Tag Archive: Colorado

Mysterious Spy Cameras Collecting Data At Post Offices In Colorado





” Within an hour of a KDVR reporter discovering a hidden camera, which was positioned to capture and record the license plates and facial features of customers leaving a Denver post office, the device was ripped from the ground and disappeared.

  Investigative reporter Chris Halsne confirmed the hidden camera and recorder is owned and operated by the United States Postal Inspection Service, the law enforcement branch of the U.S. Postal Service.

  The recording device appeared to be tripped by any vehicle leaving the property on Johnson Road, but the lens was not positioned to capture images of the front door, employee entrance, or loading dock areas of the post office.

  A customer first noticed the data collection device, hidden inside a utilities box, around Thanksgiving 2014. It stayed in place, taking photos through the busy Christmas holidays and into mid-January.”



    While the Postal Service tried to maintain that the surveillance was just a “routine security measure” privacy groups see it a bit differently , and rightly so …



” Lee Tien, an attorney for the San Francisco-based Electronic Frontier Foundation, says more and more federal agencies are getting away with conducting surveillance and collecting personal data of citizens without a warrant signed by a judge.

“ Part of being a responsible, constitutional government is explaining why it is doing surveillance on its citizens,” Lee told Halsne. “The government should not be collecting this kind of sensitive information. And it is sensitive! It`s about your relationships, your associations with other people, which can be friendship or political or religious. The idea that we give up that privacy simply because we use the U.S. mail is, I think, a silly idea.” “



     As if the Postal Service wasn’t endangered enough , now they are actively driving their ever-dwindling customer base further into the arms of private delivery services by spying on them … Read it all and head to your nearest UPs/Fedex office to send your mail .












The Guerilla Filmmaker Has Exposed How Voter Fraud Is Both Easy And Condoned In Colorado





” Many liberals are adamant there is no threat of voter fraud that justifies efforts to improve the integrity of elections. “There is no real concrete evidence of voter fraud,” tweeted Donna Brazile, former acting chair of the Democratic National Committee, this week. “It’s a big ass lie.”

  James O’Keefe, the guerilla filmmaker who brought down the ACORN voter-registration fraudsters in 2010 and forced the resignation of NPR executives, politely disagrees. Today, he is releasing some new undercover footage that raises disturbing questions about ballot integrity in Colorado, the site of fiercely contested races for the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House, and the governorship. When he raised the issue of filling out some of the unused ballots that are mailed to every household in the state this month, he was told by Meredith Hicks, the director of Work for Progress, a liberal group funded by Democratic Super PACS.: “That is not even like lying or something, if someone throws out a ballot, like if you want to fill it out you should do it.” She then brazenly offered O’Keefe, disguised as a middle-aged college instructor, a job with her group. “


Read it all from John Fund at NRO










Democrats Now Have A 51 Percent Chance Of Holding The Senate






” Democrats are now (very slightly) favored to hold the Senate majority on Nov. 4, according to Election Lab, The Post’s statistical model of the 2014 midterm elections.

  Election Lab puts Democrats’ chances of retaining their majority at 51 percent — a huge change from even a few months ago, when the model predicted that Republicans had a better than 80 percent chance of winning the six seats they need to take control. (Worth noting: When the model showed Republicans as overwhelming favorites, our model builders — led by George Washington University’s John Sides — warned that the model could and would change as more actual polling — as opposed to historical projections — played a larger and larger role in the calculations. And, in Republicans’ defense, no one I talked to ever thought they had an 80 percent chance of winning the majority.)

So, what exactly has changed to move the Election Lab projection? Three big things: “


See the “three big things” here











Wintry Summer Blast Arrives In The West With Record Cold And Snow




” The calendar may still say summer, but old man winter barreled his way in to ruin the fun, dumping up to 20 inches of snow across the Rockies and sending temperatures plunging to as low as 10 degrees Fahrenheit in Wyoming, with wind chills — yes, wind chills — in the 20s as far south as Denver, Colorado, on Friday morning.

  It’s not unusual to see snow in the Rocky Mountains or even in Denver in September, but the strength of this cold air mass, and the snow totals, were both noteworthy.

