.

It is still not clear how many navigators will be required. California, however, provides a hint. It wants 21,000.”




The Cloward-Piven Way





” If the Cloward and Piven agenda were being implemented, would it look any different?

In all likelihood, they would be delighted with the massive deficits and the “spillage” that is the lax implementation of government entitlements.

1966 Article by Columbia Professors Cloward and Piven was a hot topic for awhile, but has since fell from attention.  But isn’t now the time to reconsider exactly how this administration is steering people into record government program participation?

Some quotes from the 1966 article that reveal the mission.  Increase the entitlement roles, redistribute wealth, guarantee income, and reduce qualifications for participating in these programs.  Use organizing, demonstrating and a “climate of militancy”.”

Our Great ” Racial Healer ” Is Wasting No Time    





Obama To Unleash Racial-Preferences Juggernaut

   If this all sounds familiar that’s because it is … can you say ” Community Reinvestment Act ” boys and girls ? For those that don’t remember ,  this policy , created during the Carter administration ,  turbo-charged by Bill Clinton and championed by the “community organizer ” crowd of Obama and his ilk , forced banks to make loans to customers regardless of their credit-worthiness thus fueling the housing bubble that led us to our current fiscal meltdown .

   This is government at it’s ” best ” … create a problem , blame the private sector , demonize them and then step in with the ” Solution ” .

  ” If your organization has a policy or practice that doesn’t benefit minorities equally, watch out: The Obama administration could sue you for racial discrimination under a dubious legal theory that many argue is unconstitutional.

President Obama intends to close “persistent gaps” between whites and minorities in everything from credit scores and homeownership to test scores and graduation rates.

His remedy — short of new affirmative-action legislation — is to sue financial companies, schools and employers based on “disparate impact” complaints — a stealthy way to achieve racial preferences, opposed 2 to 1 by Americans.

Under this broad interpretation of civil-rights law, virtually any organization can be held liable for race bias if it maintains a policy that negatively impacts one racial group more than another — even if it has no racist motive and applies the policy evenly across all groups.

Equal Outcomes

This means that even race-neutral rules for mortgage underwriting and consumer credit scoring potentially can be deemed racist if prosecutors can produce statistics showing they tend to result in adverse outcomes for blacks or Latinos.

Already, Attorney General Eric Holder has used the club of disparate-impact lawsuits to beat almost $500 million in loan set-asides and other claims out of the nation’s largest banks.

In addition to the financial settlements — which include millions in funding for affordable-housing activists — Bank of America, Wells Fargo and SunTrust have all agreed to adopt more minority-friendly lending policies. ”



We are forced to pay for sowing the seeds of our own destruction .