Tag Archive: Come And Take It

The 300 … Thousand+  Molon Labe



This … Is … Connecticut




Come And Take Them !









Connecticut Gun Owners: “Come And Get Them!”



It's Called The Constitution State For A Reason

” Connecticut gun owners are calling the state’s anti-gun bluff. The state recently passed a slew of anti-gun legislation, including a gun registration program for so called “assault rifles” that has been received with less enthusiasm than Obamacare. In fact, many gun owners in Connecticut have elected to ignore the patently unconstitutional law in the same way that Millennials have ignored the IRS requirement for health insurance. And now, as the state issues threatening letters and increased confiscation rhetoric, citizens are telling the state: “Come and take them.

” Despite the strong rhetoric, and threatened legal action, citizens have remained stunningly unfazed by the authoritarian nature of Connecticut’s gun registration scheme. In fact, Connecticut Carry (a decidedly pro-Second Amendment group) has even gone so far as to challenge the state to go door-to-door:

Connecticut Carry calls on every State official, every Senator, and every Representative, to make the singular decision: Either enforce the laws as they are written and let us fight it out in court, or repeal the 2013 Gun Ban in its entirety.

  Connecticut Carry has essentially called their state’s bluff: “Repeal the law, or start confiscating”. After all, going door to door, in an effort to confiscate the guns of well-armed citizens, seems like a mildly insane idea… Even in wildly liberal havens such as Hartford.”




    This can only end badly . We are about to witness a showdown between law-abiding citizens and the arrogant “public servants” who , up until now have never seen the price that can be exacted for their routinely statist votes . Of course initially the only ones to pay a price , in blood and treasure , will be the patriotic citizens and the State’s enforcers , namely the Connecticut State Police , but that will change when the first antagonist(s) are killed during the confiscation attempt .

    How soon will it be before the only avenue for the citizens to achieve a “redress of their grievances” is to start attacking the members of the legislature ? We’ll wager that once the danger that this instant-felon law brings to the police and tax-payers becomes a threat to the elitist fools in Hartford they’ll see the error of their ways . The politicians would do well to remember that their addresses are a matter of public record just as their voting records are .

Townhall has more

COME AND TAKE IT (OurGuns.org) Steve Vaus (Official Video)



Published on Jan 25, 2013

” COME AND TAKE IT is now available on CD. Visithttp://www.SteveVaus.com

  Visit OurGuns.org – help get this message out. The complete song can be heard in its entirety (free) athttps://soundcloud.com/stevevaus/come…

  COME AND TAKE IT is available for download in the iTunes store:
Proceeds will help pay for the gun rights ad campaign.

  If you have an iPhone you can also get a COME AND TAKE IT ringtone in the iTunes store under TONES.

  Connect with Steve Vaus on his web sitehttp://www.SteveVaus.com – on Facebook or on Twitter “









New York Gun Owners Flip the Bird to “Assault Weapons” Registration Law





” New York Governor Cuomo the Junior may have rushed throughhis new gun control law with such speed thatpolice will avoid its restrictions only through the blessed miracle ofselective enforcement, but he may have a little trouble getting the state’s firearms owners to attend his party. The new law requires owners of those scary-looking rifles known as “assault weapons” to register their property (amidst assurances that, oh no, the registration lists will never be used for confiscation), but gun rights activists are actively urging gun owners to defy the new mandate.


According to Frederic Dicker at the New York Post:

Assault-rifle owners statewide are organizing a mass boycott of Gov. Cuomo’s new law mandating they register their weapons, daring officials to “come and take it away,” The Post has learned. “