  The snow caused major tree damage in Cody and Buffalo, Wyoming, where up to 10 inches fell on Wednesday night and Thursday. According to the National Weather Service, this was earliest recorded snowfall for Cody (by one day), where records date back to 1915. The temperature in Jackson, Wyoming, dropped to 18 degrees Fahrenheit on Friday morning. “





Al Gore was unavailable for comment . Read more











City Of Boulder’s “There’s No Such Thing As The Poop Fairy” Contest Asks Dogs To Dress Up To Promote Responsible Poop-Scooping




” A Colorado city is inviting dog owners to bring their canine companions to a park for the second annual “There’s No Such Thing as the Poop Fairy” photo contest.

  The City of Boulder’s Open Space and Mountain Parks Department said dogs and their owners are being invited to come have their pictures snapped Wednesday at the Sanitas Valley Trail between 7:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. to promote the city’s new dog waste composting program.

  The city said its photographers will provide backdrops and canine costumes, but owners are also free to dress their own pooches in any outfits they choose. “














The 5 Best States For Senior Citizens To Retire In








” Baby boomers may have provided the bulk of the productivity surge in this country during the past couple of decades, but now they’re retiring in unprecedented numbers. This is setting in motion a number of interesting scenarios.

  Some retirees are still recovering from the Great Recession swoon. Many are concerned about the Social Security funding gap, and some need their nest eggs to stretch further because people are living longer than ever these days.

  But for all retirees, choosing where to retire can be just as important as choosing when to retire.

 As we saw last weekend, more than a dozen U.S. states tax Social Security income either at the federal rate or at rates based on their own formulas. In addition, sales tax, property tax, and a bevy of other costs can vary throughout the country. Thus some states let senior citizens hang on to more of their hard-earned cash than others do.

  Thankfully, Bankrate has done the hard work for us. By using a number of factors that include tax burden, cost of living, access to healthcare, crime rate, and even weather, it has ranked the top states for senior citizens to retire in. According to Bankrate’s findings, here are the five best states for retirement, in ascending order: “


Read the rest









Daily Video 7.21.14

Sarah Palin – Western Conservative Summit – Denver, CO






High School Senior Told He’s ‘Not Welcome’ At School After Raising Gadsden Flag







” Greg Stoneburner, a senior who just graduated from Central High School in Grand Junction, Colo., said he was told in no uncertain terms that he was no longer welcome at the school after raising a Gadsden flag on the school’s flagpole. Moreover, he told Examiner.com in an exclusive interview Friday, the principal withheld his flag and his diploma until after his graduation walk.

  The incident, he said on Facebook, took place on May 9. That’s when he replaced the school’s flag with the yellow “Don’t Tread On Me” banner often associated with the Tea Party as a senior prank. He also posted a paper to the pole that told the history of the flag.

  The prank didn’t sit too well with Jodie Diers, the principal of Central High School, who was livid over the prank. Other students, Stoneburner told Examiner, claimed she was angrily yelling to have the flag pulled down when she first saw it. According to Stoneburner, she pulled him out of a scholarship breakfast and told him and his parents the flag was a “slap in the face” to the school. She then said he was “not welcome” at Central High.”


    For information on the historic nature of the Gadsden flag and it’s role in the history of our founding see here . Anyone that would consider the display of such an historic symbol of our independence as “a slap in the face” has no business teaching our children . 











Colorado Crime Levels See Little Change Since Marijuana Legalization – Study






” Less than six months into the experiment that Colorado took up by legalizing marijuana, state officials have released new data indicating that crime has fallen across a number of demographics since January 1.

  The Colorado Department of Public Safety released data through the end of February indicating that not only has the doomsday scenario that law enforcement officials predicted not come true, but crime has fallen by significant margins.

  Compared to the same time period in 2013, overall property crime fell by 14.6 percent in Denver. Homicide rates, while not leaving the single digits in either year, fell by 66.7 percent while the number of robberies decreased by seven percent. Other violent offenses have remained consistent or increased.

  Authorities have admitted that the two-month sample size is far too small to be conclusive, although the signs are encouraging after fears that Denver would descend into a metropolitan hellscape if cannabis were to become legal for residents over 18 years old.

“ We quite frankly don’t know,” Henny Lasley, spokesperson for Smart Colorado, which aims to keep marijuana away from children, told Vox. “We’ve had three complete months of retail marijuana. We were getting those questions three days into legalization. It’s a pretty short window.” “


Read more










HS Students Say Pledge In Arabic: ‘One Nation Under Allah’





” The principal at Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins, Colorado, is facing a hailstorm of criticism from some very angry parents and residents.

  The school recites the Pledge of Allegiance weekly, on Mondays. Last Monday, a member of their “Cultural Arms Club” led the student body in an Arabic version of the pledge, replacing the words “under God” with “under Allah.”

  Principal Tom Lopez denies any attempt to push an Islamic agenda, saying, “These students love this country. They were not being un-American in trying to do this. They believed they were accentuating the meaning of the words as spoken regularly in English.””


    We the people are under siege from the actions of the very government we finance to protect us … rescue beacons for illegals , Arabic pledge of Allegiance … where does the self-destruction end ? Read all about it .











Colorado Gun Laws Argued In Federal Court




U.S. District Judge Marcia Krieger

” Colorado’s new gun restrictions went on trial Monday as Second Amendment advocates seek to overturn the laws on grounds that they violate constitutional rights to keep and bear arms.

  An attorney for the state defended the ammunition magazine limits and expanded background checks, saying the measures were a suitable response to high-profile shooting rampages.

  In his opening statement, Deputy Attorney General Matthew Grove noted Colorado’s tortured history with mass shootings, from the Columbine High School attack in 1999 to the Aurora movie theater massacre in 2012. He also mentioned the shooting spree at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut in 2012.

  Responding to such events last year, “Colorado’s elected representatives made a policy decision to pass two pieces of legislation that appropriately balances the state public’s safety concerns with the respect of the Second Amendment rights of citizens,” Grove said.

  Attorney Richard Westfall, representing gun rights advocates, countered by saying the laws “were passed with almost no evidence or data” that they would make people safer, and he criticized lawmakers as trying “to legislate for the sake of legislating in the wake of the Aurora theater shooting.”

  The arguments in Denver federal court kicked off a two-week trial on an issue that’s been among Colorado’s most politically contentious in recent memory.”

More at the Washington Times









Judicial Watch Plans To Sue States With Dirty Voter Rolls; Obama’s DOJ Plays Dead







” Judicial Watch put two states and the nation’s capital on notice that it will file a federal lawsuit if they don’t clean up their voter registration rolls within 90 days.

  Iowa, Colorado and the District of Columbia have one thing in common — they have more registered voters than people eligible to vote.

  In a Monday press briefing, Judicial Watch officials said they sent letters to the secretaries of state in Iowa and Colorado and the Board of Elections supervisors in the District of Columbia, saying:

  We write to bring your attention to violations of Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act (“NVRA”) … This letter serves as statutory notice that Judicial Watch will bring a lawsuit against your office if you do not take specific actions to correct these violations of Section 8 within 90 days. In addition, by this letter we are asking you to produce certain records to us which you are required to make available under Section 8(i) of the NVRA. We hope that litigation will not be necessary to enforce either of these claims.”


Story continues








Tumbleweeds invade dust devil and turn into a firestorm at controlled burn!
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=8b0_1395450531#kmKyBwaccviGAH8m.99
Tumbleweeds invade dust devil and turn into a firestorm at controlled burn!
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=8b0_1395450531#kmKyBwaccviGAH8m.99
Tumbleweeds invade dust devil and turn into a firestorm at controlled burn! 

This video is worth your while….this fiery dust devil at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal began as a prescribed burn but quickly got out of control when a dust devil swept that fire in with HUNDREDS of tumble weeds!

Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=8b0_1395450531#kmKyBwaccviGAH8m.99

Tumbleweeds invade dust devil and turn into a firestorm at controlled burn!
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=8b0_1395450531#kmKyBwaccviGAH8m.99
Tumbleweeds invade dust devil and turn into a firestorm at controlled burn! 

This video is worth your while….this fiery dust devil at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal began as a prescribed burn but quickly got out of control when a dust devil swept that fire in with HUNDREDS of tumble weeds!

Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=8b0_1395450531#kmKyBwaccviGAH8m.99






Courtesy of Thomas Rogers



Wild Fire Dust Devils



” This video is worth your while….this fiery dust devil at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal began as a prescribed burn but quickly got out of control when a dust devil swept that fire in with HUNDREDS of tumble weeds! “









This video is worth your while….this fiery dust devil at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal began as a prescribed burn but quickly got out of control when a dust devil swept that fire in with HUNDREDS of tumble weeds!
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=8b0_1395450531#kmKyBwaccviGAH8m.99

Colorado Public School Takes Students On A Field Trip To The Shooting Range


Craver Middle School Gun Trip



” School officials in Pueblo County, Colorado are bucking the anti-gun trend and recently approved a field trip for middle school students to a local shooting range where they learned about gun safety and how to properly handle a firearm. The gun safety and marksman group Project Appleseed, an activity of The Revolutionary War Veterans Association, was brought in to instruct students, all of whom fired at the range with live ammunition. The trip was scheduled shortly after students learned about The Revolutionary War in their classrooms.

” We’ve never been allowed to bring actual real firearms into a school. Until this week. This is a very big deal. We had them touching fire arms, holding them and learning about how to handle them safely,” Appleseed Instructor Elizabeth Blackwood told KRDO.”









Funny PSAs Warn Colorado Residents: Drive High, Get A DUI







You can grill high …


You can shoot baskets high …

You can hang your new flat screen high …

Lesson : If you get high , don’t drive .

The New USA? Secession Movement Gains Steam





” If you mention the word “secession” most people think of the South during the Civil War. But today, a new movement is gaining steam because of frustration over a growing, out-of-control federal government.

  A number of conservative, rural Americans are taking about seceding and creating their own states, meaning a new map of the United States of America could include the following:

  These are real movements gaining traction with voters across the country. Jeffrey Hare runs the 51st State Initiative in Colorado, an effort to fight an out-of-control legislature trying to ram big government policies down the throats of voters.

” We’re at this point of irreconcilable differences,” Hare told CBN News.

  Secessionist talk has filled town hall meetings and the divide discussed is not just ideological.

” It’s predominately left versus right, but it’s urban versus rural because you typically find more typical conservative values in rural America,” Hare said.”


   For more information on the burgeoning secessionist movement and links to the organizations leading the charge you can go to uniondissolved.com and see what is happening in all of the states . The depth and breadth of discontent may surprise you . Obama may turn out to have been quite prescient when he said …



    Wikipedia offers this list of U.S. state partition proposals which numbers 36 and includes current and past efforts , while this link to the Middlebury Institute provides links to secessionist movements most of which are aimed at creating independent republics as opposed to adding to the states of the US .

” This is a list of official or otherwise noteworthy proposals for dividing existing US states into multiple states. It does not specifically address statewide or other movements to secede from the United States. The word secession can refer to political separation at different levels of government organization, from city to state to country; this list focuses on secession from (rather than by) U.S. states, particularly to form new U.S. states.

  Article IV of the United States Constitution provides for the creation of new states of the Union, requiring that any such creation be approved by the legislature of the affected state(s), as well as the United States Congress.

  Since the adoption of the U.S. Constitution, four states have been created from parts of an existing state: Maine (from Massachusetts), West Virginia (from Virginia), Kentucky(also from Virginia), and Vermont (from New York and New Hampshire)—though New York’s claim to Vermont was weak, as it was asked for its consent and Vermont was essentially an independent republic until 1791.”

There is no doubting that we live in interesting times . Read more from CBN News







Colorado Couple May Lose Home In ‘Open Space’ Eminent Domain Seizure




” Andy and Ceil Barrie fell in love with and bought a three-bedroom home on a beautiful ten-acre property within the White River National Forest in Colorado, a sprawling reserve of 2.1 million acres. Only three years after purchasing the property and the house within it, county government officials, annoyed by the couple’s use of an ATV to drive to their property, are trying to to take the Barries’ home away.

  The county claims that it is seizing the property through eminent domain in order to preserve open space, according to an Associate Press report. The Barries say they have no plans to develop the land at all, and even let hikers travel through their property. Open space “is all it’s ever been,” Andy Barrie said.

  The Barries use an ATV to reach their home via a 1.2-mile mining road through the forest. After the U.S. Forest Service told the couple that they could not use a motorized vehicle to get to their property, the Barries claimed a legal right to use the road and are preparing to challenge the Forest Service in court.”


National Review has more








Colorado Ballot Measure Proposes Education Classes To Marry


” As if getting married wasn’t complicated enough, a proposed ballot initiative would require mandatory pre-wedding education before couples could say “I do.”

  Lumped onto the hours spent debating centerpieces, picking a photographer, finding the perfect dress and corralling future in-laws, the proposed Colorado Marriage Education Act calls for 10 hours of pre-wedding marriage education.

  If either the bride- or groom-to-be is marrying for the second time, the requirement kicks up to a minimum of 20 hours. It goes up to 30 hours for a third- time’s-the-charm.

  A re-marrying widow would be held to the same standard as a first-timer. The law would not apply to civil unions.”



Why the double standard regarding civil unions ? This young woman sums it up nicely …



” “This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard,” said Alyx Reese-Giles, who was married for the third time in November. “The government has no business deciding what education people should or should not get before entering into marriage. Marriage is about communication and being ready to commit, and no class is going to teach you that.” “

     Just where are the limits to State intrusion into our lives ? The answer ? There are no limits as long as we are willing to sit back and allow the State to insinuate itself into every aspect of our lives . Sheep will be herded … or eaten .



” As proposed, the prenuptial curriculum would be created and overseen by the Colorado State Board of Marriage and Family Therapist Examiners. The board would then validate completion and issue a “Marriage Course Completion Certificate.” The couple would pay the cost associated with the education.”


Tax and control , that’s what it’s all about , tax and control .







VIDEO: SWAT Team Takes Down Man Who Used Woman As Human Shield






” Dramatic video shows a SWAT team taking down a man who used a woman as a human shield.

  Authorities say the suspect entered a Denver 7-Eleven and barricaded himself inside, taking two employees and one customer hostage.”


Here is some raw , unedited footage of the hostage rescue .













Debtors’ Prisons Make A Comeback In America



” The Colorado chapter of the ACLU recently accused three Front Range cities of jailing people for failing to pay court-ordered fines that they could not afford. According to the organization, municipal courts in Westminster, Wheat Ridge and Northglenn, routinely issue“pay-or-serve” warrants without consideration for a debtor’s ability to pay.

“ These ‘pay-or-serve’ warrants return Colorado to the days of debtors’ prisons, which were abolished long ago,” said Mark Silverstein, ACLU legal director. “Jailing poor people for fines they cannot pay violates the Constitution and punishes poor people just for being poor. It also wastes taxpayer resources, crowds the jails, and doesn’t get the fines paid.”

  In reporting on the Colorado towns, ACLU noted that the Jefferson County Jail imprisoned at least 154 people on pay-or-serve warrants between February and June 2013. The organization deducts that 973 days were served at a cost to taxpayers of more than $70 per day, for a total cost of more than $70,000.

“ These 973 fine days cancelled out $40,000 of fines, making the total loss to the taxpayer $110,000,” the ACLU reports.”










Sheriffs Think Gun Laws Are Waste of Time





” One of the leading talking points for those advocating more gun laws has been the support many such measures have gotten from law enforcement personnel. As a rule, police officers generally prefer working in environments where the populace is unarmed. That’s understandable since, at least in theory, fewer guns ought to make it safer for cops to do their jobs. But just as the consensus about the need for more gun control in urban sectors breaks down once you leave the suburbs and head into the exurbs and rural areas, the same might be said about peacekeepers. As the New York Times reports today in a front-page feature, a growing number of county sheriffs are not only saying they think the latest wave of state laws passed in the wake of last year’s Newtown massacre are wrongheaded or unnecessary. They’re also saying they won’t enforce them because they are unconstitutional or a waste of time.



    Now , a year later the Old Grey Lady finally catches wind of the average Sheriff’s position ?  That’s some investigatory staff they’ve got there . Good thing we don’t need to rely on those resourceless , pajama-clad , basement-dwelling bloggers for timely reports of the news .



” This is happening not only in rural Colorado, which has become the cutting edge of the gun debate, but also in upstate New York, where Governor Andrew Cuomo made new laws restricting firearms and ammunition magazines a priority in 2013 as well as in Florida and California. The trend stems in part from pro-gun sentiment. But just as important to the discussion is the notion that outside of cities, laws whose sole aim is to make it harder to legally possess weapons are seen as vague, unenforceable, and burden already overworked law enforcement officials with busywork. Many sheriffs simply say they’ve had enough and even if their attempts to nullify legislation on constitutional grounds are unlikely to succeed, their protests illustrate the growing discontent about legislation that is out of touch with the culture of rural America.”



Read the rest at Commentary






Colorado School Shooter A “Very Opinionated Socialist”…



” Sorry libs, he’s one of yours.

Via News.com.au:

  A TEENAGER who may have had a grudge against a teacher opened fire with a shotgun at a Colorado high school, wounding two students before killing himself.

  Quick-thinking students alerted the targeted teacher, who quickly left the building.

  The scene unfolded on the eve of the Newtown massacre anniversary, a sombre reminder of the ever-present potential for violence in American schools.

  Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson Robinson identified the shooter on Friday night as 18-year-old Karl Halverson Pierson.

  The shooter entered Arapahoe High School armed with a shotgun and looking for a teacher he identified by name, Sheriff Robinson said.

  Thomas Conrad, who had an economics class with the gunman,described him as a very opinionated Socialist.”








Letter From The Chair – A Lot To Be Thankful For



Tickets on Sale!50 dollars off all-access admission until January 1st. Find out more!



Happy Thanksgiving, Libertarians!  


” Here’s something to be thankful for: we’ve broken 26,000 registered Libertarians in Colorado!  That’s an increase of 24% since January 1st, an incredible accomplishment for an off-year for legislative and gubernatorial elections. And how exactly did we do on the propositions in this year’s election?

  Modo vincis, modo vinceris :- 

  Amendment 66 failed by 2 to 1, and that’s a very, very good thing.  It’s kinda hard not to notice a billion-dollar juggernaut rumbling down towards you, so it’s hard to miss when it crumbles to dust just short of impact. $10 Million was spent by special interests out-of-state on this tax hike. That’s $33.00 per vote. This is money that could have been donated to the very schools they claim to be helping.

  But we know they’ll be back again in another couple of years, and Referendum AA – the municipal version of the Tax-the-Hell-Out-of Demon-Weed proposition – did pass 2 to 1 in many cities. So the question we all have to ponder is: Has the “Great Recession” made enough of a lasting impression that this generation will resist not just this wave of money grabs, but the next one as well?  Or do we need to give some serious thought to what we ought to be saying to our friends and family to fully educate them about the hollow promises of government shell games?

  We may have put a partial end to the drug war in exchange for some degree of regulation, but with taxes approaching 50% – the lion’s share of which is going into more bureaucracy, not education – the cities that passed this law have effectively killed their markets for marijuana retailers by pushing the business both underground and out of town.  It’s one big shell game on every level, and we need to keep pointing that out.”











Environmental Causes Suffer Defeats Across The Country



” Environmental causes across the country saw defeat last night as voters from Maine to Colorado rejected anti-fossil fuel policies such as hydraulic fracturing restrictions and tar sands oil import bans.

Anti-fossil groups did see some victories on Tuesday night as three cities in Colorado passed restrictions on fracking and an Ohio city also voted to limit fracking. Other environmentalist attempts to harm the fossil fuel industry across the country, however, were stymied.”